How to get rid of stretch marks on the skin. Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks at home? Folk and professional cosmetics

Many women become ashamed of their body as they age. One of the main reasons for this, often after the birth of a child, is unsightly stretch marks on the body. Today, the online magazine “” will tell you how to remove stretch marks at home using inexpensive folk recipes.

Radical measures to get rid of stretch marks

Stretch marks on the body, also called stretch marks, appear as a result of microtraumas of the skin and have a genetic predisposition. An abundance of stretch marks on the body is a completely unaesthetic sight, so let’s figure out what ways you can get rid of them.

The most effective way to remove stretch marks once and for all is laser or plastic surgery. Going to a good clinic guarantees getting rid of stretch marks, but not every woman can afford it.

In addition to the high price, there are many contraindications to clinical intervention: various diseases of the skin, heart, immune system, as well as pregnancy and lactation.

How to quickly remove stretch marks at home?

If you are unhappy with your body, but cannot afford to go to an expensive clinic, then it is worth joining the fight with stretch marks by using natural remedies.

These methods will not help you completely remove stretch marks, but they can make them much less noticeable. In order to achieve a visible result, you need to take all your willpower into your fist and carry out the procedures constantly over a fairly long period of time. Only perseverance and stability of the procedures carried out will help in this difficult matter.

What folk remedies will help with stretch marks?

The first group of assistants is natural vegetable or essential oils.

Olive oil

The most affordable option is olive oil. Everyone knows its beneficial qualities, but few people know that it can help improve the condition of the skin and make stretch marks on the body less noticeable.

Olive oil should be used after water procedures. The skin will steam a little and become soft. Apply warm oil to problem areas of the skin and give a light massage. For a more effective result, you can leave the oil for 15-20 minutes so that all the effective substances are better absorbed. This procedure must be carried out consistently, at least three times a week.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil can be called the next active assistant in the fight against stretch marks. It absorbs well and gives good results. But it is important that the coconut oil is of good quality. It is recommended to use cold pressed oil.

When checking the quality of the product, please note that real oil at temperatures below 25 degrees takes on a solid form - it hardens.

Castor oil for stretch marks

Castor oil has proven to be an excellent fighter against stretch marks. It is also used for skin problems and acne. Apply a small amount to the damaged areas, then massage lightly for fifteen minutes.

After this, wrap it in a breathable fabric (for example, cotton) and put the heating pad on for half an hour. If you carry out this procedure daily, you will notice excellent results within a month.

Benefits of essential oils

Essential oils will help in the fight against stretch marks. The most effective are lavender, rose and orange oils. They should be used in combination with other methods - baths, wraps and massage. Remember that it is much easier to remove fresh stretch marks than long-term ones.

Potato and lemon juice

Natural juices – potatoes and lemon – will help correct skin defects.

Potato juice has excellent regenerating properties. For the procedure, simply cut the potatoes into large slices and rub the problem area in a circular motion. Leave for a few minutes so that the necessary elements are absorbed into the skin, and rinse with water.

Lemon juice can be used pure or mixed with cucumber juice. Simply apply fresh juice to your skin, give it a little massage and let the juice absorb. After ten minutes, rinse off.

Coffee scrub for stretch marks

Do you like to drink coffee in the morning? Great, in this case, don’t throw away the grounds left after the drink. It will perfectly help cope with stretch marks. You can mix this coffee with sour cream or honey, you get a very gentle scrub.

Should be applied after water procedures, when the skin is warm. Give a small massage to problem areas, leave for a while, then rinse. This scrub will help perfectly not only in the fight against stretch marks, but also against cellulite.

The most effective home scrubs

Perfect for hiding stretch marks sugar and sea salt. Take a glass of sugar and the same amount of sea salt, add any vegetable oil and mix well.

You will get an excellent and effective scrub. Rub it thoroughly into the desired areas of the body and then rinse. For better results, apply a special anti-stretch mark cream afterwards.

Aloe will help get rid of stretch marks

Everyone knows the miraculous properties of aloe. This unique plant will also help with stretch marks. You can use the plant juice directly by rubbing it on damaged areas of the body. You can also mix aloe vera juice with olive oil and vitamins A and E.

This product should be applied twice daily (for example, morning and night) and stored in the refrigerator. The effect will be noticeable within a month.

Healing properties of mumiyo

Shilajit has a magical property in the fight against stretch marks. It contains a huge number of useful elements that have a restorative effect on the skin.

You can prepare mummy cream at home. Let's take any body cream, add mumiyo (preferably natural pressed one than tablets) and stir thoroughly.

You can add any essential oil (preferably orange or grape seed), then apply to the body and massage. With consistent repetition of this procedure, the result will exceed all your expectations!

Wraps against stretch marks

Various wraps help get rid of unpleasant marks on the skin. The secret of this method is that various products are applied to the body to accelerate skin regeneration, and then the problem areas are wrapped in airtight materials.

Thus, the substances do not evaporate, and heating occurs under the film, which also helps in the fight against stretch marks.

There are many ways to combat stretch marks, many recipes and various tips. But remember that it is better to deal with stretch marks right away, while they are still fresh (purple). And even better - to prevent their appearance, read how to do this in our article:.

Old stretch marks are much more difficult to hide. It is also better to choose one of all the methods and carry out the procedures consistently. Then the result will not be long in coming!

The female body undergoes a large number of changes throughout life—pregnancy, weight gain and loss. All this can lead to skin problems. In addition to cellulite, there is another cosmetic problem for women, which brings a lot of inconvenience. Striae, or stretch marks, form mainly on the abdomen, chest and thighs, as well as the buttocks. A lot of women suffer from this deficiency, because it is difficult to hide them under open summer clothes or a swimsuit. Typically, stretch marks appear during pregnancy, so the main question of how to remove stretch marks after childbirth torments many women.

How do gaps form?

Striae, or stretch marks, are scar tissue caused by tears in the skin. They are formed due to disruption of the integrity of collagen fibers and blood vessels. Due to the rupture of capillary vessels, newly formed stretch marks look like a bruise, but collagen fibers are also torn, and the process of their regeneration takes a very long time. This occurs due to excessive stretching of the skin during pregnancy or excessive weight gain. Connective tissue forms faster and fills gaps, which is why stretch marks turn white. The structure of the skin also suffers; at the site of ruptures, it becomes flabby and loose.

Causes of stretch marks

Not all women face this problem, because it all depends on the individual elasticity of the skin. Age is also not a barrier to their appearance; they can appear in very young girls, in adult women, and sometimes even in men. The main reasons for the appearance of stretch marks are the following:

  • Very rapid weight gain, especially during pregnancy. Stretch marks mainly form on the abdomen after childbirth. How to remove them? This is the most common question among women who have given birth.
  • Intensive growth of the body during adolescence.
  • A rapid increase in muscle volume is the main reason for the appearance of stretch marks in men.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body.
  • Genetics is also one of the decisive factors, because skin elasticity is a hereditary factor.

Fighting stretch marks at home

There are a large number of ways to get rid of stretch marks at home. Traditional methods will make them less noticeable, especially these gentle methods are recommended for teenagers. How to remove stretch marks at home? Let's look at the main methods:

  • Scrubbing. The abrasive substances found in scrubs help remove the dead skin layer. This speeds up the regeneration process and the skin renews itself more intensively. Scrubs can be bought in a store or made by yourself. There are a great many recipes; scrubs are made from sea salt, sugar, ground coffee and other natural ingredients with the addition of essential oils. After this procedure, the skin becomes elastic and velvety.
  • Massage. Anyone can do it easily, the main thing is to follow some rules. Each part of the body needs to be massaged in a certain direction. It is recommended to massage the abdomen in a circle and clockwise, the hips and waist - from bottom to top vertically, the buttocks are massaged horizontally from the center to the edges of the thighs. Using special cosmetics will enhance the effect of the procedure; you can also purchase a massage mitten or brush.

  • Cold and hot shower. This is a simple and reliable method not only for improving skin elasticity, but also for strengthening the body as a whole. By alternating cold and warm water, blood circulation increases and increased metabolism is launched. This procedure can be combined with a massage using a hard washcloth.

These are one of the most effective means to combat stretch marks. There are many ways to help remove stretch marks on the stomach at home. For maximum efficiency, you can also use them simultaneously or alternate.

Cosmetic preparations

Shilajit is a long-known and effective remedy that is generally known for its effectiveness in the fight against stretch marks. It is quite simple to use; you need to dilute the mummy in water and apply the resulting mixture to the skin. The main thing is not to overdo it, because in large quantities this substance can be toxic. In addition, mumiyo can be combined with a body moisturizer, this will improve its properties.

Various oils work well against stretch marks. They contain huge amounts of vitamin E, which improves skin elasticity. The most effective oils are orange, almond, grapefruit, rosemary and others. They are applied independently during a massage or after a bath, or combined with various ingredients to make scrubs or creams. You can also use olive oil, which is often found in housewives’ kitchens and is highly valued for its beneficial properties. A huge number of cosmetics for skin care are also produced based on it.

Effective recipes

Let's look at the most popular folk recipes for cosmetics that will help remove stretch marks.

  1. Salt scrub. Take salt and sugar in equal proportions (1 cup each), mix with 0.5 cups of any cosmetic oil.
  2. Coffee scrub. Pour boiling water over ground coffee (100 g) until a slurry forms, then add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cosmetic and 5-7 drops of essential oil (rosemary, grapefruit or others).
  3. Cream with mummy. We dilute one gram of mumiyo in 1 tbsp. spoon of water and mix with 80 g of baby or any moisturizer.
  4. Masks with sour cream and kefir. These fermented milk products are simply rubbed into the skin or applied to stretch marks for 20 minutes.

All recipes consist of natural ingredients, so finished cosmetics should be stored in a cool place.

Cosmetic procedures against stretch marks

For deep tears in the epidermis, home methods are not always effective; creams and other cosmetics also do not help remove stretch marks. After unsuccessful attempts to fight on their own, many women put themselves in the hands of professional cosmetologists. In modern medicine, there are several effective methods of combating striae. It is easy to remove stretch marks with laser, chemical peeling, as well as microdermabrasion or mesotherapy. Many beauty salons offer comprehensive procedures that will help get rid of fresh, shallow tears. With old stretch marks the situation is more complicated; removing them is quite difficult, but making them less noticeable is quite possible.

You can use a laser to remove stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and other parts of the body. This procedure is considered the most effective against old stretch marks, because with the help of a cosmetic device, scar tissue is destroyed. The skin at the site of old stretch marks is renewed; a course of such procedures makes the breaks less noticeable. You can enhance the effect with the help of professional cosmetics.

Chemical peeling

During this procedure, acids are applied to problem areas; they give an effect comparable to a chemical burn. Thanks to this radical but effective method, the old layer of skin dies and exfoliates, and in its place a new one is formed - smooth and beautiful. This method is also very good in the fight against old stretch marks, but only when applied as a course.

Mechanical peeling or microdermabrasion

This standard hardware procedure exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The appearance and elasticity of the skin are significantly improved, it becomes smooth and elastic. With a course of use and a combination of therapeutic agents against stretch marks, it is quite easy to achieve good results.


This gentle procedure is suitable for newly formed stretch marks or used in combination with other methods. During mesotherapy, vitamins, acids and other active components are introduced through injections, which improve regeneration and metabolism in skin cells.

Stretch marks during pregnancy

Mostly skin defects occur in pregnant women. The uterus increases in size, and the skin on the abdomen and thighs stretches greatly. If you have poor elasticity, stretch marks are difficult to avoid, but by following some rules you can prevent their occurrence.

  1. Proper nutrition. It is very important for a pregnant woman to maintain a balanced diet. The diet should include fresh fruits and vegetables, fatty fish, dairy products and dishes that are rich in protein and fiber. It is better to abstain from sweets and starchy foods; this will help you avoid overeating and prevent the appearance of stretch marks from too sudden weight gain.
  2. Physical exercise. After consulting with your doctor, you can begin to perform a special set of exercises for pregnant women. Or you can visit the pool or just walk more.
  3. Correctly selected clothes. During pregnancy, it is better to give preference to loose items made from natural fabrics. You should also wear a bandage and a supportive bra to help prevent sagging skin and stretch marks.
  4. Skin care. Be sure to use moisturizing creams or oils; you can buy them in the store or prepare them yourself. It is necessary to apply them after showering and scrubbing.

Of course, the most effective method in the fight against stretch marks is to prevent their appearance. There are very simple recommendations that any woman can follow. If they are followed, the skin will remain beautiful and elastic.

  • During intense sports activities, it is necessary to adhere to a proper and healthy diet. The diet should include foods rich in protein, as well as sports nutrition with glucosamine, protein, collagen and chondroitin.
  • During pregnancy, you need to follow all the rules for preventing stretch marks.
  • Regular body care increases skin elasticity; do not neglect creams and scrubs. When stretch marks first appear, it is better to use special medicinal creams.
  • Be sure to control your weight, because too much weight gain or loss inevitably leads to the appearance of stretch marks.
  • It is necessary to regularly massage or self-massage problem areas using oils and creams.
  • The diet must contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals.

If prevention does not help and unsightly scars appear on the skin, do not be upset. Modern cosmetology can solve most skin problems. Cosmetic companies produce various medicinal products that help remove stretch marks. With timely use, they will return the skin to its former elasticity and velvety.

Unfortunately, we cannot constantly control our lives. And as a result of some events (for example, pregnancy), our body either gains extra pounds or suddenly loses them, which is why numerous spots appear on the body, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.

As a result of stretch marks, many women develop complexes. They become embarrassed about their bodies on the beaches and try to avoid sexual contact with men. But are any stripes worth such sacrifices? Of course not. And we advise you not to grieve over this, but to take various measures to eliminate them. Is it possible to remove stretch marks? And what are the most effective methods?

It is worth noting that stretch marks can be removed at home only if the stretch marks are “young” and care for them is carried out every day. “Old” stretch marks almost never can be eliminated. Even when using expensive creams, they still remain. But with home remedies you can make them less noticeable. So let's get started.

The most popular and effective way to eliminate stretch marks at home is. Shilajit is a natural medicine that is used to treat many diseases. But today it is used as a cosmetic product, as it perfectly regenerates and rejuvenates the skin.

To prepare a homemade remedy for stretch marks from mumijo, you will need:

  • 2 – 3 mummy tablets;
  • baby cream;
  • warm boiled water.

Take mumiyos and fill them with a tablespoon of warm water. Stir the tablets until completely dissolved, and then combine them with baby cream. Select ingredients by eye. You should end up with a creamy, brown mixture.

This cream should be applied to problem areas every day. Attention! The product takes a very long time to absorb, so you should not wear clothes after applying it. And one more very important point: after the baby is born, this product should not be used, as the baby may not like the smell and will not latch on to the breast.

Another remedy that helps fight stretch marks at home is the use of scrubs. You can also easily prepare them at home. There are two types of homemade scrub - sweet and salty.

A coffee scrub is made from ground coffee and a softening ingredient, which can be any vegetable oil or shower gel. The sweet and salty scrub is made from sugar, salt and vegetable oil. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

These scrubs need to be massaged into problem areas every day while taking a shower. They will gradually polish the skin and the stretch marks will begin to disappear. Such products can be used both during pregnancy and lactation, as they are completely safe and do not provoke the development of allergic reactions.

Other remedies for stretch marks

You won't be able to completely remove stretch marks on your own. They can be made less noticeable. But to completely eliminate stretch marks, it is necessary to use other methods. Laser stretch mark removal is the safest and most effective method, but expensive.

However, considering that in the end after such procedures the skin becomes smooth, even and tightened, this covers its cost. Moreover, no other method provides such an effect as laser stretch mark removal.

Video about ways to eliminate stretch marks on the body

Video on how to get rid of stretch marks

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 2 minutes


In addition to cellulite, there is another female misfortune - stretch marks, which clearly do not decorate women's skin. They appear as a result of rupture of the elastic fibers of the skin in the area of ​​the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and chest. The cause of stretch marks can be sudden weight loss or sudden weight gain, pregnancy, or hormonal fluctuations.

Only young stretch marks, which have a slight reddish tint, can be completely removed, but older stretch marks, which are white, cannot be completely removed, but they can be visually reduced.

You can get rid of stretch marks or visually reduce them at home, however, you will need time and regular care for problem areas, but with proper care you will feel a noticeable result within a month. The skin will become firm and elastic.

The best ways to get rid of stretch marks - top 10

1. Self-massage

The main thing is to do this massage regularly. Massage promotes blood flow to problem areas, which means saturating them with vitamins and skin regeneration. For massage it is best to use oil or cream. The abdomen and buttocks should be massaged in a clockwise circular motion. Hips and waist with vertical movements from bottom to top. Massage movements should go towards the heart. Cosmetic stores now sell handy brushes and cups designed specifically for stretch mark removal.

2. Contrast shower

Good effect on skin elasticity. Can be combined with a light massage After taking a contrast shower, rub your skin well with a towel and apply stretch mark cream or anti-cellulite cream.

3. Special homemade scrub

For such a scrub you will need a glass of sugar, a glass of salt and half a glass of vegetable oil. All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied with massage movements to the problem areas. After such a scrub, apply regular cream or body lotion to the skin.

4. Coffee scrub

For such a scrub you will need 100g of finely ground coffee, which is poured with boiling water and infused for 15 minutes, you should get a thick coffee slurry, to which you then add a tablespoon of olive, flaxseed, coconut or rosehip oil. You can also add 5-8 drops of essential oil of orange, grapefruit, rosemary, eucalyptus, bergamot.

5. Mumiyo

You can take tablets and dissolve them in water, rub them into the skin, or take 1 g of mummy per 1 spoon of boiled water, 80 g of baby cream, mix, and then rub into problem areas once a day. The prepared mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.

6. Orange oil

Orange oil and any other citrus oils are very good to use for massage. Best used after water procedures. Massage is best done with a rough canvas mitten or a special massage brush. This massage should be done no more than 3 times a week for 2-3 months.

7. Rosemary oils

Add 5-8 drops of rosemary essential oil to a teaspoon of almond oil. This mixture should be rubbed into the skin daily.

8. Almond oil

It contains a lot of vitamin E, so it is rightfully considered one of the most effective remedies against stretch marks. It is quickly absorbed by the skin and does not leave a greasy residue.

9. Hazelnut oil

Another storehouse of vitamin E. Can be rubbed in separately or added to a scrub.

10. Wheat germ oil

Thick in consistency, but no less rich in vitamin E. It takes longer to absorb than almond. It is very good to use during a massage.

What do girls write and advise on Internet forums about getting rid of stretch marks?


Getting rid of stretch marks is a struggle and not a pleasant one. First you need to figure out how old they are, and if they are large and have a pearlescent tint, don’t waste your money. For others, this is daily and painstaking work, but results can be achieved.


I got it when I was 14, now I’m 22, so don’t fight, it’s already useless. If I had used various moisturizers at that time, as I do now, this would not have happened! When I lose weight, they become less noticeable because they shrink, but otherwise everything is useless, and they don’t tan because I don’t tan my scars.


It's been almost 2 years now. I didn’t start treatment right away, I didn’t really understand what it was. Then she began to smear the red stretch marks with salt, olive oil and mouthwash. Some have completely disappeared. But those that remain very white and are well treated with the complex + oils + mumiyo + natural scrubs.

Have you managed to get rid of stretch marks? Share with us!

About 70% of the planet's population has striae on their bodies. Many people want to get rid of stretch marks. And demand creates supply: a huge number of cosmetics and procedures inspires hope for a quick restoration of the skin. But how not to get lost in all this diversity?

Striae and the reasons for their appearance

The mechanism of formation of stretch marks, called striae by doctors, has been known for a long time. After the skin fibers rupture, the damaged areas are “stitched” together with connective tissue, and wavy stripes with uneven edges of different lengths and widths appear on the body. Why do skin fibers - elastin and collagen - break? Scientists identify two factors:

  • stretching of the epidermis;
  • hormonal imbalances.

This may happen:

  • during pregnancy- when the abdomen and breasts enlarge;
  • for weight fluctuations- quickly gaining extra pounds or losing weight, since the skin does not have time to adapt to changes in volume;
  • during periods of intense physical activity- the epidermis stretches more slowly than muscle mass increases;
  • in adolescents, the active period of growth involves transformation of the skeleton and other changes in the body, which the skin cannot keep up with (adolescent changes are cited as the main cause of stretch marks on the back, and in girls, stretch marks can form on the hips and chest);
  • for metabolic disorders- there is a failure in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, the skin becomes inelastic and “tears”.

Stretch marks appear on different parts of the body:

  • on the back - in adolescents and athletes;
  • on the stomach - with excess weight and weight loss, in pregnant women;
  • on the hands - with fatty deposits, in athletes;
  • on the chest - during pregnancy and lactation, with a rapid increase in muscle mass, in teenage girls, with excess weight;
  • on the thighs and buttocks- with sudden changes in weight, in athletes, during adolescence, less often during pregnancy.

Prevention: 3 procedures in 2 steps

It is easier to prevent the appearance of stretch marks than to fight them later. Prevention of stretch marks is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • skin hydration;
  • providing epidermal cells with nutrients and vitamins;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • activation of blood microcirculation;
  • stimulation of elastin and collagen synthesis.

To solve these problems, you can get by with just three procedures, which can be done in two steps.

  1. Cold and hot shower . The session should begin with hot water and end with cold water.
  2. Nourishing application + massage. Rub a cosmetic product designed to prevent stretch marks between your palms and massage areas of the body prone to the formation of stretch marks with pinching and patting movements.

As a prophylactic drug you can use:

  • cosmetics for nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the body;
  • cosmetics for the prevention of stretch marks;
  • cold-pressed vegetable oil (for example, olive).

To enhance the effect, it is advisable to scrub the areas of the body that are prone to stretching once a week. The product can be purchased, or you can make it yourself by mixing two tablespoons of ground coffee beans with an equal volume of olive oil or shower gel.

Skin tone is largely determined by the condition of the muscle corset, so rational physical activity is an important step for the prevention of stretch marks. It is necessary to select feasible exercises for those areas of the body where stretch marks may appear, and perform them regularly.

How to remove old and fresh stretch marks on different parts of the body

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks on the body if it was not possible to prevent their appearance? Despite the fact that the answer to this question is affirmative, there are several points to consider when setting out to cure stretch marks.

  • Act immediately. Pink, red-bluish, purple stretch marks are considered fresh - they are quite easily eliminated. After about six months, the stripes on the body turn pale due to the natural death of capillaries. It is not possible to completely remove old stretch marks from the skin: it is only possible to make them less noticeable.
  • Combine different methods. Using several methods at once aimed at combating stretch marks significantly increases the chances of success.
  • Do not stop. Removing stretch marks is a long process, so you should be patient. It may take several months to achieve visible results. Procedures should be resorted to regularly, and not from time to time.

Folk and professional cosmetics

Treatment of fresh stretch marks on the skin can be done at home. Stretch marks can be affected by using cosmetics. The easiest way is to go to the store and purchase a product specifically designed to combat stretch marks. Judging by the reviews, the following products have proven themselves well:

  • creams - Mama (Sanosan), 9 mois (Mustella), “Bepantol”;
  • lotions - Palmer's;
  • oils - Weleda, Frei;

Folk remedies are also effective in the fight against stretch marks.


  1. Mix finely ground sea salt and cane sugar in equal proportions.
  2. Add enough olive oil until the mixture has the consistency of a paste.
  3. Apply to damp skin with stretch marks with massaging movements, after two to three minutes rinse with warm water.
  4. Repeat once a week.

Massage mixture

  1. Melt a tablespoon of shea butter in a steam bath.
  2. Mix with a teaspoon of wheat germ oil and a tablespoon of almond oil.
  3. Use to massage problem areas.


  1. Dilute 4 g of mumiyo in a tablespoon of boiled water and combine the mixture with 100 g of baby cream (any body lotion will do).
  2. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour and stir.
  3. Apply to problem areas every evening after shower.
  4. Wash off after two to three hours.


Wraps will help quickly remove stretch marks on the arms, hips and stomach. As a medicinal mixture you can use:

  • any unrefined, cold-pressed vegetable oil;
  • cream with mumiyo (see recipe above);
  • cosmetic clay diluted with water or oil to a paste consistency;
  • liquid honey

To enhance effectiveness, the wrap mixture can be enriched with essential oil (one or two drops per two tablespoons of the composition). Aromatic extracts have proven themselves well in the fight against stretch marks:

  • neroli;
  • tangerine;
  • rosemary;
  • juniper;
  • incense

The procedure will also require a roll of cling film, loose clothing and a warm blanket. The procedure is carried out in eight stages.

  1. Take a warm shower or bath.
  2. Massage problem areas with a scrub or a hard washcloth.
  3. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry.
  4. Lubricate areas of the body with stretch marks with the prepared mixture.
  5. Wrap treated areas with cling film.
  6. Wear loose clothes and lie down for 40-60 minutes under a warm blanket.
  7. Take a shower.
  8. Lubricate the skin with stretch mark cream or any other nourishing product.

The full course of wraps includes 12 sessions, which are recommended every other day.

Beauty baths

A relaxing procedure will improve skin elasticity and speed up the process of eliminating stretch marks. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. The most effective courses of cosmetic baths are those consisting of 10-12 sessions, which are recommended every other day.


  1. Add five to eight drops of essential oil suitable for combating stretch marks to a bath filled with warm water.
  2. The pre-fragrant product must be mixed with a tablespoon of sea salt, honey or milk, otherwise the oil will not dissolve in water.


  1. Pour a tablespoon of mint into a liter of boiling water and leave in a steam bath for ten minutes.
  2. Filter and pour into a bathtub filled with warm water.


  1. To prepare a salt bath, you need to mix 500 g of sea salt with 100 ml of any cold-pressed vegetable oil.
  2. Brew 200 g of dry kelp with a liter of boiling water, filter after a quarter of an hour.
  3. Dissolve the infusion along with the salt mixture in a bathtub filled with warm water.
  4. Wrap the remaining kelp after making the infusion in a small piece of gauze and also lower it into the water.

Pitfalls of home treatment

Although home methods for treating stretch marks are considered safe, precautions must be taken.

  • Consult a doctor. It is necessary to exclude contraindications to procedures, especially in the presence of chronic diseases and skin pathologies.
  • Conduct an allergy test. Before use, it is necessary to check the skin's reaction to the cosmetic product, including the composition for wraps. To do this, apply a little product to the crook of your elbow. If after a day there are no unwanted reactions (peeling, burning, irritation), you can use it.
  • Consider possible contraindications. In some cases, the use of cosmetic procedures is dangerous to health. It can intensify the manifestations of existing diseases and lead to exacerbation.

Using the table, you can determine a list of contraindications for the use of certain procedures.

Table - Contraindications for home treatments for stretch marks

Wraps- Individual sensitivity to the components of the composition;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- heat;
- bad feeling;
- vascular and heart diseases;
- infections;
- gynecological diseases;
- critical days;
- dermatological pathologies;
- oncology;
- varicose veins;
- diabetes;
- hypertension
Beauty baths- Individual intolerance to “medicinal” additives;
- elevated temperature;
- bad feeling;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- some dermatological and gynecological diseases

With caution and only after consulting a doctor: pregnancy and lactation

When taking a bath for stretch marks, you need to make sure that the chest is located above the water level.

In a specialist’s office: radical methods

Old stretch marks can be dealt with at home, but in advanced cases you have to consult a cosmetologist. Modern medicine offers several methods that can make stretch marks as invisible as possible.

  • chemical peeling- acids applied to the skin “eat away” the damaged epidermis and trigger the processes of regeneration and production of elastin and collagen;
  • ozone therapy- using an injection, an ozone-oxygen composition is introduced, which stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells, helping it recover;
  • laser resurfacing- the laser beam “burns out” atrophied cells and activates the growth of new ones;
  • mesotherapy - biologically active substances are injected (most often by injection) into problem areas of the skin, triggering the process of skin renewal;
  • microdermabrasion- a type of mechanical grinding, through which destructive tissue is removed.

Each of the listed procedures has a number of contraindications, which you need to carefully read. You should also first consult with your doctor about the feasibility and safety of the chosen method.

Features of treatment during pregnancy and lactation

Already in the first months of pregnancy (and preferably two to three months before conception), you need to start caring for your skin using specially designed products. Well proven:

  • MamaComfort;
  • Indulgent Body Cream (Avent);
  • 9 mois (Mustella);
  • Mama (Sanosan);
  • Destock (Vichy).

Contrast showers and massages, as well as physical activity, should only be used after consultation with a doctor. In some cases, even despite preventive measures taken, stretch marks may still appear after childbirth. It is necessary to begin their treatment immediately. You can fight stretch marks on your stomach after giving birth using the home methods listed above. However, it is necessary:

  • consult a doctor;
  • stop using essential oils;
  • do not allow cosmetics to get into the baby’s mouth;
  • Stop using the product if undesirable effects occur.

The methods of aesthetic medicine described above are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. If you start working on stretch marks in a timely manner, while they are still fresh, you can prevent the need to see a cosmetologist.

There is no clear answer to the question of how to get rid of stretch marks on the body as effectively as possible. The choice of a suitable method depends on the “age” of striae, the individual characteristics of the body, and financial capabilities. One thing is for sure: when deciding on ways to solve the problem, you should rely on the recommendations of doctors, common sense and study the reviews of women who were able to overcome the problem.