Lectures on valeology senior group. Summary of a lesson in valeology in the middle group of a kindergarten. Valeology. Lesson notes, GCD, development - Valeological musical greetings for preschoolers

Summary of a lesson on valeology in the senior group of kindergarten, topic: "What are we inside"


To acquaint children with the main organs of the human body (brain, heart, lungs, stomach), their names, location and functions.
Teach children to empirically confirm the knowledge gained (through simple experiments).
Make children want to learn more about their bodies.
Develop thinking, fine and general motor skills.
Foster the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Colour pencils.
Sheets of paper with a drawn silhouette of a person and internal organs.
Mirrors, previously inflated and deflated balloons.
Pictures depicting food products.
Small feathers.
Glasses of water, straws.

Course of the lesson:

Each person should know the structure of his body, because this will help him to be healthy.
You already know that our body is arranged like this: from above - the head, then the neck and torso. The torso has upper limbs - arms and lower limbs - legs.

But this is what we see, and there are many different organs inside our body. We do not see them, but thanks to them we live, breathe, think, eat and much more. We will get to know the most important organs today.
Here is a diagram showing these organs. After getting to know each organ, you will paint over it with colored pencils and try to remember.


One of the most important organs is the brain. He is like a boss over all bodies, he knows everything and is responsible for everything. Signals from the outside world come to him, like by wires, and he gives orders to the entire body how to react to these signals. The brain helps a person to be human. Think. Walk. Do different jobs.

Didactic exercise "Follow the order"

Children perform actions according to commands.

Our brain rests at night when it is dark and we sleep. But not the whole brain is resting, it has cells on duty that work even at night. We see dreams at night. Can you tell us what you dream about?

The brain is very fragile. It is good that a hard skull reliably protects the brain from damage. But still try not to bump your head. From a strong blow, there is a concussion.


The heart is like a large pump that pumps blood. Throughout the body, blood "runs" through different vessels. The main task of blood is to feed the entire body. A very important organ - the heart - pumps blood, helps it move. The heart works constantly, even when a person is sleeping.

Day and night it knocks
As if it were instituted.
It will be bad if suddenly
This knock will stop.

The heart is located in the center of the chest, almost in the middle, and the size of a fist. Make a fist and place it in the center of your chest, slightly to the left. This is about the size of your heart. Now clench and slightly unclench your fist - this is how the heart works: when it contracts, it pushes blood. And you hear the beating of your heart.

What color is our blood. How did you know about this? When blood flows from your wound, adults rush to treat the wound and stop the bleeding. This is very important as it is very dangerous to lose blood. How are wounds treated?
The heart must be protected. But if a person decides to lie down all the time and do nothing in order to save his heart, he will be very mistaken and will only harm his heart. The heart needs to be trained, to do physical education. When you run, your heart works faster. Knocks and pumps blood.


We will now prove it. Place your hand over your heart and listen. Now jump, run in place, lean forward, backward. Now put your hand to your heart again. What changed? My heart beat faster.


A person has two lungs. A person needs lungs to breathe and supply the blood with the necessary air. The air is not visible, but you cannot live without it.


Look at your breathing. Bring the mirror closer and breathe on it. The warm breath will dim the mirror.
Your lungs expand, like this ball, when you breathe in, and contract when you breathe out.
Place your hands on your chest and take a deep breath. You felt your arms rise along with your lungs filling with air. Now exhale the air. Hands dropped.


Pick up straws, lower and blow into them. What did you see. This is air in the form of bubbles.

We don't always breathe the same way. When we run, we breathe more often and deeper, and when we are calm or asleep, our breathing is even and calm.
One should try not to breathe in smoke or dirty air. Fresh clean air is useful for our lungs. And of course, you can't poison your lungs with cigarettes. Cigarette smoke makes the lungs black and sick.

Respiratory gymnastics "Blow on the feather"

Children, at the command of the teacher, perform the exercise.


The stomach is like a saucepan inside us - all the food gets there, and the stomach digests it. The stomach copes with wholesome, healthy food easily, and the stomach suffers and even gets sick from junk food. He really does not like the stomach when we gorge ourselves too much - we fill our stomach. The stomach does not have time to cope with a tremendous amount of food and our stomach begins to ache.

Didactic game "Useful and unhealthy food"

Children are divided into two groups "Useful" and "Harmful" pictures depicting food.

Self-massage "Help yourself"

There are many, many points on the human body. Which are connected to different organs. And if you learn these points, then you can help yourself when you get sick. Now we will learn how to massage ourselves.

The gnome lives in the fingers
(bend unbend fingers)

He brings us health.
One, two, three, four, five,
(with phalanges, they rub the points at the wings of the nose)

Our gnome began to play,
Draw circles with a fist at the nose,
And then he climbed higher
(light stroking of the maxillary sinuses)

And rolled from top to bottom.
The dwarf looked out the window,
(massage with the index and middle fingers of the browbones)

He laughed and flew away.
The dwarf found a point in the eye,
(massage of points at the bridge of the nose)

Twisted right, left,
I pressed on the other,
(massage of points at the wings of the nose)

And then went down below -
(massage of points above the upper lip)

Straight to your mouth, closer
I hid behind my ears
(massage of auricle points)

Laughed at me
And he wanted to play with me.
One, two, three, four, five,
(massage of the forehead and browbones)

I decided to catch him.
I caught the gnome in my eyebrows,
And he kept walking in a circle,
Here is our gnome and fell silent
(massage of the tip of the nose)

And he took off.
We will take it in our palms,
(relaxation of the hands)

Let's wave our hands a little.


Guys, today a boy named Petya Zaboleikin came to visit us. (The teacher shows a large theatrical doll, Petya greets the guys)

Petechka, you are such a good boy, only for some reason your surname is so strange - Zaboleikin.

And I like my last name, because I like to be sick all the time. I came to you today, and tomorrow I will get sick and will stay at home. Then the next day I'll come back and get sick again ...

Well, Petya, something incomprehensible is happening to you. Do you really like to stay at home, skip interesting classes, where the guys become smart, knowledgeable? And in general, sitting at home is boring, there is no one to play with!

Guys, do you like to be ill? (children's answers) Is it good or bad to be sick? Why is it bad?

Indeed, it happens that children get sick, but we must try to be healthy. If you want to be healthy, remember one secret.

What secret?

If you want to be cheerful, efficient, strong, if you want to fight different microbes, not succumb to any diseases - every day you have to: exercise, walk outside, eat more fruits and vegetables, and most importantly take vitamins every day.

What are vitamins? - asks Zaboleikin.

Sit down, Petechka, next to the children. Today we will learn what vitamins are. Vitamins are such substances that our body needs to assimilate food, they increase efficiency, resistance to infectious diseases, and contribute to the growth of our body. If there are not enough vitamins in food, a person suffers from various diseases, becomes lethargic, weak, sad ...

I will tell you where vitamins come from

A myriad of bacteria lurked in the soil. Microbes are the most common inhabitants of the Earth. They exist everywhere and everywhere: in the air, in the soil, in the water ... Many of these tiny creatures begin to make vitamins, enriching the soil and air with them. In nature, vitamins are formed in plants, therefore fruits, vegetables, fruits serve as the main source of vitamins for the body. Every blade of grass, every leaf catches the sun's rays - the source of life. The sunbeam will fall on a green leaf and go out, but it will not disappear, with its help, the substances necessary for the plant will appear in the leaf, and vitamins also appear. The amount of vitamins entering our body with food depends on the season. (A table is displayed, where a product is shown next to each Vitamin).

  • Guys, what time of the year do you think we get the most vitamins? (Summer, autumn)
  • That's right, in summer and autumn there are more of them in food, so in winter and spring it is necessary to buy vitamins at the pharmacy. They need to be consumed in certain doses, 1-2 tablets per day. They are necessary for humans, like proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water and mineral salts. Our industry produces vitamins in a complex, they are called multivitamins. In the spring, vitamins should be consumed as a necessary food supplement to replenish our strength and health, add vitamins to food. After all, we add sugar to tea, and salt to soup. Everyone needs vitamins: mothers and fathers, young children, and grandparents.
  • Plants can produce vitamins on their own, but a person is not able to do this, he must receive vitamins from food. There is no food product that would contain all the vitamins we need in the right amount. There are animals and plants that specialize in the “production” of certain vitamins.

The teacher demonstrates illustrations.

  • Rosehip, black currant, black chokeberry, red pepper, cabbage are the most diligent suppliers of vitamins A and C. Many B vitamins are found in milk and dairy products, black bread, liver, pork. Vitamin D - in the liver, in fish oil, eggs, caviar, dairy products.
  • That's great! - Zaboleikin rejoices. - It turns out that whatever product you take, each contains vitamins. I’ll go home and ask my mother to cook me buckwheat porridge with milk, make a decoction of rose hips, rub raw carrots, and I’ll have a whole set of vitamins in my body. Now I have solved the riddle of why I get sick all the time. I thought that all soups, all cereals, milk, onions, garlic - all these are tasteless products, and I asked my mother to buy me sweets, citro, chips ... I knew that there are useful and necessary products. Now I will be literate, I will go to kindergarten every day, your doctors know what a useful menu to offer to children, and I will be strong and healthy.

Petya stays with the children in the group, dines with them, has an afternoon snack and supper.

The next day he brings the didactic game “Useful and harmful products” to the group.

Correct posture is the path to body beauty.

  • In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there were two very noble families. One family - the hunchbacks - was very proud. They said to themselves: “We are the noblest, we are the richest, we are the most beautiful. We have round backs, and our heads always look down - we can all see what lies on the ground ”(show picture). And the family of the steadfast tin soldier was very modest. The father always said to his son: “Always look ahead, son. Do not bow your head with difficulties. Spread your shoulders, put your chest to meet all the winds, and never be afraid of anything ”(shown illustration).
  • Guys, do you think in which family are people more beautiful? (children's answers)
  • A person's beauty is internal (these are his thoughts, his feelings, his character) and external (these are facial features, height, figure, posture)
  • Who has a prettier posture: a hunchback or a soldier?
  • Guys, do you think it's nice to look at a slender person or a stooped one? And why? And as you like to walk more - try it! (children get up and show)
  • It is pleasant to look at a slender person, slender people are pleasing to the eye. But it's not just beauty. A slender person has a properly formed skeleton. (Demonstrates manual - skeleton) With correct posture, it is easier for the heart, lungs, stomach and other important organs to work. Correct posture is not given to a person from birth, but acquired by him. It is produced in childhood, in adolescence, and after 18 years it is very difficult to correct its deficiencies, because in childhood the cartilage tissue in the vertebrae has not yet been replaced by bone.
  • The tin soldier knew about this, because from childhood he was engaged in physical exercises, sports, and more than once heard from his parents: “Don't bend your back! Spread your shoulders! Sit up straight! "
  • Poor posture makes the back crooked, ugly. If in childhood you learn to keep your back straight, then at an older age they will not be tormented by pain in the lower back, back.
  • And in a family of hunchbacks, parents did not teach their children to keep their backs straight. They walked with their noses buried in the ground, and did not notice how beautiful the world around them was. They never told their children: “Watch your posture! Straighten your shoulders! Raise your head! ” Their children were often sick, complained of back pain. Their backs were more and more curved and hunched over.
  • Guys, let's check your posture!
  • Sit as straight as anyone can (the teacher praises the children for their beautiful backs)
  • Go to the wall and stand so that the back of your head, shoulder blades, and heels are snug against it. Move away from the wall and try to maintain this position for as long as possible.
  • Place a sandbag on your head and walk (slowly, then faster). The moment your posture turns out to be wrong, the bag will fall.
  • Guys, who knows why hunchbacks have such crooked backs? (children's answers)
  • A hunchback has a posture disorder. This disease is called scoliosis. (The teacher shows the drawing). This means that the spine is deformed, i.e. curved. This disease is difficult and long to cure. The spine helps us maintain correct posture - this is the main core of the body. It runs down the middle of the back. The ribs are attached to the spine, they protect the internal organs from damage.
  • Guys, do you think a child can form the correct posture on his own? (children's answers) Why is the spine curved in children?
  • The Tin Soldier knew that if you keep the spine in a straight position, the muscles are fixed, they get used to this position. And without exercise, muscles become weak and decrepit. If you remember this from childhood, systematically engage in physical education, run, swim, ride a bike, play sports games, then skeletal muscles are strengthened and posture remains even.
  • In a family of hunchbacks, children were lazy. They believed that their backs were already beautiful, so you should not make extra efforts to make your posture slim. But one day a disaster struck. All the children in the hunchback family had back pains, they could not get out of bed, they could not go to school. What to do? And then they remembered how the steadfast tin soldier always used to say: "I shore the spine ... I will run away from illness ...". And they decided to call a soldier to help them. The Tin Soldier immediately came to their aid and gave them the following helpful tips: (Each tip is illustrated illustrated on cards in the form of suns)
  1. Do not be lazy, carry out work assignments at home, in kindergarten, at school, in the country, etc.
  2. Do morning exercises daily, exercise
  3. It is correct to sit at the table on a chair, do not hunch over, do not bow your head low.
  4. Load your arms evenly when carrying heavy loads. If you carry a knapsack or briefcase in one hand, one shoulder will be lower than the other.
  5. Sleep on a hard bed with a low pillow.
  6. When writing or reading every 15-20 minutes, change your posture, stretch, move, do physical education.
  7. Walk more in the fresh air, play sports games: football, basketball, tennis, ride a bicycle, ski, skate, play with balls, hoops.
  8. Look at yourself in the mirror every day, which will remind you of your posture.

After the children of the hunchbacks began to follow the advice of the tin soldier, a miracle happened !!! (teacher shows an illustration) All children recovered, became beautiful, slim, fit. And most importantly, they stopped being lazy.

Guys, let us, so as not to forget the advice of the steadfast tin soldier, will sketch out all the rules and remember (each child draws a diagram and explains)

Exhibition of the most successful schemes.

To consolidate the material covered, you can use didactic games in your free activity: “Athletes”, “Pick up a picture”, “Draw up an exercise scheme”, “Find a pair”.

Prepared by the teacher


compensating type

Khrabrova Z.E.


  • to form healthy lifestyle skills in children, teach to take care of their health;
  • to introduce children to regular physical education;
  • to consolidate knowledge about the benefits of useful products and their importance for human life and health.
  • To develop cognitively - emotional interest, physical activity of children.
  • Foster a desire to be healthy, respectful attitude to each other.


Product cards.

Personal hygiene products.

Puzzles with a picture of a car.

2 fragments from the cartoons "Doctor Aibolit", "Moidodyr".

Red and green circles.

The pencils

The course of the lesson.

Educator : Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello!

Educator : Guys we received 2 emails with a markSOS , help. Let's see who asks us for help. (Watching an excerpt from the cartoon Doctor Aibolit)

Guys who this email is from!

Guys, look, the poor animals are sick. Their tummies ache!

Guys, why do you think their tummies hurt? (children's answers)

I think they ate the wrong food, drank soda and ate a lot of sweets. Guys, let's help the animals recover and teach them how to eat. Do you agree? (Yes)

Guys, do you know the rules of nutrition? (children's answer). Now we will check it out! You have mugs on your tables.

Always wash your hands with soap and water before eating.

You need to eat at night, no, you need to eat during the day at certain hours.

You need to eat foods that are good for your health.

You need to eat quickly. No, you need to eat calmly, chewing food thoroughly.

It is helpful to rinse your mouth after eating.

To be healthy you need to eat a lot of sweets.

Instead of compote, you need to drink soda.

Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods

Do not eat porridge in the morning

You can't talk while eating

You shouldn't overeat, you should eat in moderation

Set aside, please, on the edge of the table, so that they do not interfere with you.

Well done, we taught the animals the rules of nutrition. But in order for them to recover faster, I propose to send a package with healthy products. Do you agree?(Yes)

On your tables are cards with images of products, you need to put in the basket those products that will be useful for our sick animals. It is necessary to draw arrows with a pencil from a useful product to the basket. Take pencils, start to complete the task. (The teacher walks through the rows looking at the correctness of the exercise)

Now let's check.

Look on my board for pictures of products. Please tell me which foods are unhealthy.

Hamburger is rich in bad cholesterol.

Harmful "Snickers" chocolate - only your teeth will hurt from it, no, such a product is not needed.

Croutons - they do not live in vitamins. They are harmful.

Chips - from them only stomachs will hurt

Soda called "Pepsi" - you wake up to drink bubbles, dissolve from the nutria, this is a harmful product.

Please put the cards on the edge of the table.

Well done, we did a good job. And our useful package is assembled, and we will send it to the sick animals. Guys, what do you think, on what can you straighten it? (children's answers).

Guys, you have puzzles on trays, let's put them together and see what happened. Place the puzzles in front of you. We start to collect.

Guys, what did we do? (children's answer)

This is special. car for transporting mail.

Please put the puzzles on the tray and put them in the middle of the table.

And now I propose to cheer up, and recharge with energy using charging. Children stand near the chairs.

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, hand on the belt. Rotation of the head to the left, to the right, forward and backward.

In a forest clearing
The animals are doing exercises.
The hare turns its head -
Neck muscles knead.
Does every move diligently

He really likes this exercise.
I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, left arm backward, right arm forward.

Striped raccoon. Depicts a helicopter:
Waving paws back and forth,
I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, hand on the belt. Side bends.

The gray wolf is a little sleepy
He performs inclinations:
"You, wolf, do not be lazy!
Lean to the right, to the left,

And then forward, backward. And you will get a charge of cheerfulness!

Educator : Well done. Sit down in your seats.

Educator: We will now look at the second email. We found out from whom this letter was. (Watching an excerpt from the cartoon "Moidodyr")

The guys ran away from the boy all the things, but why do you think? (He didn’t wash, didn’t comb his hair, so things ran away) That's right, he needs to wash himself in the morning, comb his hair, brush his teeth. Wash your hands before eating. Guys, why do you need to do all this?

Moidodyr asks us to teach the boy to be neat.

Children you want to teach the boy! (Yes)

You have cards on your tables, look carefully, there are objects that will help the boy put himself in order. Let's circle, in red pencil, things that will help the boy be clean and tidy.

(The teacher walks through the rows looking at the correctness of the exercise)

Now let's check if you did the task correctly. Tell me the things that you outlined with a pencil. Tanya tell me the object that you circled? (survey of children of no more than 5 people).





Well done, guys, you did everything right, and the boy now knows that in the morning he needs to wash, brush his teeth and comb his hair, then no microbes got into our body. This is also very important.

Guys, what great fellows we are. We helped sick animals by collecting a package of healthy products for them and taught them how to eat. Recharged with energy by charging. The boy was taught to be clean and tidy. If we eat only wholesome food, observe the rules of hygiene and exercise, then we will have excellent health.

Our lesson is over. We get up quietly and push the chairs.

Lesson on valeology in the middle group


  • Form healthy lifestyle skills in children.
  • Introduce children to regular exercises.
  • Develop cognitive - emotional interest.
  • Strengthen children's adherence to nutritional rules.
  • To educate children to have a positive attitude towards their health and the health of those around them. Foster a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Goal:To systematize the knowledge of children about the structure and purpose of the respiratory system.


1) give children a primary idea of \u200b\u200bthe respiratory organs and note their importance for humans;

2) expand the horizons of children, their vocabulary (nostrils, breathing tube, chest, ribs, lungs)

3) consolidate hygienic skills, the ability to respect the respiratory organs and proper care for them;

4) to form the desire to lead and maintain a healthy lifestyle and cause a negative attitude towards bad habits

5) to educate curiosity, logical thinking, ingenuity, the ability to listen carefully.

Materials and equipment:picture-schemes: lungs; respiratory organs; cards with problem situations, balloons, paper napkins, (for each child) a mirror.

Teaching methods:demonstration and frontal experimentation, logical reasoning, play, story, self-observation.

Course of the lesson

Greeting children and a teacher standing in a circle ..

All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands together
And we will smile at each other.

Guys, today we will talk about the respiratory organs and how to breathe correctly.

As in any class, do not forget to monitor your speech and clearly pronounce the sounds in words. And we also have a rule that we know well, let's repeat it together. (Children in chorus pronounce the greeting and the rule of conduct in the lesson.)

"Be attentive in class, do not disturb others,

When asked, then answer. "

Guys, why do you think there are so many flowers in our group? (There is a lot of clean air in the group, which is provided by plants. The air is clean, healthy, fresh, and we breathe pleasantly).

That's right, flowers absorb carbon dioxide that we exhale, and produce oxygen, which we need to breathe.

Let's play the Body Parts game. I will name parts of a person's body and his organs, and you will show them on yourself (The rate of naming depends on the children, so that each child has time to understand, find a part of the body in himself and show it)

Right hand. Mouth. Stomach. Left ear, right leg, nose, hair, neck, eyebrows, eyes.

Well done, no mistakes.

And now I invite you to a conversation. We will look at all the respiratory organs in order.

Guys, can a person be without air for a long time? (No).

That's right guys:

There is no life without breath,
Without breathing, the light dims.
Birds and flowers breathe
I breathe, and he, and you.

Let's check if this is so.

Try to take a deep breath, cover your mouth and nose with your palm.

What do you feel?

Why couldn't they be without air for a long time? (Survey of children).

So we can answer, can a person be without air for a long time?

Right! Every cell of your body has rebelled and asks, please send air, otherwise we will perish.

Guess the riddle:

Here is the mountain, and by the mountain
Two deep holes
In these holes the air wanders
It comes in and out.

Let's trace where the air moves when breathing. For this, their mouths were closed. Take a deep, deep breath through your nose and feel where the air is going? Exhalation. Another breath.

Where does the air go first?

Tell me, can air get into your mouth? To do this, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Can? (Children's answers).

And why do we need them, these noses? Some suffering with them. You will fall off the hill, but you will break your nose. Then he sneezes. They even invented a special handkerchief for him - a handkerchief. We can breathe with our mouths. So? So, but not so. It turns out that the nose is needed not only for beauty. Our nose is no less important than other organs. And it is advisable to breathe with the nose, and not with the mouth. Why?

I invite you to sit down and examine your nose. Take a mirror and examine your nose. Describe what it looks like. (Children's answers).

Take a look inside. Turn the crown so that the inside is lighter.

What do you see there?

There are two channels in the nose, what are they called? (Nostrils).

What color is the inside of the nose? (Pink).

Why? (Because there are many blood vessels).

What else have you noticed? (Hair).

Why do you think they are needed? (Hair retains dust and other small particles).

Is the inside of the nose dry or damp?

Take a napkin on your finger and dab the inside of your nose. What do you see? (Children's answers).

This moisture is called mucus. We really need it. The mucus contains substances that kill germs. Therefore, the air that enters the lungs no longer contains germs. Only clean air goes there.

And the nose will be the first to inform the brain about the air polluted for breathing (gas, chemical odors). And how could we enjoy the wonderful scent of flowers, if not for our wonderful nose!

Vlad knows a good poem about the nose, he will read it to the willows.

"My wonderful nose."

I do not know anything.
and suddenly my nose says
That somewhere and someone
Something will burn now.
I do not know anything.
This nose reported:
Someone bought oranges
And he put it in there!
I do not know anything.
I'm sitting in a stuffy place.

The nose says: "Let's take a walk! I beg you very much."

You walk with him and walk.

He speaks to me.

He says: "You know, it already smells of foliage!" E. Moshkovskaya

Physical minutes "Sun"

The sun rose early in the morning, (Raise your hands up, stretch.)
All the kids were cuddled
Strokes the breast, (Massage the "path" on the chest).
Strokes the neck, (Stroke the neck with thumbs from top to bottom).
Strokes the nose, (rub the wings of the nose with fists)
Strokes the forehead, (Run your fingers across the forehead from the middle to the temples).
Strokes ears, (Rub ears with palms).
Ironing pens, (rubbing palms).
Here. (Put your hands up).

Now bring your palm to your mouth. Breathe quietly and slowly through your open mouth into your palm.

What kind of air do you feel? (Children's answers).

We are all living people and the warmth is within us. The one who breathes through the mouth releases a lot of heat. Therefore, in order to keep your warmth, to be healthy, not to catch cold - how to breathe better?

Guys, what can harm our nose? What cannot be done?

Where is the air flowing from the breathing tube?

First, let's examine how the chest is arranged.

How does the ribcage feel? (Children examine themselves, and make sure that the ribcage is ribbed).

Place the palms of both hands around your hips above the waist and inhale deeply. We felt how the ribs expand under the palms, how the lungs inflate.

Now exhale sharply and feel the chest constricting, pushing the air out of the lungs.

So, we said that the air from the breathing tube runs into the chest. Show where the air is going from the breathing tube.

We can see or feel the nose, mouth, breathing tube, ribs. But the lungs cannot be, they are inside. Let's look at them in the figure. There are two of them. These are the big ones. Air comes in and out of them. The lungs work like accordion bags, which contain the inhaled air. These sacs are called lungs. Repeat the title in chorus.

When does the air come in?

When does it come out?

Let's play a little game and see how our lungs work.

"Ball game"

Children are given balloons and they must inflate the balloon with only one exhalation.

These are the beautiful balls you get, the stronger your lungs, the bigger the balls you get. Well done!

Guys, what do you think, and what is bad for our lungs? (Children's answers).

That's right, smoking, gassed air is very harmful to the lungs. Compare the image of the lungs of a healthy person and a person who smokes. What is the difference?

But it is harmful not only to smoke, but also to be in the same room with people who smoke and breathe this air. (APPENDIX 2).

A healthy person coughs if they smell smoke, dust, or gas in the air.

The cough clears the upper airways even if we choke on the crumbs.

After all, you already know that it is dangerous to talk while eating or eat on the go!

Game "What is good for the respiratory system, and what is bad?"

And now we will talk about how to take care of the respiratory organs.

Before you are pictures, they depict situations when a person protects his throat, nose, mouth and lungs, and when, on the contrary, causes great harm to his health. Divide the cards into two fields (black and white: harm-benefit) and explain your choice.

(Children lay out cards and explain.) Useful: eat garlic and onions, vegetables and fruits.

Dress for the season. Get hardened. Breathe through your nose. Breathe fresh air.

Harmful: shouting in the street. Walk lightly dressed in cold weather. Supercool.

Drink cold water outside. Breathe dirty, smoky air.

The bottom line.(All the children stood in a circle.)

So our lesson has come to an end. Did you guys like the lesson?

Name the respiratory organs filling the picture. (Children name and show on themselves and the picture (applying the respiratory organs correctly): nose, mouth, breathing tube, lungs). (APPENDIX 3).

What rules for preserving health have we brought out in the lesson?

What would you like to wish your friends and our guests?

Children's wishes:

Always be healthy.

Go in for sports, do exercises every day.

Take a walk in the fresh air, temper.

Use polite words more often.

Eat healthy foods, vegetables and fruits.

Dress for the weather.

Always be kind and cheerful.

Take care of nature, animals and birds.

Breathe clean air.

Love your loved ones, take care of them.

(In memory of the lesson, balloons are given to children).

  • And I wish everyone: to smile more often, not to be upset over trifles.
  • Always look healthy
  • Never know where what hurts.


  1. Kartushina M. Yu. We want to be healthy: Health-improving and educational activities for children of the preparatory group of kindergarten. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.
  2. Formation of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers: / author - compiled by T.G. Karepova.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.- 170p.
  3. Richard Walker Human Anatomy - an illustrated atlas for children, Moscow, ONYX 21st Century, 2001.
  4. Our Body - My First Encyclopedia, ed. T. Bukhovoy, Moscow, "Christina and S", 1995.




Valeological education is an important element of health-preserving technologies practiced in the educational process of the kindergarten. The mission of this area of \u200b\u200bwork with children is realized through the organization of direct educational activity, that is, classes, as well as entertainment. Let us pay attention to the methodology for the implementation of valeological education within the framework of the lessons of this direction in the older group (children 5-6 years old) of a preschool educational institution (DET).

Why are valeology classes held with children 5-6 years old

For the older group, the mission of the lessons to support health from an early age is:

The tasks of organizing valeological studies, as in other groups, for children 5–6 years old, are grouped by areas of valeological knowledge.

Table: tasks of valeological lessons in the senior group according to GEF

The field of valeological theoryTasks
  • to acquaint with the basics of anatomical knowledge, namely: the location of internal organs;
  • to identify the roles of men and women in the birth of children;
  • continue to work on prevention of diseases of the eyes, hearing organs.
Emotional condition
  • develop the ability to verbally explain your emotions;
  • explain the options for getting rid of negative experiences (for example, switching to some interesting activity: drawing, conducting an experiment, etc.).
Fundamentals of safe life
  • systematize the rules of safe behavior in a home without adults (do not take household chemicals, medicines, sharp objects, do not go to open windows);
  • summarize the rules of safe behavior in nature.

In the older group, the task of valeological education is to get kids knowledge about healthy foods

Methodology for the behavior of valeological studies in the older group

As in any type of educational activity in the lessons of valeology, the teacher combines the techniques of four methods.

Speech methods

The word plays an essential role in revealing the essence of the areas of valeological knowledge.


This technique fits especially well at the beginning of the main stage of the lesson, when the teacher needs to convey to the children the essence of generalizing categories, classes of objects.

For example, in my practice at the lesson on the topic "Vitamins for the health of the body" I explain the concept of "vitamin" to the children as follows: "Our body, in order to be in shape, requires the support of vitamins. These substances by themselves in the human body are not produced, we get them with food. But if some vitamins are still not enough, and the person does not feel well, then the doctor prescribes these useful substances in large quantities in the form of tablets. "

Traditionally, the explanation is supported by clarity.


Accompanies the interaction of children and adults in any methods and techniques. Having a question-and-answer structure, the conversation helps the children to analyze and draw conclusions based on personal experience, that is, it brings up a personality trait that is very important for senior preschoolers: independence. In the older group, questions of valeological education are raised in cognitive and ethical conversations. For example, I construct a cognitive conversation within the framework of the topic “What helps a person to be healthy” as follows:

  • i invite the children to remember proverbs and sayings about health;
  • list those health promotion measures that are practiced in families of babies;
  • i bring the children to the generalization of what has been said and drawing up a list of "true friends of health" (fresh air, cleanliness, sports).

A card index of conversations on the topics of valeological content can be found in the article "Valeological conversations in a preschool educational institution."

It is interesting. In the classroom in the senior group, as well as in the middle one, conversations are practiced with representatives of professions that are directly related to the preservation of human health (doctor, firefighter, policeman, etc.).

Conversations between children and specialists are an effective way to summarize the knowledge gained on a topic

Rhymed stitches

Traditionally, these techniques are used to motivate children in order to tune them into a working mood and, having updated basic knowledge, introduce them to the topic of the lesson. In the older group, at valeological lessons, poems can also be used to summarize the study of the thematic block. So, completing work on the theme "Heart of the Family", dedicated to fostering respect for family values, family relationships, my children and I sum up the rhyme lessons:

  • There is always a place for love in the family!
    It will never be close to her!
    Love connects people
    Hands gently hugs
    Both young and old.
    It gives its shelter to everyone on earth.

Riddles are useful when referring to toddlers' experiences before starting a new topic. For example, before talking about the medicinal properties of plants, kids guess the names of herbs:

  • A thin stem at the path, At the end of it - catkins, On the ground are leaves - Small burdocks. To us he is like a good friend Heals wounds of legs and arms. (Plantain);
  • Sisters stand in the field, Yellow eyes look at the sun, Each sister has White eyelashes. (Chamomile).

Pictures can be tips for guessing riddles.

Fairy tales

This technique can be used in two versions: as the design of the structure of the lesson (for example, when the kids “get” to the fairytale town of Dobrozdorovieno, where together with the “mayor” of the city they find out the rules of life for residents) or as a way to update or generalize the knowledge of the kids. The second method is realized through fairy tale therapy - the use of fairy tales to highlight a specific aspect of the topic. For example, considering the issues of healthy balanced nutrition for children, I offer the children a story about Vasya Zaboleikin (a large doll plays his role). “Once upon a time there was a boy Vasya Zaboleikin. He loved chocolate, citro and chips most of all in the world. I ate them all the time, and always left cereals, soups, fruits and vegetables untouched on the plate. And then one day, when Petya was bragging to his friends that he would not go to kindergarten tomorrow, because he had a stomach ache, and the guys, not listening to Petya, began to discuss the games that they would be able to play tomorrow at the Health Day holiday. Petya thought: if he got sick, he would miss such fun, and he didn't want to get sick. But it would be nice to eat, take a walk. Only now the head is spinning, nauseous and weakness overcame the boy. And the guys-friends told him: "If you eat deliciously and eat right, then no weakness is terrible." Petya asked his mother to wash vegetables and fruits for him, ate them and with renewed vigor ran to play with the children.

Nothing catches children's attention like fairy tales


The teacher reads literary works on the topic, formulating questions for discussion on the plot. For example, after reading the tale "Moidodyr" by K. Chukovsky, questions may be as follows:

  • “What happened to the boy?”;
  • "Who explained to the hero why all things ran away from him?";
  • "Why do you think it is bad to be dirty?"

It is interesting. With children of older preschool age, the emphasis in the discussion is on problematic issues that help develop critical thinking in children, as well as form the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

In the older group, reading by the children themselves is used in fragments as the children master the reading skill. For example, kids can read out short notes about the benefits / harms of any products or rules of behavior in the forest, on the water, at home in the absence of adults.

Reading can be used to familiarize children with the terms of the game

Audiovisual method

Visibility accompanies any kind of activity of preschoolers. In the context of valeological studies, this method is presented:

  • pictures that illustrate the lesson material (for example, vegetables and fruits containing vitamins important for health);
  • layouts (for example, a street intersection) for the practical development of the learned rules;
  • demonstration, that is, showing actions by the teacher (usually in this case we are talking about the order of performing a creative task, movements in the game, manipulations when performing self-massage, etc.);
  • demonstration - presentation of material using a video, for example, the topic of the rules for using household appliances at home can be illustrated with a series of cartoon about Fixies "Microwave", which the guys watch and discuss, systematizing what can and cannot be done with the microwave;
  • observation - an active perception of reality in a period of time to formulate a topic and then generalize the material.

Video: an example of using the display technique - the cartoon “Fixies. Microwave "

Table: card file of valeological observations in the older group

Observation (same as valeology topic)ObjectivesThe essence
Traffic light monitoringSystematize knowledge of traffic signals.The teacher takes the children to the intersection, shows the traffic lights and draws the kids' attention to the fact that such a large number of cars and public transport do not interfere with each other. This is because they follow strict rules governed by three traffic lights.
At the end of the observation, the teacher asks what the traffic light is for and how it works.
Observation of special vehicles (ambulance, police car, fire engine, postal car, etc.)
  • to consolidate the ability to determine the desired car by description;
  • to expand children's ideas about the role of the driver in the work of special vehicles.
The teacher brings the kids to the carriageway and offers to determine the purpose of passing cars. Then he makes riddles, the answers to which are the names of the special transport:
  • The car rushes at a red light - I'm taking a patient to get treatment! And everyone who calls me, I will quickly deliver to the doctors! (Ambulance);
  • Blinking blue eye And in pursuit is torn immediately. (Police car);
  • Sleeping envelopes in bags are Travel greetings. (Postal machine);
  • The house is on fire. Nightmare! She will tame the fire. (Fire engine).

The observation ends with a discussion of the purpose of special vehicles and the role of the driver in their work.

Observing changing weather conditionsLearn to choose clothes in accordance with the weather outside the window.Children observe the weather outside the window, noting cloudiness, the presence or absence of precipitation (examining them against the background of the walls of neighboring buildings), wind (recording vibrations of tree branches). Based on observation, the kids draw conclusions about clothing suitable for going out.

Valeological newspapers

In classes on "health theory", valeological newspapers are also actively involved in the work - wall newspapers that consider a narrow aspect of the topic. For example, on the topic "Outdoor Games for Health Promotion". The difference between a wall newspaper and a drawing is not only in size - the first is usually created in A1 format, but also in the way the materials are used. Thus, a wall newspaper can be an additional source of information: children read and remember information. In addition, drawings are performed immediately after the end of the lesson, and the wall newspaper requires many hours of preparation and is drawn up with the help of parents.

It is interesting. Since information blocks can be included in the wall newspaper, work with this technique of clarity is possible if children can read.

Photo gallery: examples of valeological newspapers in the senior group

A fairytale character traveling from one information block to another can be introduced into the composition of a wall newspaper. Usually, a wall newspaper is produced not without the help of parents. A wall newspaper can be from sets of symbol pictures

Practical method

Any knowledge is better assimilated if it has an applied character. Usually, the practical method refers to such techniques of mastering the material as:

  • drawings (for example, prohibition signs for walking in the forest);
  • applications (creating collages with samples of useful products);
  • crafts (children can do models for work together with their parents).

These creative tasks are part of the stage of generalizing the material of the lesson: children draw (mold, create) images associated with valeology (pictures of a family, healthy lifestyle products, etc.).


Another important technique of the practical method in the lessons of valeology is self-massage.

At home, parents should also organize self-massage for children.

Hand massage

  1. Find the skin between the thumb and forefinger.
  2. We pinch it.

It is interesting. This kind of pen massage is very important: it helps to develop a skill that is useful for mastering writing.

Massage of the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose and ears

  1. Children, following the teacher, find a tubercle at the bridge of the nose, an area near the wings.
  2. Press on these points with your fingers.
  3. With pinching movements from the bottom up, massage the edges of the auricle.

It is interesting. Self-massage elements are part of the physical pause in class.

Valeological experiences

Another practical technique actively used in valeology classes is experiments.

In valeology classes, kids learn to take care of themselves

Table: card index of experiences in valeology lessons for children of the older group

The nature of the experience (valeology topic)ObjectivesThe essence
Skin Sensitivity ExperienceLearn to compare the temperature indicators of water in different containers.The teacher invites the kids to determine the temperature of the water with their finger and arrange the containers from the coldest to the warmest.
Experience on the importance of smell in human lifeLearn to identify foods by smell.Blindfolded children identify the food product by smell: orange, garlic, onion, banana, apple.
Note: This activity should be used with caution in children with allergies.
Experience in establishing the need for saliva to establish the taste characteristics of foodMake sure that the "dry" tongue does not taste.Children dry their tongues with a napkin, try different products (cheese, apple, banana) and make sure that they cannot taste without saliva.
Experience in determining the ability of the stomach to process foodShow the process of processing substances by gastric juice.The teacher shows the kids a jar of water and invites them to imagine that this is our stomach. Children throw sugar and salt into the jar - the products are mixed and dissolved in water. A piece of bread is added - it is soggy. Then the adult puts a paper napkin on a plate and pours out a little water - the liquid is absorbed. The teacher leads the kids to the conclusion that the walls of our stomach dissolve and absorb what we eat.

Game method

The techniques of this group are presented:

  • educational games;
  • movable;
  • theatrical games.

In valeology classes, the teacher, as a rule, uses the “2 of 3” rule: two out of three types of games are introduced into the lesson outline.

Outdoor games are devoted to fostering respect for healthy lifestyles, which are held in the classroom and outside of them.

Table: examples of valeological games for the older group

NameObjectivesGame progress
Didactic games
"Who am I like?"
  • develop the ability to see yourself from the outside;
  • learn to compare your external data with other people, find similarities and differences.
Children bring family photos from home, looking for similarities with their parents and other relatives.
"Who was born like" (lotto)To systematize children's knowledge of how living beings are born.In front of the child are three pictures, which depict an egg, an egg, a bottle with a pacifier, and a set of small pictures depicting insects, mammals, amphibians, etc., turned upside down. The kid takes a small picture and combines it with a large one, determining how this creature was born.
Outdoor games
"Name the sport"
  • develop the skill of imitation;
  • encourage initiative;
  • repeat the names of popular sports.
Kids play in pairs. One takes a picture and with movements, facial expressions shows the kind of sport that is depicted on it. The second one guesses. Then the partners change.
"Do not confuse"
  • repeat the names of body parts;
  • develop attentiveness, speed of reaction.
Children stand in a circle. The teacher, standing in the center, names a part of the body, while touching the other. The kids should touch the part that the teacher named.
Theatrical games
  • systematize the algorithm of actions when calling the assistance service;
  • develop artistic abilities, the ability to improvise.
The kid calls an ambulance for a toy that has been injured.
"Police"Children "come" to the challenge to the toy. The toy "explains" how it happened.
The game can be complicated by "investigative experiment", "interrogation" of witnesses.

Observations are supported by looking at posters on the topic

Planning GCD for valeology

Classes on mastering the theory of health in the senior group are held once a week, and the goal is set for a whole month. At the same time, integrated (!) Lessons are usually held, that is, those in which the disclosure of the topic occurs in the process of involving the kids in different types of activities. This principle of building lessons is reflected in the long-term plan, which is drawn up by the teacher for the academic year.

Table: long-term plan for valeology in the older group (fragment)

MonthObjectivesActivities with goals
  1. To acquaint children with the external structure of the body, with the capabilities of the body, organism:
  2. "I can jump, sing, watch, listen, eat, breathe, think ...".
  3. Foster a sense of pride that I am a person.
  4. Arouse interest in further knowledge.
Didactic game: "I can - I can not" according to the type "Edible - inedible."
Purpose: to keep children in a joyful mood and a sense of surprise and pride in their almost limitless abilities.
Drawing on the theme: "What am I made of?"
Purpose: to find out how children imagine their I, their body, their organs.
Reading fiction about cleanliness: K. Chukovsky "Moidodyr", Agnia and Pavel Barto "Grimy Girl".
Purpose: to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills with children.
  1. To give children an idea that the skin is the cover of the human body, it is gradually renewed, and also performs many functions. The main thing is protection, high sensitivity.
  2. To cultivate a respectful attitude to your skin, the desire to be clean.
A conversation with a doctor about diseases of dirty hands and skin diseases, preventive measures.
Purpose: to bring children to an understanding of the direct relationship between cleanliness and health.
Artistic activities on the topic of the read works.
Exhibition of drawings.
Purpose: to express your attitude towards dirty people, both indirectly and verbally.
Labor assignments to keep the group clean.
Purpose: to educate hard work, a negative attitude towards disorder, dirt in the room.
Leisure on the topic: "Leather is a helper."
Purpose: to consolidate, deepen the acquired knowledge, develop logical thinking.
  1. Make children want to improve their physical development.
  2. Maintain interest in physical exercise, sports.
Skeleton and Muscles.
Purpose: to give children the idea that every person has bones inside that make up a movable structure - the skeleton of our body.
Didactic game: "Dangerous - not dangerous".
Purpose: to develop protective self-awareness, to foresee the possible consequences of their actions.
Reading fiction: A. Barto "I am growing", S. Marshak "Giant".
Purpose: to cultivate a feeling of compassion for the misfortune of others, the desire to help, to bring joy.
Design and modeling from the book by G. Yudin "The main wonder of the world."
  • to consolidate the knowledge gained and ideas about the human skeleton;
  • develop the ability to analyze and generalize.

In the long-term plan, different types of work on specific topics in valeology are stipulated

How to write a lesson outline

The valeology lesson is built according to the same plan as other types of GCD:

  • duration for the older group - 25 minutes;
  • the structure consists of three stages.

Table: time plan of valeological classes in the older group with an example

Table: S.A. Kharitonova summary of the lesson on the topic: "We breathe, so we live" in the older group (fragments)

Introductory- Guys, we do various things during the day. What are we doing?
(We play, we walk, we eat, we drink, we study).
- That's right, we do a lot of different things. Can we all the time, for example, play, paint? (No, you can't do it for a long time, you get tired, bored).
- I agree, you can get tired of everything. For example, in order to live, a person needs to eat, drink, do something. Does he do it all the time? (No, you can't eat all the time).
Main<… Миша, лёжа на печи
I ate cakes and rolls.
And during the respite
I ate dumplings and crumpets.
Soon the whole Mishu village
I got it through the roof.
- This is what can happen if you have it all the time. But once, I know, people were left without food and water for a long time, but then they were rescued and they all survived. Did you happen to not eat for a long time? (Answers of children from personal experience).
- And now we will do this with you. Let's close our mouths tightly and pinch our nose with our fingers and sit like this, who is longer?
- Why did you open your mouth and nose?
(Suffocated, not enough air, hard).
- So what a person cannot live without for even a few minutes?
(Without air, he cannot help breathing, he can suffocate) ...\u003e
<… Опыт: - Мы делаем с вами вдох и выдох. При вдохе воздух попадает к нам в организм, а при выдохе, - выходит из него. Положите руку к себе на грудь и сделайте глубокий вдох. Что произошло?
(Children's answers).
- Generalization: the chest rises, it becomes larger.
- Now take another deep breath and exhale. What happened?
(The ribcage sank.)
- Guys, where does the air get when you inhale?
(There are lungs) ...\u003e
Securing the material<… - Да, воздух загрязняется от выхлопов машин, когда из труб идёт дым, когда много курят. Как же мы будем дышать таким воздухом, чтобы было легче?
(Through the nose, attaching a handkerchief).
- And why should you breathe through your nose?
(So \u200b\u200bas not to get sick when it's cold).
- What happens to the air when it passes through the nose?
(It gets warm in the nose, there are still hairs, dust and germs remain on them) ...\u003e
The final stage<…Педагог благодарит детей за работу.

The final point may include a surprise, that is, rewarding the participants with, for example, candy, toys, etc.

Video: valeological lesson on the topic "Why do we need a nose?" in the older group

Methodology for developing an open valeological lesson in the older group

Demonstration lessons are designed not only to demonstrate the level of achievement of kids, but also to show the degree of methodological savvy of the teacher in the choice of combinations of methods and techniques for interacting with children. At the same time, both the structure and timing remain unchanged. The main difference lies in the design of the content: for an open lesson, the teacher usually uses a plot basis.

Table: Atamanenko O. summary of an open lesson on valeology on the topic "Purity is a guarantee of health" in the senior group (fragments)

IntroductoryEducator: - Children, listen to what happened to me this morning. I go to kindergarten, and a little boy runs towards me, dirty, unwashed, uncombed, without outerwear and crying. I stopped him and asked: “What happened? Why are you crying?". Then he told me that all his things were gone and no one wanted to play with him. I reassured him, said that I would take him with me to kindergarten, I would tell his story to the children in the group and they, that is, you, would definitely help him. Why do you think this story happened to the boy? Why are his things missing and no one wants to play with him? It seems to me that we have already heard such a story somewhere. In what work did a similar story happen to the boy?
(Children's answers.) ...\u003e
<… - Правильно, об этом мы читали в произведении «Мойдодыр». А как вы думаете, кто такой Мойдодыр? (это хозяин чистоты и порядка). Так как же можно помочь мальчику, что мы ему можем посоветовать? (ответы детей).
Educator: - Guys, let's tell our guest what needs to be done so that this does not happen to him again. We already know that pure water has healing properties. Today we will get acquainted with how to cleanse your body with the help of water and how to properly care for it. Do you remember the name of proper body care? (children answer). Well done, remember: proper body care is called hygiene ...\u003e
Main<… Грязнулькин: - Я очень хочу научиться ухаживать за своим телом. Мне больше не хочется ходить грязным.
Educator. - Then let's start our lesson, and start it with how to properly care for your teeth ...\u003e
<… Ребёнок, показывает на плакате и рассказывает, как нужно чистить зубы. (Нужно намочить щетинки водой, выдавить на них из тюбика пасту, аккуратно вставить щётку в рот, щетинками с пастой к зубам, и начать медленно чистить зубы, двигая щётку вверх и вниз, влево и вправо…>
<… В. – А сейчас мы будем учиться правильно мыть руки.
The child recites a poem: "My little hands":
Hands to wash first
We'll roll up our sleeves ...\u003e
<…В. Вот мы и вспомнили наше первое правило защиты от микробов. Ты запомнил.
G. - Yes! Washing hands with soap.
V. - Right!
From plain water and soap
Microbes lose their strength ...\u003e
Securing the material<… Проводится игра «Апчхи»: дети делятся на две команды («Чихающие» и «Заражающиеся») которые расходятся на расстояние 5 метров друг от друга. Команда «Чихающие», произносят «Апчхи!», и кидают в противоположную команду теннисные шарики. Дети из команды «Заражающиеся» должны увернуться. Тот в кого попал шарик, выходит из игры и начинает «чихать»…>
The final stage<…Грязнулькин: – Спасибо вам ребята… Как чисто у вас в группе стало. И я тоже теперь всегда буду ходить чистым и аккуратным.
I'm very happy today!
That I have been with you
Healthy friends.
Now I will tell everyone
About how you live.
“And now I’ll run home to put things in order as soon as possible before my mother returns from work.
V. - You are great guys today, you yourself remembered, and told others how to protect themselves from insidious microbes.

Experiments develop independence in children

Analysis of a lesson in valeology

Monitoring of work on valeological education is carried out in two formats:

  • introspection (to identify the shortcomings of the organization stage, for example, due to the vastness of valeological issues, the introductory stage may be too long, then the main one is most often crumpled);
  • analysis of an open lesson by the guests present - a senior educator, a methodologist, a manager, colleagues (to determine the level of development of babies in the context of valeological knowledge, for example, the ability to maintain cleanliness, about awareness of the importance of professions related to saving lives, etc. - and the degree of methodological preparation of the teacher) ...

The lesson analysis diagram, as well as an example of introspection, can be found.

The analysis makes it possible to study the effectiveness of the techniques used in the lesson

Leisure activities in valeology in the older group

In addition to GCD, the implementation of the goals and objectives of valeological education in the older group is carried out through the preparation and conduct of leisure activities, which are held 1-2 times a month. They are usually timed to coincide with holidays (for example, Defender of the Fatherland Day) or the completion of the study of a block of topics (for example, about the structure of the human body). The structure of entertainment differs from the usual activity in that the stage of consolidation organically fits into the main one. In addition, the timing of the event is increased by 5-10 minutes, that is, up to 35-40 minutes.

Among the forms of conducting valeological entertainment practiced in kindergarten in the older group, the advantage is for:

  • quests;
  • KVNami;
  • travel;
  • fairy tales.

Table: Mizdrenko T.V. scenario of valeological leisure activities on the theme "Travel to the cities of health" for the older group

IntroductoryChildren line up in a circle.
Speech charging:
- Hello girls!
- Hello!
- Hello boys!
- Hello!
- Hello, guests!
- Hello!
- Hello, Sunny! (hands up)
Hi! Hi! (we wave our arms above our head)
We grow well under the sun (hands up, stretching on toes)
We are becoming healthier every day! (arms to shoulders, to the sides, down)
MainEducator: - Guys, I want to invite you and our guests to the mysterious country of Health. Our journey will be interesting and extraordinary, on the way there will be many obstacles and barriers. This requires endurance, skills, dexterity and mutual assistance. We're leaving. (Music sounds, children go in circles)
(Children come to the first table)
The Queen of Glazograd meets the children at the first table:
- Hello children! How did you manage to overcome such difficult obstacles? You are great! To find out the name of my city, you must first solve the riddle:
Two brothers across the road live
But they don't see each other. (Eyes) ...\u003e
<… Царица Глазограда: - Как хорошо, что мы можем видеть, давайте поэкспериментируем, что же могут наши глаза?
  • Shows 2 toys at different distances. Children determine with an eye that the distance to one toy is closer than to another. What conclusion can be drawn? (You can tell the distance with your eyes.)
  • Shows a large doll and a small cube. Children determine the size. It is concluded that the eyes can determine the size ...\u003e

<… Делается вывод: Разноцветный мир мы видим разноцветными глазами. Итак, наши глаза могут определить цвет, форму, расстояние и размер предметов…>

<… Гимнастика для глаз:
  • Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly for 5 seconds.
  • Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, open them and look into the distance ...\u003e
<… Правила гигиены и безопасности:
It is necessary to read, draw only in good lighting. In this case, it is necessary that the distance from the table to the eyes be at least 30 cm.
After prolonged eye strain, it is recommended to raise your head and look into the distance ...
<… Дети продолжают путешествие в Ухограде и Зубограде…>
FinalEducator-doctor gives children toothbrushes.
Educator: - So you have returned to kindergarten, I am glad to see you back. Did you enjoy the trip?
The teacher asks questions about the topic of travel and offers to teach their relatives how to do eye exercises, massage ears and take care of teeth.

The main form of scripting a leisure event for middle and older age is theatricalization

A special place in the educational process of the preschool educational institution is given to the implementation of the tasks of health preservation technologies. One of the forms of their implementation is the conduct of valeological lessons and leisure activities. In the senior group, these forms of educational activity are aimed at systematizing what has already been studied, as well as building up new knowledge on the existing base.

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