My child has constantly cold feet, what should I do? Why do newborns have cold hands? Icy skin at high temperature

The appearance of a small child in the house is always a joy. However, with it comes concern for his health and proper development. Often, young mothers are concerned that their baby has cold hands or feet. In order not to worry in vain, you need to know the main causes of this physical condition of the baby and how to eliminate them.

Causes of cold hands

Young parents are often concerned with the question of why their baby has cold hands. This problem may be associated with the physiological characteristics of the newborn’s development, some disease, or external factors depending on the air temperature.

  1. Formation of the vegetative system. The baby's body gradually gets used to the environment, its various systems develop slowly, and the heat exchange process is formed by about 1.5 years of age. Therefore, cold hands in a baby are normal and are due to its physiological development.
  2. The occurrence of the disease. The child’s body can send signals to the mother that something is wrong with it, so in addition to the hands, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the newborn as a whole. He may develop symptoms such as prolonged crying for no reason, skin rashes, loss of appetite, indigestion, high or low temperature. If these signs are detected, it is necessary to show the baby to a pediatrician.
  3. Room temperature. If the air in the room is warmed up by less than 20 degrees Celsius, then cold hands on a baby may be a symptom that the newborn has frozen. Pediatricians recommend the following method to help find out whether a child is cold or not: to do this, you need to touch the baby’s chest with the back of your hand. If it is warm, then everything is fine, but if it is cool, then the baby is freezing.

Diseases that are symptomatic of cold hands

When a baby’s hands are cold, this may be a sign of some disease, but you need to look at the baby’s general condition; if it is unsatisfactory, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. Among the ailments are the following:

  • infectious and viral diseases, which are also accompanied by cough, runny nose, gastrointestinal upset, rash on the baby’s face and body;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the newborn’s body;
  • iron deficiency, which leads to anemia of the limbs;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland, characterized by constant constipation, temperature disturbances, and thickening of the tongue.

Ways to warm your baby's limbs

Most often, cold hands in a baby are not a problem, and the unpleasant feeling of chills can be eliminated using the following methods:

  • do daily morning exercises with your newborn;
  • put thin soft socks on your feet and, if necessary, anti-scratch mittens on your hands;
  • provide the baby with warm food;
  • harden the baby, take air baths;
  • Do not wear clothes or shoes that are too tight.

Improving baby's blood circulation

Young mothers very often wrap their newborn up excessively, they are afraid that he is cold. However, this behavior can negatively affect the development of the newborn’s autonomic system. For its proper formation, it is necessary to carry out the following measures that will improve blood circulation in the body and get rid of the problem of cold hands:

  • Massage strengthens and develops the child’s muscles, improves heat exchange processes, and promotes the development of immunity. It is recommended to carry out the massage with light, stroking and rubbing movements with your hands or a special mitten.
  • Contrasting water procedures - it is recommended to bathe the baby in warm water, and at the end of the bath, pour water over him from a ladle, the temperature of which is 1-2 degrees lower, but not cold.
  • It is recommended to rub the child’s arms and legs after bathing with a rough towel until the color is pink and the body is soft.

Cold extremities with fever

Often, when a baby has a fever, his limbs become icy. In order not to worry in vain, not to be scared, you need to know why a baby has cold hands and feet at a high body temperature.

This is all due to the same heat exchange processes in the body that lead to narrowing and spasm of the newborn’s blood vessels.

  • gradually reduce the heat so as not to provoke even greater vasoconstriction;
  • give the baby a vasodilator and an antihistamine (here a mandatory consultation with a pediatrician is required);
  • perform a light massage of the hands and feet.

Thus, cold hands in a baby are usually associated with its physiological development or environmental temperature. However, they can also be a symptom of a disease. In any case, it is better to show the newborn to a pediatrician and get professional advice.

Are cold hands and feet a sign of some kind of circulatory disorder in the small vessels of the extremities? Blood doesn't reach the capillaries and doesn't warm your fingers? This is most likely the case if your hands and feet become very cold when it is warm enough outside or in the house. And if a person himself somehow gets used to such phenomena, then acquaintances and those simply around him, accidentally feeling a temperature unusual for the human body, rarely do without comments and the question: “Why are your hands so icy?” Of course, you can consider yourself healthy, but cold hands always create some discomfort, and the owner of the problem begins to try to get rid of it.

Even more questions and concerns arise when cold feet and hands are discovered in a child, especially if he is still in the infancy period. The ones who worry most about this are grandmothers who have raised their children and have slightly forgotten about the physiology of the little ones, and therefore have a panicky fear of hypothermia and colds. Trying to wrap the baby warmly, they constantly touch the hands, then the nose, check whether the feet are cold and give instructions to the young parents. When can cold hands and/or feet be considered normal, and when should you pay attention to them as a symptom of illness? The reader will find answers to these and other questions regarding cold extremities below.

"Cold-blooded" women and "hot" guys

Some people, in fairly warm weather, always wear socks and warm sweaters in the house and outside. What's the matter? Why do people tolerate the same ambient temperature differently? Why is it that in old age “cabbage leaves” from clothes no longer interfere, and why do doctors recommend that small children be dressed cooler than adults? Here's why:

  • Women Throughout life, right up to menopause, they freeze more - this is by nature. Endless fluctuations in hormonal levels associated with female physiology, one way or another, affect thermoregulation. It becomes even more difficult with the onset of menopause, which can make such changes in the processes of thermoregulation that a woman sometimes ceases to correctly determine and feel the temperature, and she, resigned, perceives hot flashes and colds as symptoms of a not very joyful period and tries to fight it with her own means. , however, not always successfully;
  • Men by no means an athletic build, that is, tall, thin with thin bones asthenics are also a little afraid of the cold, although less so than women. But big-boned, big guys with well-developed muscles or a subcutaneous fat layer walk with their chests wide open; they are not afraid of frost, since their thermoregulation is well established;
  • Heat exchange processes decrease in old age– very elderly people begin to dress warmer;
  • In infants, thermoregulation mechanisms have not yet been adjusted, it is easy to overcool and overheat, but as the child ages, everything falls into place, the system of heat production and release improves, so cold hands and feet no longer frighten parents.

It should be noted that those who are supposedly healthy almost always have a lack of vitamins and microelements in their food. Your hands may begin to freeze if you follow a diet, especially if you are hungry, and if you sit for a long time in a cool room, you can feel that your feet are freezing (you will have to get up and go get your socks), although some people, in fairly warm weather in the house and outside, constantly wear socks, scarves and under blankets.

Meanwhile, if in adults the thermoregulatory system has completed its formation and they themselves often know the reasons for cold feet or hands, then in a child it is still in its infancy, and any deviation from the usual temperature is always perceived as something terrible, especially if it is very cold limbs are found in infants.

A child has icy hands and feet - what could happen?

Cold extremities are normal

In addition to the temperature of the skin of the extremities healthy child, it would be good for adults to pay attention to their color, after all, it is the skin, or rather, its vessels that are the first to contact the environment and react by narrowing or expanding.

Cool pale pink heels and palms do not mean anything bad not only for a baby, but also for a baby who runs barefoot on the cold floor. When it comes into contact with cold objects, it adapts to their temperature and, giving off heat, cools itself slightly.

However, very cold feet and icy hands with a bluish tint should alert you: Most likely, the baby was frozen more than allowed. In any case, we should not forget that we are talking about a healthy child, for whom optimal conditions are still being selected, trying to create maximum comfort (not cold and not hot). And the baby will be comfortable when the surrounding temperature matches his needs, when he is warm, but not hot - the arms and legs will be moderately warm (rather cool), but not hot and not wet. Due to this It would be useful to remind you that overheating threatens more trouble for a small child than poor cooling, The thermoregulation system in babies is designed in such a way that even prolonged exposure to low temperatures is not as dangerous for them as a short-term “steam room.”

Cold hands and feet with fever

Feverish conditions in children require special attention. At a high temperature, a child, like an adult, can experience both “pink” and “white” fever, and you need to be able to distinguish between them:

Coldness of a child's extremities due to fever should not be ignored by adults. This sign indicates that heat production has begun to exceed its output, and this already threatens to increase the risk of developing various complications from the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory organs. Physical methods of reducing temperature in such a situation become ineffective, and antipyretics do not fully fulfill their mission, which makes one think about qualified medical care. And the sooner the better.

Hands and feet are freezing - we return to the adults

Nature, physiology and age are not always to blame for cold hands and feet in warm weather. This unpleasant phenomenon has its own reasons, which are often hidden in lifestyle or in one or another pathology.

Stomach - hunger, feet - cold

The normal functioning of the human body is associated with nutrition, or rather, with the supply from the external environment of various substances containing a certain set of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and vitamins, which, once in the digestive tract, are broken down, absorbed and give a person energy. The thermal and mechanical energy obtained as a result of splitting is spent on maintaining a constant body temperature and performing work, therefore, in order for this process not to stop and to proceed fully, regular replenishment of resources is necessary.

When going on a diet, a person expects that, by depriving his body of new supplies, he will force him to use what was previously accumulated. However, it is not as easy to extract from fat stores as it is from food. In addition, life support carried out through resynthesis cannot continue indefinitely; the reserves will someday run out. And then - not everyone’s fat accumulations are as large as it might seem in the mirror; the nutritional substrate in some (not very well-fed) people is depleted quite quickly, and the cells remain “hungry”, and they need nutrition constantly and continuously. The goal, in general, is achieved: the body loses weight, but at the same time it experiences not only lightness, but also cold. Tormenting themselves with diets, women begin to notice that their feet are cold and their fingers become cold.– the body does not have time to produce heat to warm itself, and there is nothing left at all for release to the external environment.

Although a voluntary transition to starvation diets in order to reduce one’s size cannot be classified as a disease, insufficient intake of necessary microelements and vitamins from food leads to some disturbances in the body, as evidenced by cold fingers and toes.

Complex of symptoms without a specific disease

Most often, the hands and feet become cold in people who are considered practically healthy, but have such an interesting diagnosis as (vegetative-vascular - and many other names for this “semi-pathology”).

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is designed to adapt the body to various environmental conditions, which, unfortunately, it does not always succeed. The adaptation process of the ANS is ensured with the help of its two departments, functioning in opposite directions. Inconsistency in the actions of the parasympathetic and sympathetic sections of the autonomic nervous system, the dominance of one part of the ANS over the other leads to the appearance of various non-fatal, but rather unpleasant symptoms, which include “icy” hands and cold feet. The reason that the heart may become ill, the pulse may increase, the head may become dizzy, and the hands may begin to freeze in such patients can be any, even minor, event (excitement, alcohol intake, poor diet, change in weather).

Iron deficiency

Always cold hands in patients whose body does not receive enough or for some reason does not include in the exchange of such a chemical element as iron (iron deficiency anemia, IDA). , the main content of iron and the carrier of oxygen to tissues, cannot go unnoticed and causes various kinds of disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems, where the thermoregulation system suffers along with others. Tissues, experiencing oxygen starvation, cannot fully carry out metabolic processes - fewer metabolic products and heat are produced. In addition to always cold hands, under conditions of hypoxia created by a decrease in hemoglobin levels, the body also suffers other inconveniences, for example:

  • Nails become brittle, hair splits;
  • The skin begins to peel, the tongue begins to hurt, and “jams” appear in the corners of the mouth;
  • The head often hurts and feels dizzy, multi-colored “midges” fly before your eyes;
  • Drowsiness, lethargy appears, mood drops;
  • At times there is shortness of breath, tachycardia, heart pain;
  • Immunity decreases.

The progression of IDA (deepening iron deficiency) comes with an increase in the symptoms of anemia, therefore, the lower the level of this element, the more cold the feet and hands become.

Why doesn't the blood warm up?

Numerous cardiac and vascular pathologies due to various reasons lead to disruption of microcirculation and spasm of capillary vessels. There is no doubt that vascular walls affected by atherosclerosis, slowing of blood flow in the main venous vessels, and various cardiac pathologies will sooner or later lead to impaired blood circulation in the microvasculature. Thus, The cause of cold hands and feet is, first of all, the patient’s existing vascular lesions:

Low hormone levels cool the extremities

The thermoregulation system also turns out to be sensitive to hormonal imbalance, namely to a decrease in the level of thyroid hormones (thyroxine, in particular).

Hypothyroidism, caused by functional deficiency of the gland or various pathological conditions (inflammatory processes, removal of the thyroid gland, radiation therapy, etc.) is accompanied by a slowdown in redox reactions in tissues, which, in turn, makes it difficult to provide cells with energy.

With a lack of thyroid hormones, along with a slowdown in the rate of metabolic processes, heat production and its release decreases. The result is eternally cold hands and feet.

Everything could be much simpler

In addition to the listed pathological conditions, hands and/or feet may become cold due to other reasons (illness or temporary difficulties):

  • The weather outside is unsuitable for walking or shoes and clothing that are inappropriate for the season;
  • Low temperature in the house due to poor heating or other domestic problems;
  • Too compressive bandage for wounds and fractures, impeding blood circulation;
  • A sharp spasm of blood vessels that occurs at high body temperature (“white” fever) can occur not only in young children - many acute infectious and inflammatory processes are accompanied by chills,

Young parents and experienced mothers have at least once in their lives wondered why their child’s feet and hands are cold, although he is healthy and cheerful? Is this a disease or is this a normal physiological phenomenon?

1. Physical activity

Situation one: physiological response to physical activity. We are talking about a healthy baby, cheerful, active, and not complaining of deterioration in health. The air temperature is within normal limits, as recommended by Dr. Komarovsky, there are no drafts, but the child’s feet and palms have become colder than the rest of the body.

What is happening is the result of physical activity, which is understandable from a physiological point of view. During games and sports competitions, the child feels passion and excitement.

At this time, muscle work stimulates the release of adrenaline, a hormone synthesized by the adrenal cortex. Adrenaline causes a rush of blood to the vital organs - the heart, lungs, and brain. In turn, blood drains from the skin, the blood vessels spasm, and the temperature of the skin drops.

What to do? If, after the child calms down, the hands and feet become warm without additional measures, then the situation is considered normal and does not require any additional measures. This is a physiological feature of children and there is no need to look for pathology.

2. Improper thermoregulation and blood circulation

Situation two: cold hands and feet of an infant. This is a reason for panic for many mothers and grandmothers. The desire to wrap up a month-old baby as if he were going to the Pole is inherent in nature itself.

But it should be remembered that thermoregulation in children in the first six months is far from perfect; they easily become hypothermic and just as easily overheat. It is especially important to take this circumstance into account in relation to premature babies.

What to do? If the child has a good appetite and is feeling well, then there is only one recommendation - monitor the air temperature and humidity at home, and dress the baby appropriately for the weather when going for walks. With age, thermoregulation and blood circulation return to normal and the “problem” will disappear by itself.

3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Situation three: a preschooler grows up, goes to school, enters adolescence, but the problem observed in childhood does not go away. Hands and feet are cold all the time or quite often.

Probably the reason lies in vegetative-vascular dystonia. VSD is increasingly less often diagnosed as an independent disease, since it includes both symptoms and causes of various diseases. One of the symptoms is cold fingers and sweaty palms.

What to do? Conduct a comprehensive examination, identify the type of VSD and adhere to the therapy prescribed by a specialist.

4. Excitement, stress, worry

Situation four: a healthy child, in moments of fear, strong excitement, anxiety, or stress, feels cold in his limbs. The cause is the reaction of the sympathetic nervous system and the release of adrenaline.

What to do? Control (if the child is small) or learn to control (if he is old enough) the psycho-emotional state.
For easily excitable children, it is recommended to take sedatives in tablets or water tinctures in accordance with age, and soothing teas (chamomile, lemon balm, mint, St. John's wort).
Switch the child's attention in moments of excitement, walk more on the street. You may need to work with a psychotherapist.

5. Overwork

Situation five: cold extremities, along with weakness, loss of strength, decreased attention and performance, and frequent colds, may indicate a decrease in the body’s protective functions.

What to do? Strengthen the immune system in accessible ways: walk a lot in the fresh air, teach the child to do morning exercises, harden the child, dress appropriately for the weather (do not overheat or overcool).
Vitamin therapy courses, physiotherapy - massage, exercise therapy are useful. Strengthen the immune system by playing sports - swimming, walking, rollerblading and cycling. Weak children are shown sea air and warm southern sun.

6. Reduced hemoglobin levels

Situation six: in addition to cold hands and feet, parents notice pale skin, blue lips, and a nasolabial triangle. The child probably has a low hemoglobin level or a pathology of the cardiovascular system.

– a condition in which the level of iron-containing blood protein, responsible for the transport of oxygen to tissues and organs and the reverse transport of carbon dioxide, is reduced. Hypoxia manifests itself, among other things, as a decrease in the temperature of the skin of the extremities.

What to do? Submit and undergo examination by a cardiologist. There are many reasons for a decrease in hemoglobin; the earlier the diagnosis is made, the easier the treatment will be (in the absence of serious pathologies).
You can increase your protein levels by adjusting your diet. The diet of children and teenagers must include meat, buckwheat, vegetables and fruits, nuts, and natural juices.
If necessary, the doctor prescribes iron supplements. Modern medicines contain iron in an easily digestible form, have almost no side effects and bring good results when taken regularly.
Pathologies of the cardiovascular system are diagnosed and treated by a doctor. Self-medication is not acceptable.

7. Problems with stool

Situation seven: in addition to constant cold in the hands and feet, the child suffers from problems with bowel movements (there may be either diarrhea or constant constipation).

His nails become peeling, his weight increases or decreases sharply, he experiences chronic fatigue, weakness, and has difficulty concentrating on studies.

Parents should consult an endocrinologist to rule out thyroid dysfunction.

What to do? Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after receiving the results of tests for thyroid hormones.

8. Night sleep

Situation eight: the baby’s arms and legs get cold in his sleep. Most often we are talking about small children, up to one year old. If in the morning the child behaves adequately, plays, eats, then there is no reason for alarm. The reason lies in imperfect blood circulation and low mobility of the child during sleep.

What to do? Worried mothers can put on warm socks and cover the child warmer, but if the baby does not catch a cold, is not capricious and sleeps peacefully, then he is comfortable. A hot room, dry air, heavy blankets are much more likely to provoke colds and allergies in children than cold hands and feet.

9. Food poisoning

Situation nine: cold hands and feet are just one of the symptoms that accompany food poisoning. Additionally, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, upset stool, and headache appear.

The temperature is normal and rises to low-grade levels, the child is weakened.

What to do? Rinse the stomach with plenty of water, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and induce vomiting. Give the child activated charcoal or another enterosorbent, and drink more often to prevent dehydration. If the temperature continues to rise, the child turns pale, blue, or loses consciousness, call an ambulance immediately.

10. Beginning rickets

Situation ten: not only the extremities remain cold. If a child under two years old, at normal body temperature, has cold hands and feet, a cold forehead and perspiration on it, then the mother should draw the attention of a pediatrician to these symptoms.

It is quite possible that the baby is developing rickets. The child becomes irritable, sleeps poorly, and cries often. Muscle tone decreases, the fontanel closes for a long time, teeth erupt late, and the shape of the bones changes.

What to do? Seek help from your pediatrician. Expose your baby to the sun more often (morning and evening) to ensure sufficient intake of vitamin D.

11. High temperature

Situation eleven, the last, the most typical: the child’s hands and feet become cold at high temperatures. This happens because when body temperature rises, heat transfer is disrupted.

There is too much heat, this is the body’s protective reaction to an infection that has gotten inside. To protect internal organs, blood flows from the periphery, from the skin to the heart, kidneys, and liver.

The vessels of the extremities narrow, spasm prevents the flow of blood. Microcirculation is disrupted, hands and feet become cold, which is especially alarming for parents against the backdrop of a hot body.

The child may shiver and his arms and legs may tremble. The skin of the feet and palms becomes marbling, and blood vessels are clearly visible. The lips turn blue, breathing becomes frequent and shallow, the heartbeat quickens, and blood pressure rises.

This condition is especially dangerous for infants. A hot head combined with cold extremities signals an impending sharp rise in temperature to 39-40 0, so you should hurry with first aid measures.

What to do? Give the child an antipyretic drug in a dosage and form according to age. Rectal suppositories act fastest, tablets slower. Syrups are preferred for young children. Paradoxically, the child needs to be warmed up (if the temperature has not risen above 39 0 C), you can wrap up only the arms and legs, put on socks, apply a heating pad, and gently rub the limbs to increase blood circulation. No-spa or another antispasmodic approved in pediatrics will help relieve vasospasm. For a small child, remove the diaper. The younger the child and the higher the temperature, the higher the likelihood of seizures. If the situation cannot be corrected on your own, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

If after an illness, at normal body temperature, your hands and feet are still cold, you should take a blood test for hemoglobin. A recovering child benefits from fresh air, sun rays and positive emotions.

There are many answers to the question of why a child’s legs and hands are cold: physical and mental stress, VSD, decreased immunity, imperfect thermoregulation, food poisoning or viral (bacterial) infection. The need for treatment is determined in each specific case by a pediatrician.

If you have a high fever or a cold, your child may have cold hands and feet. The phenomenon is associated with the peculiarities of thermoregulation in childhood. But it happens that the extremities are colder than other parts of the body on a regular basis. This is the cause of some malfunctions in the body, caused by too rapid growth rates or other deviations from the norm.

Why does the child have cold hands?

An infant's cold hands may have a bluish color, this is due to the fact that the circulatory system has just begun to develop, many vessels are in a compressed state, and therefore the body has not yet learned to maintain temperature in the extremities. Usually the situation normalizes by 3-4 months of life; in extreme cases, the process drags on for up to six months.

If your child constantly has cold hands while feeling normal, most likely the nervous system simply does not have time to control all areas of the skin, the blood vessels in the extremities narrow and the palms feel icy to the touch. When there are no other symptoms, there is no need to worry. But if there are other signs of illness, you should consult a doctor. Here is a list of the most common accompanying abnormalities:

  • restless sleep;
  • pale face;
  • fatigue, apathy;
  • absence ;
  • abdominal pain, headache;
  • nausea;
  • redness of skin areas;
  • rash;
  • rapid or slow pulse.

During colds, flu, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, sore throats, the body temperature rises significantly, while the child’s hands and feet are cold. Under no circumstances should you:

  • wipe with cold water and vinegar;
  • reduce the temperature with Aspirin;
  • wrap the baby’s limbs in mitten socks;
  • cover it with an extra blanket.

Sweat should evaporate freely from the body, and the arms and legs are responsible for thermoregulation. The best thing you can do for your baby in this case is to give him plenty of fluids and call a qualified doctor as soon as possible. A child’s temperature and cold hands are rather an indicator that the body is reacting to the disease correctly.

Other reasons

Sometimes a child's limbs have lower temperature during periods of stress, or vitamin deficiency. This symptom may also indicate rickets. Try to maintain your baby’s immunity and carefully ensure that his diet is balanced.

If you have had cases in your family, this can also cause cold hands and feet in children; this deviation is caused by involuntary muscle spasms. Dystonia usually goes away by the age of 12-14 years, but sometimes in women it can persist for life.

Are cold hands on a baby a sign that the baby is freezing? - a question that almost every parent asks sooner or later. We will try to answer it in as much detail as possible...

In the human body, the nervous and endocrine systems provide regulation between the external environment and internal organs. In newborns, the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for motor activity, matures later than the central nervous system. Even at normal room temperature, the baby's hands can be cool. This is the norm. The formation of thermoregulation processes is completed only by one and a half years. You should not dress very warmly what you think is a cold baby.

Increased air temperature negatively affects the baby's health. Heat transfer decreases, which leads to overheating. The child develops heat rash and heart problems may occur. Low temperatures are not as dangerous, but cold and wet diapers pose serious health risks and can lead to pneumonia.

On the other hand, after birth the child is closely monitored by parents and doctors. If your baby has cold hands, you should pay attention to his general condition. An unhealthy baby eats poorly or refuses to eat, he cries, the temperature rises and skin rashes may appear. You should be concerned if he has cold hands and at least one of these signs is present.

Cold hands on a baby, what to do

In order to understand whether the baby is cold, you need to touch the chest with the back of your hand. If the breast and palm are at the same temperature, there is no need to worry or worry. If the chest is cool, rub it with a fur mitten, put the baby in flannelette and cover it with a blanket.

In order to start thermoregulation processes, regularly do gymnastics and massage of the whole body for your child. Air baths and contrasting water procedures will be a good preventive measure. At this time, blood vessels and pores will begin to actively work, allowing the baby to adapt to environmental conditions.

The temperature of the room where the baby is located should not exceed 20° C.

After a bath, wipe cold hands with a rough towel, pressing slightly on the pads so that they turn pink.

When going for a walk, do not dress your baby too warmly. His clothes shouldn't be much warmer than yours. You don't have to wear a hat if you are sure there are no drafts. Carry out hardening procedures, go to the pool. On hot days, take sunbathing. This will teach the child not to be afraid of either heat or cold.