Memory diagnostic methods (continued). Tests for children

Target: assessment of the state of auditory memory for words, fatigue, attention, memorization, preservation, reproduction, voluntary attention.

Description. A method for learning ten words was proposed by A. R. Luria. It allows you to study memory processes: memorization, storage and reproduction. The technique can be used to assess the state of memory, voluntary attention, exhaustion of patients with neuropsychiatric diseases, as well as to study the dynamics of the course of the disease and take into account the effectiveness of drug therapy.

Carrying out the technique requires an appropriate environment. There should be no extraneous conversations in the room. The subject is asked to remember 10 words. They must meet several conditions:

  1. monotony: all words are singular nouns. number, im. cases consisting of the same number of syllables (one- or two-syllable);
  2. words should, if possible, be unrelated to each other (words cannot be offered for memorization: table - chair; fire - water, etc.).

Application. The technique can be used for both children (from five years old) and adults.

Stimulus material. A protocol with ten short one- and two-syllable words that have no connection with each other.

The most frequently used set of words is: Forest, Bread, Window, Chair, Water, Horse, Mushroom, Needle, Honey, Fire.

Research methodology. I read instructions (a) to the subject. Then a series of words are read out. At the end of reading, the words remembered by the test subject are recorded in the protocol. Then read out instructions (b). After recording the data in the protocol, the experiment is repeated without instructions. The material is presented several times until complete memorization or 5-6 times. Before the next readings of the material, the experimenter simply says: “One more time.”

Thus, at each stage of the study a protocol is filled out. Under each reproduced word in the line that corresponds to the attempt number, a cross is placed. If the subject names an “extra” word, it is recorded in the corresponding column. After finishing repeating the words, the experimenter says to the subject: “In an hour, you will tell me these same words again.” An hour later, the subject, at the request of the researcher, reproduces the remembered words without preliminary reading, which are recorded in the protocol in circles.


Instructions for children.

Instruction(s): “Now we will test your memory. I’ll tell you the words, you’ll listen to them, and then repeat them as much as you can, in any order.”

-·Instruction (b): “Now I will say the same words again, you will listen to them and repeat them - both those that you have already named and those that you will remember now. You can name the words in any order."

Instructions for adults.

Instruction(s): “Now I will read a few words. Listen carefully. When I finish reading, immediately repeat as many words as you remember. You can repeat the words in any order."

Instruction (b): “Now I will read you the same words again, and you must repeat them again, both those that you have already named and those that you missed the first time. The order of the words is not important."

Processing the results

2. Construct a memorization schedule based on these data. The serial numbers of repetitions are plotted on the abscissa axis, and the V values ​​are plotted on the ordinate axis.

Word learning schedule

Ki - coefficient of memorization of the i-th word,

Pi is its absolute frequency;

n - number of repetitions.

4. Construct a graph of the frequency of memorization of each word. The ordinal numbers of words are plotted on the abscissa axis, and the values ​​of K are plotted on the ordinate axis.

Word memorization frequency graph

5. Compile summary tables for indicators V and K for a group of subjects; calculate the average indicators and plot these data on the individual graphs of this subject. Compare individual data with group averages.

6. Along with this, you can calculate the percentage of information loss an hour after memorization:

Vlong-term - long-term memory capacity (after one hour)

V6 - number of words reproduced in episode 6


Analyze the forms of the resulting graphs, using material from a verbal report and observations of the progress of work. Based on the shape of the curve, conclusions can be drawn regarding the characteristics of memorization.

Thus, in healthy children, with each reproduction, the number of correctly named words increases, weakened children reproduce a smaller number, and may demonstrate getting stuck on “extra” words. A large number of “extra” words indicates disinhibition or disorders of consciousness. When examining adults, by the third repetition, a subject with normal memory usually reproduces up to 9 or 10 words correctly.

The memory curve may indicate waning attention and/or severe fatigue. Increased fatigue is recorded if the subject (adult or child) immediately reproduced 8-9 words, and then, each time, less and less (the curve on the graph does not increase, but decreases). In addition, if the subject reproduces fewer and fewer words, this may indicate forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. The zigzag nature of the curve indicates instability of attention. A plateau-shaped curve indicates the child’s emotional lethargy and lack of interest.

In cases of traumatic brain injury or neuroinfection, subjects remember the first and last words. At the same time, the volume of memorization of the material does not change.

With neuroses, memorization is slow, the schedule is zigzag, and a larger number of presentations is needed. Zigzag also indicates instability of attention and its fluctuations.

You should pay attention to the presence of the “edge effect”.

The number of words retained and reproduced in the first series shows the capacity of auditory short-term memory. The norm is considered to be 7±2 words (units of information).

The number of words retained and recalled one hour later shows the capacity of auditory long-term memory.

This technique is intended to determine the volume of short-term visual memory. Children receive the pictures shown in Fig. as stimuli. 13 A. They are given instructions approximately as follows:

“There are nine different figures in this picture. Try to remember them and then recognize them in another picture (Fig. 13 B), which I will show you now. On it, in addition to the nine previously shown images, there are six more that you have not seen before. Try to recognize and show in the second picture only those images that you saw in the first picture.”

The exposure time of the stimulus picture (Fig. 13 A) is 30 seconds. After this, this picture is removed from the child’s field of vision and instead he is shown a second picture - fig. 13 B. The experiment continues until the child recognizes all the images, but no longer than 1.5 minutes.

Evaluation of results

10 points- the child recognized in picture 13 B all nine images shown to him in picture 13 A, spending less than 45 seconds on it.

8-9 points- the child recognized 7-8 images in picture 13 B in a time from 45 to 55 seconds.

6-7 points- the child recognized 5-6 images in a time from 55 to 65 seconds.

4-5 points- the child recognized 3-4 images in a time from 65 to 75 seconds.

2-3 points- the child recognized 1-2 images in a time from 75 to 85 seconds.

0-1 point- the child did not recognize a single image in picture 13 B for 90 seconds or more.

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points- very tall.

8-9 points- high.

4-7 points- average.

2-3 points- short.

0-1 point- very low.

Method 13. “Remember the numbers”

This technique is designed to determine the volume of a child’s short-term auditory memory. In the assignment, the child receives instructions with the following content:

“Now I will tell you the numbers, and you repeat them after me immediately after I say the word “repeat”.”

Next, the experimenter sequentially reads to the child from top to bottom a series of numbers presented in Fig. 14 A, with an interval of 1 second between numbers. After listening to each series, the child must repeat it after the experimenter. This continues until the child makes a mistake.


If an error is made, then the experimenter repeats the adjacent row of numbers located on the right (Fig. 14 B) and consisting of

Part I. Psychological diagnostics

the same number of numbers as the one in which the error was made, and asks the child to reproduce it. If a child twice makes a mistake in reproducing a series of numbers of the same length, then this part of the psychodiagnostic experiment ends, the length of the previous row is noted, which was reproduced at least once completely and accurately, and they proceed to reading out the series of numbers following in the opposite order - descending ( Fig. 15 A, B).

Finally, the volume of the child’s short-term auditory memory is determined, which is numerically equal to half the sum of the maximum number of digits in a series correctly reproduced by the child in the first and second attempts.

Evaluation of results

10 points- the child correctly reproduced an average of 9 digits. 8-9 points- the child accurately reproduced an average of 7-8 digits. 6-7 points- the child was able to accurately reproduce an average of 5-6 digits. 4-5 points- the child reproduced 4 digits on average. 2-3 points- the child reproduced 3 digits on average. 0-1 point- the child on average reproduced from 0 to 2 digits.

_____ Chapter 3. Methods of psychodiagnostics of preschool children _

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points- very tall.

8-9 points- high.

4-7 points- average.

2-3 points- short.

0-1 point- very low.

Method 14. “Learn words”

Using this technique, the dynamics of the learning process are determined. The child receives a task in several attempts to learn by heart and accurately reproduce a series consisting of 12 words: tree, doll, fork, flower, telephone, glass, bird, coat, light bulb, picture, person, book.

Memorizing a series is done like this. After each listening session, the child tries to reproduce the entire series. The experimenter notes the number of words that the child remembered and named correctly during this attempt, and reads out the same series again. And so on six times in a row until the results of playing the series in six attempts are obtained.

The results of learning a series of words are presented on a graph (Fig. 16), where the horizontal line shows the child’s successive attempts to reproduce the series, and the vertical line shows the number of words correctly reproduced by him in each attempt.

Evaluation of results

10 points- the child remembered and accurately reproduced everything

12 words in 6 tries or less. 8-9 points

6 attempts 10-11 words. 6-7 points- the child remembered and accurately reproduced

6 attempts 8-9 words. 4-5 points- the child remembered and accurately reproduced

6 attempts 6-7 words.

Part I Psychological diagnostics

2-3 points- the child remembered and accurately reproduced

6 attempts 4-5 words. 0-1 point- the child remembered and accurately reproduced

6 attempts, no more than 3 words.

Conclusions about the level of development

The purpose of this technique is to determine the dynamics of the learning process. This technique is aimed at studying the state of memory, fatigue, and attention activity. Here words are used that have no connection with each other and their subsequent naming by the subject is recorded using the signs “+” and “-” in the protocol. The child reproduces words in several stages.

First stage: “Now I will read 12 words. You need to listen carefully. When I finish reading, immediately repeat as many words as you remember. You can repeat in any order. It's clear?" the experimenter reads the words clearly, after which the subject must immediately name them.

Second stage: “Now I will read the same words again, and you must repeat them again - and those that you missed the first time - all together, in any order.” Before the next 3-6 readings, the experimenter simply says: “One more time.”

A number of words to learn:

  • Tree

  • Doll

  • Fork

  • Flower

  • Telephone

  • Cup

  • Bird

  • Coat

  • Bulb

  • Painting

  • Human

  • Book
Evaluation of results

  • 10 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced all 12 words in 6 or fewer attempts.

  • 8-9 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced 10-11 words in 6 attempts.

  • 6-7 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced 8-9 words in 6 attempts.

  • 4-5 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced 6-7 words in 6 attempts.

  • 2-3 points - the child remembered and reproduced it accurately in 6 attempts

  • 4-5 words.

  • 0-1 point - the child remembered and accurately reproduced no more than 3 words in 6 attempts.
Conclusions about the level of development

  • 10 points - very high.

  • 8-9 points - high.

  • 4-7 points - average.
  • 2-3 points - low.

  • 0-1 point - very low.
Table No. 3.

Determination of the dynamics of the learning process.

Child's name





Dasha N.




Dima O.




Egor P.




Zhenya O.




Tanya S.




Alena Sh.




Masha A.




Karina O.




Danila G.



Andrey Sh.




Zhenya L.




Sasha Z.




Angela C.




Ulyana S.




Vika P.




Nastya M.




Sasha B.




Danila L.




Sasha L.




Kirill L.




Lena M.




Pasha B.




Maxim R.




Galya F.




Lena G.



The technique was applied to children of the same group (senior preschool age). The group is dominated by a high (8 people) and very high (11 people) level of the learning process. The remaining subjects (6 people) showed an average level of the learning process.

This technique shows that in children of senior preschool age

Age is dominated by a high level of dynamics of the learning process. This is due to the fact that the child’s actions aimed at conscious memorization or recollection are clearly visible in activities at the age of 6–7 years. During the application of this technique, it was revealed that children of senior preschool age more often use repetition rather than associative connections when memorizing (Table No. 3).

The data obtained allowed us to draw up a protocol (see Appendix No. 3).

Based on the protocol received, a memorization schedule was drawn up. It can be used to judge the subjects’ memory characteristics.

there is no interest, emotional lethargy is observed. Although it should be noted that on the last attempt, almost all children reproduced a series of 12 words.

Of all the words, the words that were best remembered were tree, doll, man, book, flower, bird.

All of the above allows us to conclude that children have well-developed direct memorization.

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Method 14. “Learn words”

Using this technique, the dynamics of the learning process are determined. The child receives a task in several attempts to learn by heart and accurately reproduce a series consisting of 12 words: tree, doll, fork, flower, telephone, glass, bird, coat, light bulb, picture, person, book.

Memorizing a series is done like this. After each listening session, the child tries to reproduce the entire series. The experimenter notes the number of words that the child remembered and named correctly during this attempt, and reads out the same series again. And so on six times in a row until the results of playing the series in six attempts are obtained.

The results of learning a series of words are presented on a graph (Fig. 16), where the horizontal line shows the child’s successive attempts to reproduce the series, and the vertical line shows the number of words correctly reproduced by him in each attempt.

Evaluation of results

10 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced all 12 words in 6 or fewer attempts.

8-9 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced 10-11 words in 6 attempts.

6-7 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced 8-9 words in 6 attempts.

4-5 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced 6-7 words in 6 attempts.

2-3 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced 4-5 words in 6 attempts.

0-1 point - the child remembered and accurately reproduced no more than 3 words in 6 attempts.

Rice. 16. .

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points - very high.

8-9 points - high.

4-7 points - average.

2-3 points - low.

0-1 point - very low.

Nemov R.S. Psychology: Textbook. for students higher ped. textbook establishments: In 3 books. - 4th ed. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2003. - Book. 3: Psychodiagnostics. Introduction to scientific psychological research with elements of mathematical statistics. - 640 s. C 95-96.

Methods for diagnosing memory (continued)

Method 14. “Learn words”

Using this technique, the dynamics of the learning process are determined. The child receives a task in several attempts to learn by heart and accurately reproduce a series consisting of 12 words: tree, doll, fork, flower, telephone, glass, bird, coat, light bulb, picture, person, book.

Memorizing a series is done like this. After each listening session, the child tries to reproduce the entire series. The experimenter notes the number of words that the child remembered and named correctly during this attempt, and reads out the same series again. And so on six times in a row until the results of playing the series in six attempts are obtained.

The results of learning a series of words are presented on a graph (Fig. 16), where the horizontal line shows the child’s successive attempts to reproduce the series, and the vertical line shows the number of words correctly reproduced by him in each attempt.

Evaluation of results

    10 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced all 12 words in 6 or fewer attempts.

    8 - 9 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced 10-11 words in 6 attempts.

    6 - 7 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced 8-9 words in 6 attempts.

    4 - 5 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced 6-7 words in 6 attempts.

    2 - 3 points - the child remembered and accurately reproduced 4-5 words in 6 attempts.

    0 - 1 point - the child remembered and accurately reproduced no more than 3 words in 6 attempts.

Conclusions about the level of development

    10 points - very high.

    8 - 9 points - high.

    4 - 7 points - average.

    2 - 3 points - low.

    0 - 1 point - very low.