Children's hairstyles for girls: from garden to school. Children's hairstyles for graduation in kindergarten Hairstyle of a wreath for a girl

Little girls are angels, and questions of beauty are not alien to them, despite their tender age. From an early age, little princesses take a great interest in their mothers' outfits and make-up, trying to copy everything they see. For young mothers, baby hairstyles for girls from this collection provide a huge scope for creativity. Good hairstyles for little girls should combine a variety of cute buns, little braids, braids, and of course loose hair that you can decorate with something.

Parents try to make their daughters look special at school or in kindergarten. In this they are helped by cool hairstyles and hair accessories. We have collected 40 coolest children's hairstyles for the youngest fashionistas, so after reading the article, you will not have a question, what hairstyle to make your child?

What are the best hairstyles for little girls?

Mostly the ones that don't cause any inconvenience and seem nice. Choose the right haircut for your little daughter. Thin hair looks good when cut under a medium bob. Usually this hairstyle does not require much style and can be decorated with a perm or small French braids that will keep hair out of your eyes.

If your daughter has beautiful thick hair or curls, let them grow to be able to create more complex hairstyles. Beautiful, long braids and luxurious ponytails have always been the envy of others.

Many parents dislike overly complicated children's hairstyles. They don't want their daughter to look like a doll with a flashy haircut. Parents understand that long hair doesn't have to look messy and want their daughters to look neat. For formal institutions, whether it's elementary school or a kindergarten for a girl, they are very suitable: a ponytail, double braids, just a high bun or a braided hoop. Such hairstyles for little girls look very decent and do not take much time, most of them can be done at home on your own.

Small details make simple, girly haircuts special. You can verify this by looking
40 girly hairstyles below that your daughter will love. Whether you are picking your child up for kindergarten on a regular day or in kindergarten today is graduation, these hairstyles will suit all occasions.

See, get inspired and choose the best kids hairstyles for girls for every day or occasion! We will tell you how to make kids hairstyles for girls!

1. Funny hairstyle with braids for long hair

Hairstyles for little girls with decorative braids look amazing. To do this, you need to braid three pigtails, starting from the forehead, and connect them together in a ponytail of medium height, located slightly on the side. This is a suitable kids hairstyle for girls in long hair garden.

In the photo, a 5-year-old girl with braids twisted into two bundles. Braids are one of the most popular hairstyles for little girls. Bundles are a fun idea to spice up little girls' braided hair. Part your hair down the center. Starting at the back of the head, braid two Dutch pigtails, going up, and twist their ends into bunches. Hairstyle for medium hair.

What a beautiful hairstyle! There is nothing wrong with a three-strand braid, but if you want your daughter's hair to be something special, do it a little more complicated. Braid a plurality of strands diagonally. Roll the ends into a bun.

Hair accessories can be used to create a wide variety of hairstyles, especially for girls. Try this style by braiding three lace braids diagonally across your child's head. Tie the ends of the braids together into a flat rosette. Secure in the center with a hair clip. This hairstyle is perfect for a matinee.

5. Party braids with ribbons for medium hair

In the photo, the hairstyle is perfect for a graduation in kindergarten, and it is also quite simple. Cute hairstyles for little girls almost always include some kind of fun decorations like flowers, colorful hairpins or colored ribbons. Weave the ribbon into your little girl's braids, and the usual hairstyle immediately becomes festive.

French braids in the shape of a heart - this is how every little girl dreams of playing sports. The key to this hairstyle is precise separation and tight braiding. Secure the ends with an attractive bow. This option is good for a wedding or other family celebration.

This beautiful hairstyle is perfect for little princesses. A layered, elongated braid with a standard three-strand braid will add volume to this look. Skillful combination of accessories on the head with an outfit will help the girl to look even more attractive.

8. Diagonal elongated braids for girls from rubber bands

Fun hairstyles for girls are very voluminous, especially for events. Consider experimenting with stretched strands if you really want a hairstyle that literally stands out. Remember when it comes to cute hairstyles for little girls, the best detail is the adorable bow.

The braid looks great when it just hangs, but it can also make a great hairstyle. Twist the braid into a flower shape, loosen a little. Decorate your hair with floral hairpins for a more natural look. This short hairstyle is perfect for Knowledge Day and your first school trip on September 1st.

Use elastic bands to tie each pair of ponytails together and join them to the next pair for a nice cross pattern. The ends can be braided into a braid or ponytail and decorated with your daughter's favorite accessory. This hairstyle is suitable for short and medium length hair.

Children's hairstyles for special occasions can be beautiful and light, as in this case. Gather the girl's hair loosely at the back of her head and curl it up. Leave a few strands. If she has naturally straight hair, try curling the ends for more volume. What's the best accessory for a little girl's hairstyle? Hairpins with flowers - perfect for formal occasions like weddings, matinees or graduations.

Hairstyles for little ones can be quite complex, and this encourages us to master new weaving techniques. However, we can also replace the looped braids used here with regular braids, which we do well. A suitable hairstyle for a girl to school in 5 minutes.

Connect the fishtail with a zigzag braid. Leave some of the hair unbound in a fishtail in advance. Braid the fishtail, then make a simple braid from the remaining hair and secure it over your head for a whimsical accent.

When it comes to tall hairstyles, try curling your hair instead of braiding it. This is one of the prettiest little girls hairstyles. Make a symmetrical parting in the center. Curl the hair on each side, starting at the front and adding more hair as you curl. Wrap the ends in bunches and secure with flowers.

Children love tall hairstyles, especially those that shape recognizable figures. This hairstyle will make your regular braids more interesting thanks to the double hearts. Divide your hair in half and then each section into three more square sections. Twist your hair so that you get hearts. Gather the loose ends into ponytails and decorate with bows.

Mohawk is the funniest high hairstyle of them all. You can add color to this look by securing the curls with bright colored hairpins. If your daughter has fine hair, do a little comb on each section to increase thickness and volume.

This is one of those girls' hairstyles for dark hair that looks equally good on both thin and thick hair. Two Dutch braids start at the temples. When you get to the back of your head, cross your braids one above the other. Continue braiding from the opposite side, bending the braid to form a loop.

When it comes to girly hairstyles, the placement of the braid is as important as the look. This elongated braid dramatically transitions from a mohawk with small elastic bands into bunches. Use bright colored elastic bands in your hair to enhance the style.

Curled hair with bright elastic bands will delight every girl. Do a side curl instead of a forward curl to give this hairstyle a fresh look. Finally, tie the ends into a messy bun with a bow.

Hairstyles for little girls should look pretty from all angles, not just the front. If your girl has long hair, make inverted braids starting at the back of the head and secure the ends in a large, voluminous bun.

A cute and beloved hairstyle for both formal events and school visits, it can be complemented with a pastel bow. These cute little girls hairstyles work best on long, thick hair, as it will require sufficient length and texture to create it.

The fishtail braid is popular with both children and teenagers. This new version of the hairstyle involves combing the hair thoroughly before making it into braids. Add satin ribbons or other hair ornaments to complete the look. Don't know how to weave a fish tail? It may take a little time to learn how to weave, so be sure to practice.

Make your everyday hairstyle more interesting with braids. To do this, part the center hair and divide it in two. Braid each one into French braids until you reach the top of your head. Then start weaving fish tails. Twist the ends and secure them with rubber bands.

Beautiful hairstyles can be done not only on smooth, straight hair. For little girls with curly hair, you can also create a cute hairstyle. This style is perfect for warm weather or unusual occasions, and any length of hair will do.

25. Braiding hair "Basket" of elastic bands

This hairstyle is not as complicated as it sounds. This look is suitable for a girl with shoulder-length hair, and she will like it. The hardest part about this hairstyle is getting the child to stand still while you make the basket. Use colored rubber bands to secure your hair and it will last all day.

This fancy hairstyle is made with six braids and loose hair, then paired together in two. Pull the remaining hair to the side and then pull the hair from the back of your neck to the upper right corner. Secure the remaining hair in a bun and add a fun accessory.

27. Hairstyle "Double Girly Fun"

Perfect for curly hair types. This hairstyle includes voluminous curls and buns that look great on any kid. Add ribbon or flowers for a more doll-like look. You will need a lot of rubber bands and hairpins to secure this hairstyle. Hairspray will help her last all day.

Start with a small French braid on both sides and then pull your hair into a messy bun. Leave the rest of your hair loose, and if you have time, curl it up.

29. Smooth and formal bundles

Many hairstyles for little girls are classic - this is what mothers remember from their youth first of all. This two-piece hairstyle for a little girl is a perfect example. It is ideal for fine, straight hair. But you can also try this hairstyle with thicker hair. It can be done for school or for a wedding.

30. Inverted braid

Forget the ponytail, use your imagination for something more creative. This hairstyle includes two braids that go from bottom to top, twisted into two buns. You won't be able to exercise with this hairstyle if you have short hair, but girls with long hair can wear it indefinitely.

31. Loose and curled hair

Sometimes hair looks best when nothing is done about it. If your child has long hair of medium thickness, simply cascade curls and secure a few of the front strands with hairpins in the back. Done!

32. Colored braids at the side

A bit cheeky, a little punk, but still this hairstyle is quite delicate. When you're looking for hairstyles for little girls that haven't hit the mainstream yet, try this simple and cute style. Don't want to dye your hair? Dyed threads or hair crayons are great for your young model.

33. A quick and easy hairstyle

This hairstyle is adorable and loved by kids. Just pull your hair away from your face, brush up a little and add braids to the sides. You can create waves, curls, or leave your hair straight.

34. Wicker nests

This hairstyle consists of three curled braids secured with hairpins - perfect for family photos and other special occasions. You can decorate the center of each nest with beads, flowers, or bows.

35. Cute curls with a rim

Does your little girl have natural curls? Then choose hairstyles for her that are similar to this one. Funny curls with a funny accessory. If your hair is naturally straight, curl it with an iron or curling iron. Girls will love this look!

36. Braid twisted into a bun

This braid will look good on thick and thin hair. It extends from the upper right side of the head and spirals into a bun. Add a flower as a final touch.

37. African braids

It is very difficult to make such braids and it is difficult to undo them later, but a professional can make the girl wear this hairstyle for a month or longer. So go to the hairdresser.

When it comes to hairstyles for little girls, there is nothing better than this delicate vintage look. Add accessories to mask the hairpins and rubber bands.

39. Creative hairstyle with ribbons

This is another hairstyle that looks more complicated than it actually is. Braid two French braids along the hairline, you can add a thin satin ribbon to them. Tie it around the bottom of the elastic band with which you secured the braids.

40. Unique punk braid

For girls with thick hair, this mohawk hairstyle will suit. Try doing it the next time you have an event or if you want something original that is the opposite of your regular school hairstyles.

If the options presented were not enough for you to make a decision, watch this video with children's hairstyles for girls in addition:

Styling your daughter's hair is a fun process that you will fully appreciate when you get started. Some hairstyles are simple and easy, which can be done in 5 minutes, while others require perseverance. And don't forget to take pictures of her new hairstyles, children grow up quickly and every new moment is unique. Post the resulting photos with hairstyles in the comments, it will be very interesting for us to see what happened.

Should be simple and straightforward, easy and fast. And they should also be comfortable and practical, so that they do not bother the child under any circumstances, and also give aesthetic pleasure from wearing really beautiful and comfortable hairstyles. Modern little fashionistas often want to choose for themselves what they will have on their heads today, and, accordingly, adults will have to try to make all the wishes of the little princess come true. In this article you will find a lot of options for simple hairstyles and you can always please your child with a variety of styling without going to salons and without wasting hours of time.

Choosing a hairstyle for a child:

  1. If the hair is thin: braids are contraindicated (strong pressure on the roots).
  2. If the curls are soft and wavy: well semi-loose styling, and braids also do not fit (all the zest of such hair is lost).
  3. If the face is wide, square or rectangular: you can have short haircuts, but sleek and smooth styling will not work.
  4. If the forehead is high: bangs are required.
  5. If the face is narrow, elongated: you can have short haircuts, but the volume at the temples is important (these can be bows, flowers).
  6. If there is a large amount of hair, lush: braids are perfect (they remove excess volume).

Long hair

Good, shiny long hair for a little lady is of course the pride of both mother and child. They greatly adorn girls and are an indicator of health, both general and hair in particular. But, choosing the next hairstyle option, do not choose too complex and hung with a lot of elastic bands, bows or using a curl of the whole head - do not torment either the child or the curls. The consequences can remain for a long time and will have to be restored for many years.

The easiest way to install is loose hair , but this is not very practical, especially for kindergarten children. But the spectacularity of loose hair is difficult to replace with something and often I really want this option. And here you can collect your hair a little at least in some places: for example, tie up a summer to remove hair from your face, a headband is also suitable. You can also fasten hairpins-bows on the sides to fix the side strands. Twist the ends of the curls for a more effective hairstyle, but use soft curlers and dry your hair naturally.

Celtic knot

Braids and weaving ... Long hair gives an incredible fertile ground for weaving fantasy. You can implement a million options. Here are some instructions:

  • on the sides, braid one ordinary pigtail (plaits can be used) and connect them at the back, in the back of the head, in the tail. Tie with an elastic band. Wrap the ends of the braids around the elastic and form a basket. Loose ends can be left loose, or 2 more braids can be braided and added to the basket.
  • divide the hair in half with a side parting. In the lower part, we make 3 tails at the same distance (if possible more, we do more). Twist each ponytail into flagella, connect them to the rest of the hair and make a side tail. We divide the tail itself into strands and twist a tourniquet from each. We lay each flagellum in the form of a loop and fix it at the base with thin elastic bands. You can decorate the finished hairstyle with a small flower.

Simple tails good option for everyday hairstyles. By adding some interesting details, it will turn from a simple and ordinary styling into something bright, original and somehow sparkle in a new way.

Divide the hair into two halves. Separate the strands from the middle of the ear and above. Make a ponytail from the lower strands, but do not tighten the elastic. Make a hole behind the elastic in your hair and pass the end of the tail from below through this hole. Pull up so that the elastic also comes out through the hole upward (the base of the tail should twist). Pull up the elastic.

Select a new strand above the finished ponytail. Make a ponytail and also pass the end through the hole, but also grab the end from the first ponytail. Repeat the same steps with the third ponytail. The remaining ends can be shaped like a bun, knot, or a simple ponytail.

For medium hair

Medium-length hair is the golden mean: there is a sufficient amount of styling for them, and care for them is much easier than for long ones, they also have little tangle and dry much faster. The most popular hairstyle for medium hair is the bob cut. She does not need any styling and therefore is quite popular with mothers who find it difficult to braid their hair every morning. The only thing that can be supplemented with a hair clip or a pair of hairpins, crossed crosswise and fixed to the side. A zest is needed for any styling.

Wreaths and placers of flowers ... Form a high bun out of the entire mass of hair, secure it. Put a wreath on top, a headband with flowers, so that the bundle falls in the center of the accessory. Flower headbands and wreaths can also be worn over loose hair - a lovely, fresh addition to summer styling.

Mischievous tail... Tie the ponytail to the side, at ear level. Decorate it with a bow or twist the ends a little.

Other styling options: braids, plaits, roses, bundles ... Combining these elements into a single hairstyle. Supplement with multi-colored elastic bands. In general, all manifestations of imagination will help you.

For short hair

Short hair is certainly not long, but it can also be beautifully styled and styled with a twist. Of course, there are not very many options, but those that are will help to diversify the everyday look and add new emotions!

So, the simplest options are: loose hair , you can play a little with the parting (oblique, torn, zigzag), add all kinds of accessories. Hoops (simple or decorated with some cute detail), headbands or ribbons (with long ends it will look very interesting and unusual), hairpins (they are collected in groups and fix all the necessary strands with them).

Funny ponytails : one, two, three - as your heart desires. They look incredibly cute, easy and casual. Instead of elastic bands, you can add bows. And the ponytail on the back of the head is well suited for active girls (for walking and playing sports), as it allows you to quickly collect hair and at the same time holds well and does not fall apart even with the fastest movements.

The main element with which you can diversify the hairstyle itself and generally increase the number of hair styling options is accessories ... There is a wide variety of them today. For short hairstyles, headbands and ribbons are ideal. Only bangs will need styling, while the rest of the hair needs to be combed back and a rim fixed to them. Pay special attention to what the accessories are made of. They should not have sharp corners, be soft, not tight, and not stain the scalp.

They will look very original on short hair braids ... You can braid a French braid in a circle - from temple to temple. And you can divide the mass of hair in half into a parting and from the parting to the temples also braid pigtails - you get an openwork rim of braids. All this is charmingly decorated with flowers or ribbons. It looks amazing.

For very little girls

Starting from kindergarten, girls can already do interesting and varied hairstyles and styling, since by this age there is already enough industry for mom's experiments on her hair and the embodiment of long-standing desires to decorate her child. Hairstyles for such young children usually consist of simple elements, supplemented with accessories and at the same time no chemicals are used in any way. Hair health and wearing comfort are above all!

Tie your hair into two or three high ponytails and tie it with colored elastic bands. Such hairstyles for very young children should benefit from color, brightness, and not due to the complexity of weaving.

Long bangs can be removed under the bezel (stabbed with a funny hair clip) or made of it a small bow with a beautiful elastic band. It turns out very cute and funny.

We make a ponytail at the back of the head. Wet the end of the tail with water. Screw it on your finger and blow dry (use the cold setting so as not to dry out the ends). You should have a graceful curl.

If the length allows, then you can try braiding small braids. We decorate each braid with thin multi-colored elastic bands or bows. The main thing is not to overload the child's head with accessories and voluminous, bulky styling - all this will only interfere with him!

For little schoolgirls

You can't dress for school in terms of clothes, and in terms of choosing a hairstyle. School styling should be serious, concise, without unnecessary elements and neat, so that nothing distracts the young schoolgirl from the learning process. Naturally festive options, too voluminous styling, brightly colored hair, non-standard hairstyles (of various fashion trends) are not suitable for the school.

The most common hairstyles are: simply loose (but this may not be very practical), various kinds of buns and tails, braids and weaves.

Cartoon Princess Jasmine Tail: Braid a regular ponytail, comb it, and tie it with thin elastic bands in several places.

Bundle: Braid a regular bundle, but tousle it slightly, but not too much. This is very relevant today and looks fresh and interesting. Such a bunch is very feminine and well emphasizes the delicate features of the face.

The tail is the opposite. Tie a regular tail - not tight. At the base, we divide it in half and insert the lower part of the tail into the resulting hole. In principle, you can leave it that way, or you can form a lower bundle by wrapping the end of the tail to the base again and decorating with some kind of hairpin or simply fixing it with hairpins.

  • preparation of hair for styling: first, wash the curls with shampoo. Before you wash off the shampoo, comb through a sparse comb. After washing off the shampoo, pat dry your hair (do not rub) - all these measures are necessary to prevent tangling and minor damage to the hair and roots.
  • for dry hair: after washing, be sure to apply conditioner.
  • dry preferably naturally.
  • varnish and other styling products are contraindicated in children under 7 years of age.
  • it is advisable not to use small hairpins and hairpins in hairstyles for very young girls - this is not safe.
  • if you want to decorate your hair with a bow, then choose a small, neat bow, not a huge and lush one. A small bow to match the dress will be a wonderful and original addition.
  • braids are superbly complemented by pearls, ribbons, flowers and hairpins.
  • hair should not get into the eyes - this is fraught with conjunctivitis and strabismus, and in general this creates great discomfort.
  • if your hair is thin and long, then it will be very attractive to braid a braid and collect it in a high bun, and you can also decorate with beads or flowers.
  • if you really want curled curls, then it is better to use a more gentle method of curling: in the evening, braid wet hair into tight braids.
  • children's styling has one unpleasant property - they quickly lose their shape and disintegrate. What to do?! Here you need to choose the right hairstyle. Best of all, all kinds of weaving - braids, baskets, snakes and spikelets. They withstand the activity of the child well, while the hair is matched and does not get into the eyes.
  • it is advisable to distract the child with something during the very process of laying: he will not be bored, and you will succeed in everything neatly.

Every girl, whether she is a kindergarten student or a schoolgirl, wants to be attractive, bright and interesting appearance. At any age, a female representative strives to create a beautiful and delicate image that catches the eye and arouses admiration from others. Hairstyles play an essential role in achieving these completely natural female desires. The article will consider hairstyles for girls with medium hair, suitable for every day to school and kindergarten. Styling at this most advantageous and optimal length can make a real little princess out of a girl, and turn every everyday day into a fabulous carnival. Mommies should only have some patience and find some free time to make the girl's image truly original.

Medium hair length is very convenient for creating hairstyles for girls, it is easiest to handle and style them in different ways.

The structure of children's hair is particularly fragile. Considering this feature, a caring mommy should approach the choice of hairstyle for a girl with all care and caution. If you just leave the curls in a loose state, then, most likely, you will have to face the problem of tangled strands, which will subsequently be very difficult to comb without harming your hair.

Next, we will present possible options for hairstyles for girls with medium hair, a step-by-step photo of styling that does not require long hours to complete them. They are not extremely difficult to create. In addition, simple and beautiful children's hairstyles will not cause brittleness and hair loss, which are very thin at a very young age, because of which they can suffer from the slightest impact on them.

"Heart of braids"

An original, interesting hairstyle that is suitable for girls 9.10 years old with medium hair length. Neatly and beautifully made pigtails, gathered in the shape of a heart, will not get in the way throughout the day. The styling is carried out as follows: the strands of the face are divided into two parts, as shown in the photo. To get a heart with the help of weaving, you immediately need to designate an arched parting. Weaving braids is carried out with a catch, moving from the face and using only the strands until the parting formed at the very beginning. You can use a small amount of gel or mousse to give your curls a more groomed look. Then they will be obedient, easily available for various kinds of work with them. Going down, both braids unite into one, forming a heart. As a complement to the look, the hairstyle can be decorated with a bright ribbon or headband.

French braid

The hair is separated by a round parting and gathered in a strong ponytail at the crown of the head. From the created tail, thin curls are woven into the main braids according to the principle of French weaving. At the level of the neck, the strands are collected in a bun, tail or braid (at personal discretion).

"Wreath" of rubber bands

This styling is ideal for girls 3-5 years old. It is performed very quickly and is ideal for a kindergarten. A hairstyle is created like this: first, the strands are divided into two parts, then into four halves and then into eight parts. The sixth part, located at the bottom, is fixed with an elastic band. The next seventh part is advanced into the elastic until the tail ends. At the beginning of the braided wreath, you can leave a small strand, wind it beautifully to get an elegant curl. This detail can be created when the girl goes to a festive event.

The neat appearance of a diligent student will help create ideological variations of the below presented styles for the school. These hairstyles are suitable for medium hair for girls 9 years old and older.

Asymmetrical fishtail

A very neat and original hairstyle for school for medium hair, the strands in which are neatly gathered and slightly fluffed. First you need to make a zigzag parting. The strands are pulled forward, located on one side. On the other side of the temporal part, the usual weaving of a "fishtail" is performed around the head and to the very end. The braid should be at the side. To add volume, the loops are slightly fluffy, starting from the top and further to the bottom. The hairstyle is shown on long curls, but nothing prevents you from doing it on medium hair.

High beam

Medium hair length allows girls to style their hair in a beautiful high bun. Such a bundle is ideal not only for school activities, but also for various types of training, active pastime and events. It is made from a ponytail using a donut. The tail is threaded into a donut and an elastic band is pulled over it. Several braids are woven from the hair, the ends of which are hidden in the middle of the bun. If the chosen hairstyle is created for a festive event, it is recommended to additionally decorate it with hairpins, a net, a beautiful bow.

See different hairstyles with a donut step by step.

Side harness

A hairstyle that is suitable for older schoolgirls - 12, 13 years old. The weaving process starts from the forehead. The strands are gradually twisted with bundles, intertwining with each other and, in the process of creation, dropping down. At the end of the styling work, the hair is fixed with hairpins (afterwards, slightly loosen the density)

"Little Dragon"

Styling with such an interesting and funny name looks bright, uncommon and neat. With this hairstyle, hair will never get in your eyes and get in the way. The main thing is to firmly fix the curls with an elastic band at each stage to ensure reliability and firm attachment to the head. Hair from the forehead is gathered in a strand and tied with an elastic band. Subsequent strands from the sides are also attached with an elastic band below. Each newly formed strand must be wrapped around the previous one and secured with an elastic band. The strands must be stretched slightly. The remaining hair ends are bent and hidden inside the styling. With such a hairstyle it is more joyful to go to school, and you can do it not only for medium curls, but also for short ones.

See how to make beautiful braiding with elastic bands.

Hairstyle "Horns"

This styling has become a favorite hairstyle for girls with medium and long hair, regardless of age category. But the most cute and cool "Horns" look on a child's head. They are created in just a few minutes. All you need to do the styling is a couple of rubber bands and a few invisibility. The hair is divided into two halves with a parting. Then they gather in high lateral tails. Then the curls are twisted into a tourniquet and wrapped around the elastic bands. The result is fixed with invisibility. For a more secure attachment of the "Horns" hairstyle, you can use varnish. However, if the strands are particularly subtle, they can be pre-combed.

More school hairstyles can be seen.

In creating hairstyles for children with medium hair in kindergarten, which will not take too much time, interesting and perky ideas are provided, which will be illustrated below.

Several spikelets

This hairstyle for a girl is easy to perform on medium hair and is good because it securely fixes the strands and removes them from the face. Here is her execution technique: after combing your hair, start braiding from the crown, taking equal parts of strands of relatively small size from both sides. The right strand must be placed under the left one, then the actions take place the other way around. At each new stage, strands are added from the bulk of the hair, woven gradually in the process of working on the hairstyle. When there are no free strands left and the spikelet is formed, you need to fix it with an elastic band.


This playful children's styling is the best fit for everyday kindergarten visits. Hair and all loose strands are gathered in an elastic band, so they will never prevent the little playful girl from playing and frolicking with friends. The creation of a hairstyle involves the following steps: on the crown part, a part of the hair is selected along a circular parting. This part will need to be fixed so that it does not interfere with the process of creating the styling. It should be noted that at this stage of execution, free elements should remain around the perimeter of the head. Those strands that remain are evenly divided and then formed into tails, on each of which an elastic should be put on. Ultimately, they should decorate the head all over the circle. Further, the strands in the crown area open. To them are added the ends from those elements that are located in a circle. And the last action will be the formation of one new beam in the same part.

Cross braids

Such an extraordinary styling looks very impressive and unconventional. In order to create it, you must first make one vertical and one horizontal parting. Thus, four zones are obtained. They are located horizontally. They should also be secured so that they do not interfere with the process of working on the hairstyle. Weaving starts from the first top square. Next, you need to take three strands to start weaving braids, gradually involving the rest of the curls. When the intersection of the parting is reached, the braid should continue to be woven on the bottom of the square. It weaves to the very end. After that, you go to the upper part on the left side. Weaving is repeated in the same way. In this way, cross braids are created.

See different hairstyle ideas for kindergarten.

The considered variations of hairstyles for girls for medium hair length are distinguished by a variety of choices, interesting implementation ideas. Having given preference to one of the listed styling, a caring mother will not regret it, she will be surprised by the amazing result of the work done. Create a memorable and vivid image of your little fairytale fairy!

Each of you can do children's hairstyles for girls with your own hands - in the presented master class, we have collected only simple and very quick styling.

Multilayer basket

Do you like retro style? Hairstyle in the "grandmother's" style looks very interesting! With a certain skill, it will not be difficult for you to complete it for your daughter!

  1. Spread hair all over your head.
  2. From the crown of the head, start a circular weave like a French braid. Grab loose strands only from the outside.
  3. In a circle, braid all your hair. You need to finish weaving with an ordinary three-row braid.
  4. Tie the tip with an elastic band and hide it under the "basket", fixing it with an invisible one.

Pigtail in the form of a rim

Hairstyle for every day in the form of a circular braid is very simple and allows you to gently remove strands from the face.

  1. Separate the hair near the forehead with a fine comb.
  2. Gather up the rest of your hair with a rubber band so it doesn't get in the way.
  3. Toss the strands at the forehead to one side and begin to weave the French spikelet, grabbing the loose strands on both sides.
  4. Tie the end of the braid with a very thin elastic band and hide it under loose hair. If you wish, wind them with a curling iron.

Beautiful hair flower

Such a very beautiful styling is perfect for matinees and celebrations.

  1. Comb the hair smoothly and comb it to one side, making a side part.
  2. Tie a thin elastic band around the tail.
  3. Separate the middle strand from it and braid the pigtail to the very tip. Tie it with another thin elastic band.
  4. Using the hairpins, tuck the braid around the main elastic to create a flower.
  5. Wrap the ends of the tail on curlers.

Hairstyle "Heart" for medium length

Beautiful baby hairstyles will turn your girly into a real princess. This elegant option captivates with its simplicity!

  1. Comb the braids into the center part.
  2. Tie one section of your hair with an elastic band.
  3. From the second part, braid a French braid, weaving in loose strands only from the outside. Then it will resemble the shape of a heart. Tie the tip with an elastic band.
  4. On the other hand, repeat the same weave. The braids should be symmetrical.
  5. Tie the ends of the braids together.

For more details, see the video:

Elegant wreath of elastic bands

Hairstyles with elastic bands are in great demand, as they allow you to create real beauty in just 10 minutes! This option is suitable for medium length hair.

  1. Part your hair with a longitudinal parting.
  2. Divide each of the two sections in half with a horizontal parting.
  3. Now do the same for each of the 4 sections. You will have 8 identical strands.
  4. Tie each strand with a thin colored or solid elastic band. As a result, you will have 16 small ponytails arranged in a circle.
  5. Gather them in the middle with one large rubber band to create a wreath.

Bundle on the side of braids

The elegant hairstyle for kids will match any outfit and make your daughter a beautiful little princess.

  1. Tie a ponytail at the side.
  2. Braid three braids. If the hair is thick, it can be much larger.
  3. Wrap each braid around the base of the ponytail, fixing with hairpins.
  4. Decorate the bun with decorative elements.

"Infinity sign"

This wonderful hairstyle comes from the 80s. In the modern version, it is made easier, but it also looks great.

  1. Make a center or zigzag part and tie two tails almost at the back of the head.
  2. Braid two braids.
  3. Pull the right braid up and under the elastic that holds the ponytail. For reliability, you can use another rubber band.
  4. Pull the left braid into the resulting ring.
  5. Secure the tip as well.
  6. Use hairpins with bows or flowers to decorate.

Also, you will like these options:

Low bun of braids

Girls 10 years old can braid such an amazing bun - feminine and elegant. Just like your beloved mom!

  1. Comb your hair with a side part.
  2. Tie a low ponytail.
  3. Divide it into 5-6 equal parts.
  4. Braid each part.
  5. Tie the ends together with a very thin elastic band and fold in half so that the tails are pointing up.
  6. Secure the bundle with an elastic band and add a hair clip or a living flower.

Hairstyle for loose hair

Cute styling for loose hair can be done in kindergarten both on holidays and on weekdays.

  1. Comb your hair into a side part and tie 4 small ponytails along it.
  2. Divide the second and third in half and connect adjacent strands with an elastic band.
  3. Divide the central tail in half again and attach the resulting strands to the outer tails.
  4. Braid the ends of your ponytails.

Hair bow

A festive children's hairstyle for a girl with her own hands does not require special knowledge. Anyone can do it!

  1. Tie a high ponytail. Do not pull your hair all the way out, but leave the tip hanging over your forehead.
  2. Divide the resulting loop in half.
  3. Fold the remaining ends back to completely cover the elastic. Secure it with invisibility.
  4. Sprinkle varnish on the bow.

How do you like this bow?

Laying from knots

This hairstyle is long lasting - it will last all day giving your daughter a neat look.

  1. Part the side.
  2. On the left and right, separate the strands with a parting that runs from temple to ear.
  3. Divide each part into three identical sections.
  4. Starting from the parting, twist a tight tourniquet, gradually adding loose strands. Make three strands on both sides.
  5. Divide the hair at the back of the head in half.
  6. We make the tail on the right side, attaching the corresponding harnesses to it.
  7. We make the exact same tail on the left side.
  8. We twist two beams, securing them with hairpins.
  9. Distribute the protruding ends and spray with varnish.

Two hearts

You can make two hearts out of long and thick hair. It looks very nice!

  1. Part your hair in half with a straight part.
  2. Make two tails.
  3. Make a small indentation at the base of the elastic and pull the tail through it.
  4. Divide it into two parts and twist each into a bundle.
  5. Form a heart and secure securely with an invisible pin or hairpin.

And how do you like these 2 options:

Lightweight fishtail

This trendy hairstyle can be easily performed even on short strands.

  1. Comb your hair and separate two equal strands on the sides.
  2. Tie them together with a thin elastic band.
  3. Lower it a little and stretch the ponytail inward.
  4. Separate two more of the same strands below and repeat the process.
  5. All hair can be braided this way, but only 3-4 braids can be done.

Finding a hairstyle for a child in a kindergarten or school is a rather serious problem, because in the morning there is always not enough time for a long styling, and the child is sleepy, but what to do?

Fight and wag your nerves or spend a lot of time on persuasion?

Leave him with tousled hair or cut very short? In search of a solution, moms surf the Internet.

How to find really quick and beautiful hairstyles for kindergarten and school that can be done in a matter of minutes and last great until the evening?

We offer our own solutions to these issues.

Finding a hairstyle for a child in a kindergarten or school is a rather serious problem, because in the morning there is always not enough time for a long styling, and the child is sleepy, but what to do? Leave him with tousled hair or cut very short?

Let's try to understand and figure out how to help mothers solve this issue perfectly?

  • easy to install;
  • require a minimum of time to create it;
  • keep on the hair of the child for a long time;
  • do not pull your hair tight;
  • do not interfere with the child's eating, exercising, sleeping, not distracting;
  • easy to carry changing clothes;
  • return to a "good" state after any manipulations (changing clothes, putting on hats);
  • like the child.

How to make more kids' hairstyles every day? To do this, we recommend that you master several skills. learn in detail in an article with a similar name, and many variations will delight you with their diversity.

The assortment of weaving braids and waterfalls will amaze the imagination of mothers and will delight their little girls. Click on to read and master these 2 useful skills.

Use for daily hairstyles in kindergarten or school, ideas for styling for the last bell with braids and braids, as well as ribbons, implementation, descriptions and videos are waiting for you. Swap out white bows and ribbons for black or brown ones, and the festive hairstyle becomes casual, but still attractive and feminine.

Why is it worth focusing on this?

If you are at home with your child, then you are able to monitor and constantly correct your hair or pin up your bangs so that it does not fall into your eyes.

In kindergarten or school, a teacher or teacher is not able to correct 20-30 bangs, which means that your baby will experience discomfort and constantly correct a disheveled hairstyle.

Take a look at the photo, a simple hairstyle with constant wear in the garden, with a flowing bang over the eyes - this is a discomfort for the child.

Whether it will lead to strabismus or other eye diseases, only an ophthalmologist can diagnose this.

Consider hairstyles that are as close as possible to the competent criteria and remove the bangs from the eyes, as well as contain tips on how to make any hairstyle as such.

For girls

Girls at any age are real women of fashion. They look at their girlfriends, neighbors and classmates imagining how they would like to look. Consider simple but effective hairstyles for girls, depending on the length of the hair.

Hairstyles for short hair

Are you a supporter of short haircuts? They are more practical if the baby does not like to braid braids or occasionally allows her to do ponytails. Even a short haircut is easy to diversify if desired.

Ponytail - classic hairstyle

We make several ponytails for little girls. One ponytail is the ability to quickly pull hair together and give the whole look a neat look.
Several ponytails will allow you to cope with long bangs falling out of a hair clip. They just return to their original state, but the option for sleeping is not successful and can distract the child, as well as such a hairstyle harms the hair.

How to make ponytails for a girl?

  • Divide all hair into strands of equal thickness and tie the first pair of ponytails at the crown.
  • Then go down a little lower and tie a second pair.
  • Make a third pair at the level of your earlobes.

Ponytail variations for the little ones

So that the ponytails do not distract them, they can be twisted, intertwined, decorated. For older girls, make two low ponytails, do not raise them high. Combine braiding with bangs and ponytails at the top of your head.

Watch a video tutorial for girls with ponytails, a bow and neat buns.

For those who have solved the problem of the bangs radically, shortening it to the eyebrows, we suggest taking note of these hairstyles, since they are simple to perform and do not require special skills from the mother.

Secrets of the tails: to avoid child complaints, cut them with nail scissors to remove the elastic band, or choose braided ones that do not get tangled in the hair.

Tail - ball

Required: rubber bands, hairbrush, hairbrush with a long thin tail and water in a spray.

Use water to moisturize frizzy hair to keep hair easy to lay down and no roosters.

  • Divide the hair into a break and tie one part with an elastic band.
  • Divide the remaining hair into strips starting from the forehead. If there is a bang, separate it. The first rectangle, we lead from the hairline from the side of the temporal region to the parting and tie a ponytail, at the upper level. Optionally, you can move it to the side area. Tie with an elastic band.
  • Then we separate the second line in the same way, but at the same time we grab the previous tail and put the second part to it, which we separated as a grab. We tie it with an elastic band, and slightly push the tail in front of it giving volume to make a bubble.
  • We repeat until we reach the occipital region, here we can continue without grabs.
  • Repeat on the ponytails and finish by checking that there are no roosters or loose strands.

Ponytail video in 5 minutes:

For short hair: with bobby pins, braids and ponytails

A detailed master class in the video on creating a hairstyle for girls on short and medium hair.

Do you want to learn how to weave voluminous, as in this video? Go to this article and you will easily learn! Happy learning!

Malvinka with a ponytail on the crown

This hairstyle is another branch of the ponytails, only not all hair is collected in the ponytail, but only the upper part. Among the advantages of this hairstyle, I would like to note several:

  • ease of execution;
  • a large number of options for modifications;
  • suitable for hair of any length from the shortest to the longest;
  • will make it easy to handle even short bangs;
  • looks impressive and girls like it.

How to make a malvinka: instructions

  • Comb the hair and separate the parietal zone;
  • collect this part of the hair with an elastic band (variations: pin with a hairpin, then braid a braid in different styles);
  • comb and style the remaining hair.

Variations of malvinka with braids and waterfalls
The video will teach you how to create a princess braid hairstyle: French Falls.

If you liked a bow with a malvinka or you would like to learn how to make such a hairstyle yourself, then all the options for creating and fixing it are described in detail in this one.

Photo and video instructions will help you learn even for those who do it for the first time!

Has your child started scratching his head often? No hairstyle lasts longer than a few minutes, since itching behind the ears and in the back of the head?

Your child may have caught head lice or head lice. Find out in the most accessible and effective ways.

For long and medium hair

Girls of school age most often grow their hair, and the length below the shoulders allows you to experiment with hairstyles at least every day.

Ponytail hairstyle options for kindergarten and school (photo)

Ponytail on top

Ponytail - the usual "ponytail" is the most practical hairstyle, and you can diversify it, for example, as follows: tie the tail at the crown, securing it with a strong elastic band. At the top of the tail, separate a small strand and braid it.

  1. Tie a high ponytail at the top of your head. Close the elastic with a separate strand taken from the inside of the ponytail.
  2. Separate a thin strand on the right and divide it into 3 strands. Begin to weave a regular braid by placing the outermost strands on the center one, so we braid once.
  3. On the left, separate the thin strand and add it to the central one. We weave further in the same way. We put the right strand on the central and left strands. Add strands to the left to the central one.
  4. So we finish the braid of the required length and tie it with an elastic band.
  5. The hair is ready.

Secret:if you want the braid to be thinner, add strands to the central one after 1 stitch.

The video will help you master the hairstyle of a ponytail with a pigtail on top.

Inverted tail with a braid

  1. Pull the hair at the back of your head into a low ponytail without tightening the elastic.
  2. Gently part the hair in two over the elastic and hold it with two fingers of your free hand.

    With the other hand, tuck the tail into the hole, lifting it from the bottom. Gently push the ponytail into the hole, and then tighten by pulling the elastic up.

  3. Spread out your hair so that it hides the elastic.
  4. Braid a braid on the ponytail and decorate with hairpins with rhinestones or flowers. Sticking them in place of eversion.

Ponytail with French braid and loose strands

This tail looks very extravagant and unusual, and weaves in a matter of minutes. Suitable for kindergarten and school, with a bow will look like a festive hairstyle.

Instructions for creating a braided ponytail

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly. We start by tying a high ponytail at the top of the head with an elastic band.
  2. Separate half of the tail and hold it with your hand. Having selected a narrow small strand, we shift it to the front and ask the daughter to hold the strand.
  3. We tie a tail not very tight from the hair remaining in the hand.
  4. We open it in the middle and thread the lower tail into the resulting hole.
  5. We repeat the whole process starting from the separation of 1 narrow strand. We repeat all actions step by step. Having reached the end of the tail, we tie it with an elastic band so that it does not bloom.
  6. We comb the remaining released strands and start weaving starting from the top ones. Pickups (interweaving the remaining strands) will be on the right, then on the left
  7. We tie the remaining 2 small ponytails in 1.
  8. We spread the large side waves and the pigtail itself inside, starting from the bottom and moving towards the base of the tail. Slightly stretching it will give it volume.

Tutorial video on braiding with loose strands on the ponytail.

Braided ponytail with reverse french braid and fishtail with loose strands

Tail + waterfall


  • Part your hair in a straight part and braid two loose braids to give your hair a casual lightness.
  • Wrap one pigtail around the head through the top, like a hoop, secure with invisible ones. The second braid is at the back. This will create a neat crown of braids around your head.

Children's hairstyle from a braid with an ornament of natural flowers

Hairstyle from braids with maki decorations

Basket of two braids

  1. Part half of the hair at the crown.
  2. Without affecting the lower hair, braid a simple braid slightly to the right of the center of the head, secure with an elastic band.
  3. From the remaining hair, also braid a braid and gently roll it into a bun, secure with hairpins.
  4. Wrap the top braid around the bundle, passing under the bottom, and hide the tip under the bundle.

From harnesses

Two plaits - select one strand of medium thickness at the temples. Twist both strands in opposite directions while winding them back over the ears. Secure with invisible hairpins or bright hairpins.

A quick children's hairstyle that easily turns from everyday to evening

An example of how to make a tourniquet for a children's hairstyle

Side pigtail

Side braid - separate the strand of hair from the crown of the head, secure it with an elastic band. Braid a pigtail from the lock, leaving a few centimeters from the end. Secure with an elastic band.

Girls Hairstyle Video - Short Hair Side Braid:

To school

Finding a quick, easy and beautiful kids 'hairstyle suitable for every day to girls' school will lead you to braids and weaves. For school, it is desirable that the girl's hair does not interfere, falling on her eyes or while writing on her face.

  • Make a mini preparation for the weekend and choose 5 hairstyles for the week. Sketch them schematically and watch a video on their creation.
  • Discuss them with your daughter and approve. One day - one hairstyle.
  • Train the skills of braiding or ponytail without roosters, if they are in the hairstyle.
  • Conduct a hands-on session to track how long it takes to style.
  • Understand what tools are needed and prepare them in a separate box to save as much time as possible in the morning.
  • Correct for the morning and add 2-3 minutes to your time.
  • Hang the hairstyle plan in a conspicuous place, prescribing what needs to be prepared for each of them in the evening and the time required to create it. Separately, we put bags in a box on days of the week, in which the necessary tools are located and the day is written.
  • Instruct your daughter to choose jewelry for her hairstyle and put it strictly every day in a box with bags.
  • Rehearse the preparations in the morning, if you meet the allotted time, do not change anything, otherwise make an amendment in time plus 10-15 minutes to get up a little earlier.

Do we suggest you complete 5 minutes before leaving?

  1. Braid a braid of tails from rubber bands: around the head, malvinka, from the tail, all over the head with hooks.
  2. French or reverse braid: all over the head straight, sideways, obliquely from ear to ear, 2 braids on the sides.
  3. A braid around the head, like Tymoshenko's.
  4. Spikelet or fishtail: classic on the back of the head, around the head, braid in a braid, with hooks all over the head, inverted, 2 on the sides, double fishtail.
  5. Waterfalls on the top of the head from 2 or 3 strands.
  6. Combine a braid from the bottom on the back of the head with a donut, bun, bow.

If all this seems difficult for you, then go to the braiding section and you will find detailed instructions, photo and video master classes.



This option is suitable for short or medium curls.
Prepare: a comb for separating the parting, water with a spray for easy separation and rubber bands according to the number of tails.

  1. Comb all the girl's curls and divide into 4 partings, tie 3 of them with rubber bands. Make sure the parting is triangular from the crown of the head and extends towards the hairline.
  2. Divide the rest into 2 - 3 parts, starting with the side part behind the ear. We tie the separated part into a tail with an elastic band.
  3. To make it convenient to make a ponytail, for this, put the rubber band on your finger and it will not fall out.

  4. So, having tied 1 tail, we connect it with 2m, laying the tail itself in a circle to get a wreath.
  5. So we move from ear to the next and then to the front, above the forehead.
  6. We twist the ends of the hair into a not tight flagellum and stretch it into the next ponytail, slightly pulling off 1 turn of the elastic band, if the ends reach until the next, then the operation is repeated. Try to lay the ponytail along the top of the wreath or the inner ends themselves.
  7. The hair is ready, you can go to the kindergarten.

Video on creating an easy hairstyle in a kindergarten for girls in 6 minutes:

Braid from rubber ponytails

Hairstyle to kindergarten school in 3 minutes

For short hair

Hairstyles for sleeping in the garden

Hairstyling for kindergarten for every day should be comfortable for sleeping in case the child cannot be combed again. I don't really want to ask a teacher or a teacher's assistant, what should I do then?

Pay attention to the weaves and braids, they will be able to hold even short curls and not tighten the scalp even in a dream.

  • A braid is a hoop or braid on the front of the head. Waterfall.
  • We choose the one suitable for your daughter - this is one inverted braid or 2-3 French braids, even short hair will be picked up, the rest will be braided by a dragon or on the back of the head.

    Sveta Rush will show the braiding on the front of the head:

  • 2 braids.
  • These variations with 2 braids on the sides have earned recognition long ago. perfectly withstand sleep and a whole busy day. It is important to start braiding from the edge of the hairline if there are no bangs, and the vellus hair is constantly falling out and for better fixation sprinkle with varnish or walk with wax.

  • Snake or oblique braid.
  • She will keep her shape well, but if you leave the rest of her hair loose, then she will sleep comfortably on a pillow.

  • The dragon braid is a French braid with grabs.
  • When weaving it, it is necessary to ensure that it lies strictly on the head, and the hooks do not create free strands, because by the evening the hairstyle will simply begin to disintegrate and the strands will begin to fall out.

  • Scythe snail.
  • Weaving with grabs all over the head, will be reliable until the evening and there is no discomfort during sleep, only the weaving should not be tight.

  • A crown or braid around the head. The scythe can be either 1 or 2.
  • Bagels or bagels, if they are not made with bows.
  • Many thin braids.
  • African braids or zizi are comfortable for sleeping, but it is also better for the baby to arrange them in a braid so as not to interfere.

For boys

Boys' mothers also think about which hairstyle to choose for their child: what haircuts are in fashion and which ones will be practical?

  • The sporty haircut is the most popular haircut and is easy to maintain without any styling. This is short hair of the same length, which does not interfere and does not get into the eyes during boyish activity.
  • Sharp strands - a haircut with short-cropped temples and the back of the head and long strands of hair on the crown and in the bangs. It is easy to make a colorful mess of these strands or to lay them "upright", securing them with hypoallergenic mousses for styling in case of a festive event.
  • Long bangs - a hairstyle with short hair over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe head and with a long bang that fits to the side along the forehead. But it is worth watching the behavior of the child, whether such bangs interfere with him, whether it gets into his eyes.
  • For long hair, choose a haircut "under the pot". On curly hair, it gives a wonderful effect of volume, when all curls curl freely and lie down like a "hat". In the case of straight hair, the hairstyle can be corrected: make the bangs shorter and lengthen the strands on the back of the head, there can be many options.

Lots of ideas for kids hairstyles for prom in the garden will help you make them in a daily version.

Braids and tails, waterfalls and bagels, bunches and loose hair.

Decorated with beads, ribbons, beads, braids, plaits.

A lot of photos with step-by-step instructions and videos are waiting for you at this address:

There are many ways to decorate styled hair. Depending on the selected accessory, the same hairstyle will take on a business look and a solemn one.

You should not deny your child really children's jewelry - let it not be discreet adult accessories, but naive neon-pink elastic bands, with figures of cartoon characters, with glass beads and funny feathers. Let the kids be just kids and fool around a bit.

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