How to breathe during contractions - breathing rules. Correct breathing during labor and childbirth

Already in the process of bearing a child, a woman tries to learn how to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth. This allows you to quickly restore strength and make the birth process quick and easy. The techniques offered by specialists are necessary for relaxation, reducing labor time, maintaining health, and birth without ruptures.

Proper breathing accelerates the process of childbirth and relieves pain. The woman gets rid of fear on her own and relaxes. When developing the technique, we took into account that the diaphragm helps during childbirth. When the natural process occurs, the expectant mother is focused on breathing, so she is distracted from the pain, the cervix opens more, and childbirth occurs faster.

Oxygen plays a big role. It should be in sufficient quantity to saturate the body and contract muscles. A woman must breathe properly during childbirth. Techniques developed specifically for the labor process will help with this.

Special breathing methods have a beneficial effect on the course of the birth process:

  • relieve psycho-emotional stress;
  • reduce pain sensitivity;
  • control the body;
  • maintain blood supply, preventing hypoxia.

An unconditioned reflex is inherent in every woman, however, certain techniques need to be learned. You will have to spend several months on this process, this will allow you to fully develop your skills. Depending on the period of labor, breathing has distinctive features - a pregnant woman needs to learn how to control inhalation and exhalation.

They begin to practice exercises from 12-16 weeks of pregnancy. They carry out training 2-3 times a day in order to make them automatic and not forget them during childbirth. It is necessary to take a comfortable position and ventilate the room. Approaches are performed at home, on a walk, in nature.


During the first weak contractions, the pregnant woman is allowed to breathe as usual, since during irregular spasms the body has time to relax. Breathing techniques during labor and childbirth are necessary if the interval is 10 minutes.

At the initial stage (the frequency of contractions is 10 minutes), the following techniques are used:

  1. relaxing;
  2. canine

There is no need to be shy during labor; nothing will surprise doctors and staff. The main thing is to help yourself maintain your sanity and help your child be born. At the beginning of the latent phase, special exercises may not be necessary. At this time, the woman does not feel severe pain, the cervix is ​​just beginning to open, and the interval between contractions is quite large. Pain-relieving breathing will be needed when contractions become shorter.

Latent phase. During the first birth, preparation will be needed to reduce the natural duration of the process. Within a few hours, the uterus dilates by 2 cm. It is recommended to squat down with your knees wide apart. You need to count to four, take a deep breath, exhale through your mouth, counting to 6. At this time, apply a light lower back massage and listen to music.

During the active phase, the uterus fully dilates. You need to take a position with emphasis on your hands. This will relax the abdominal muscles. During this period, you should not lose your breath. First, take slow and deep breaths in and out. At the very peak of pain, they breathe faster, and then go back to the previous technique.

Attempts. During the transition phase, a comfortable position is selected to reduce pain. If the uterus is not fully dilated, you cannot push without pushing. During expulsion (pushing), the expectant mother needs to take a deep breath and push the fetus, exhaling air into the perineum. As soon as the baby’s head appears, they switch to the “doggy style” technique.


During contractions, a woman should not squeeze or strain, otherwise she will quickly get tired. In this case, the pain will not go away, and there will be no strength left for childbirth. At this time, you need to pay attention to breathing.

How to breathe correctly before childbirth:

  • they always exhale longer than they inhale;
  • inhalation must be done through the nose;
  • when exhaling through the mouth, the lips fold into a tube;
  • count to three as you inhale, and count to five as you exhale.

The method makes it possible not only to normalize breathing during labor and childbirth, but also to calm down, receive the necessary amount of oxygen, and adequately respond to the entire process of bringing the baby into the world. It is recommended to count the time between contractions in order to distract from pain.

For each period, a woman must master the technique to breathe correctly during childbirth and help the baby to be born faster. Following the rules already at the initial stage will speed up the dilation of the cervix and prevent drug intervention to stimulate labor. This reduces the risk of developing hypoxia and the appearance of further problems.

Already at the first contractions, you are allowed to go to the maternity hospital, even if there is no pain or a pronounced stretching of the lower abdomen. There are types of breathing during contractions that are repeated at certain intervals.

During regular contractions, you should not strain and scream to get rid of the pain. When the birth process is suppressed, the uterus opens incorrectly and slowly, and oxygen starvation occurs. Problems with children are noted in the form of difficult adaptation, reduced immunity, and frequent illnesses.


Training with a mirror. Already at the beginning of the birth process, in between contractions, you will need a small mirror. Take it in your hand and hold it at chin level. Inhale through the nose, pause. Exhale through the mouth. A woman must achieve her goal and learn to exhale slowly. The mirror fogs up gradually and evenly. The lips are pulled out with a tube and the training begins. After mastering the technique, the accessory is not used. Proper breathing during contractions helps you not think about pain. You need to take deep breaths through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.

Candle. A simple exercise helps with intensifying contractions and during pushing. You can breathe strictly through your mouth or nose using your chest. The duration of inhalation and exhalation is the same. This rhythm is maintained for at least one minute. Start with 10 seconds, gradually increasing the time. The stomach remains motionless.

Like a dog. During strong contractions, you need to touch the tip of your tongue to the lower incisors and make a noisy inhalation and exhalation. The exercise is reminiscent of how a dog breathes when it runs for a long time. At this time, the chest necessarily works, but not the stomach. You need to breathe intermittently, opening your mouth slightly.

Singing letters. When the baby is about to come out, during labor they take a deep breath through the nose, hold their breath and count to ten. Then gently, stretching, exhale through the mouth. The exhalation should be complete. So that not a drop of air remains in the lungs. It is recommended to connect hissing sounds with the letter “I”. If you can easily withstand this time, the exercise is increased to 15 seconds.

Little engine. While dilating the cervix, we breathe using the “train” technique. She has a simple principle. As soon as the contraction begins, inhale through the nose, and the breathing itself occurs superficially. Then they quickly exhale through their mouth, pursing their lips into a tube. After the intensity decreases, breathing accelerates. This is a great way to wait out the most acute pain.


A woman must not only give birth and breathe during contractions. It is important to use the correct techniques. This makes the process as painless as possible. It is recommended to attend special courses to fully complete the training for each stage of labor. There are certain rules for breathing during contractions. The expectant mother inhales through her nose and exhales through her mouth. Regular training in proper breathing prepares you for childbirth. By performing the techniques already during the first contractions, the woman in labor is prepared for a correct and easy birth process.

How to breathe correctly during contractions:

  1. use the “Candle” method;
  2. switch to slow breathing;
  3. open your mouth slightly and breathe like a dog.

It is forbidden to strain during uterine contractions. If there is a partner birth, the expectant mother becomes weaker. The husband will not only hold your hand, but will also monitor your breathing at each stage of labor.

Sometimes the cervix is ​​not open enough, and the baby's head drops into the bottom of the cavity. To ease contractions and prevent the expectant mother from pushing and tearing the cervix, the obstetrician advises taking a sharp breath and then breathing intensely. This alternates until the contraction ends. Between this you need to breathe calmly.

To ensure that childbirth proceeds calmly, a special technique for relaxing contractions is used. This will give the woman several advantages: pain will decrease, the uterus will open faster, which, when tense, increases the intensity of pain by reducing the supply of oxygen to the tissue. Exercises during contractions are performed automatically if the woman exercises regularly. It will take constant training to achieve a positive effect.


At the beginning of pushing, you need to trust your obstetrician. The doctor will tell you when to start breathing and when to push. The average duration of the process is about 1 minute. Already in the last minutes before the baby arrives, you need to pay attention to breathing.

How to breathe correctly when pushing:

  • inhale as deeply as possible;
  • as you exhale, they begin to push;
  • Pressure is applied to the uterus with the resulting air.

The woman monitors the tension, which should not go to the head, otherwise the blood vessels on the face and in the eyes will rupture. All efforts are given to the uterus for a quick delivery. Proper breathing during pushing is necessary so that the fetus receives a sufficient amount of oxygen. If a woman does not completely fill her lungs when inhaling, she must exhale and inhale again, filling her lungs with oxygen.

Candle. The candle exercise is considered to be the most effective breathing during pushing. This is a technique that is suggested to be mastered after the third month of pregnancy. Imagining blowing out a candle, you can accompany the process by singing. After the head appears, they switch to free breathing or use the dog technique.

Proper breathing of a woman in labor during childbirth will help the newborn to emerge in 3-4 attempts. They bring relief. When a woman is too tired, she is given a few minutes to rest.
The most difficult moment is when the head presses on the cervix. During childbirth, it is important to use breathing techniques correctly in order to survive the dangerous period and prevent the development of complications. It is necessary to adhere to the variable technique, locomotive, pushing.

Komarovsky talks about various breathing techniques as an opportunity to prepare as much as possible for childbirth. At the beginning of training, hyperventilation, dizziness, and darkening of the eyes occur. You can get rid of symptoms if you take a breath, hold your breath and breathe into your palms, connecting them. Dry mouth is common, so it's a good idea to keep water on hand to moisten your lips and throat.

To reduce labor time, attention should be paid to breathing control. It shouldn't be arbitrary. It is necessary to constantly count and not be distracted by extraneous matters. The mother must understand that it is difficult for the child and she needs to talk to the baby.

A loved one will help you by giving you a massage, supporting you and reminding you to breathe properly. With a strong contraction, the intensity of breathing increases; to reduce pain, you need to maintain a constant rhythm to avoid panic.

Training should begin as early as possible so that the process becomes automatic. The developed model of behavior during childbirth is necessary for relaxation and proper breathing. Techniques selected depending on the stage of childbirth are necessary to concentrate on the process.

The expectant mother can attend courses that teach how to breathe correctly. The woman will cope with the fear of pain, explain how breathing techniques reduce discomfort, help the baby and mother avoid stress that affects the time of labor.

Childbirth is a complex process. It is imperative to prepare for it and approach it responsibly. It is important to tune in psychologically, think through situations, listen to the advice of doctors and follow recommendations.

Many obstetricians and gynecologists claim that it is impossible to prepare for childbirth in advance. But, paradoxically, these same doctors recommend doing exercises and attending classes for pregnant women. Probably the secret is that during childbirth, not only the physiological side of the process is important, but also the calmness of the expectant mother.

Knowing how to rest between contractions is no less important than breathing correctly, because childbirth is a multi-hour marathon that must be completed to the end.

No, if the woman in labor is completely exhausted, then nothing tragic will happen either. Doctors will stimulate the process with medications and methods.

Sometimes, if a woman is too tired to make the final push, an episiotomy is done - an incision in the perineum that makes childbirth easier. But is this necessary?

If a woman has learned to breathe correctly, packed her bag and is aware of all possible manipulations during childbirth, then she has less reason to be nervous. This means that she will be able to relax and retain maximum strength, as a result of which the birth will go well.

Parents often try to plan for everything. Therefore, preparation for childbirth may include activities related to completely different areas of life.

This includes exercises for pregnant women, a preliminary agreement with a doctor, and preparation of the future father if a partner birth is planned.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky about fear of childbirth

Exercises for pregnant women

These classes are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor and helping organs that are subject to increased stress during pregnancy, in particular the kidneys and spine. But you can only do physical exercise after consulting your doctor.

The list of contraindications for physical education specifically includes:

  • threat of miscarriage
  • any bleeding
  • poor health of the expectant mother

If a pregnant woman feels well, physical exercise can and should be done. This will help during childbirth and speed up the rehabilitation process after it.

Video: Exercises for pregnant women

Is it worth talking to your doctor in advance?

Women who make advance arrangements for childbirth often receive the same package of services as those who did not pay a penny for the birth.

Indeed, the doctor cannot become smarter just because he received additional payment, and the medical staff, in any case, are interested in the birth going well.

Why then do pregnant women pay for childbirth? The meaning of this again is psychological comfort. With prior arrangement, you can expect to be greeted at the maternity hospital by a doctor you know and trust.

The risk of encountering rudeness and low-qualified specialists is minimal. But every expectant mother has an alarming note in her soul, saying: “What if this happens to me?”

Preparing the future dad for childbirth

For men, if they wish to be present at the birth, there is also mandatory preparation. In most maternity hospitals, the father is required to undergo fluorography, in some, a nasal culture and preparatory courses are required.

Fitball exercises before childbirth

Initially, fitball was intended for the treatment of patients with spinal injuries. The results of gymnastics with a ball exceeded all expectations and fitball began to be used first in classes for pregnant women, and then in maternity hospitals. In the USA and some European countries, fitball is a mandatory attribute of every delivery room.

Exercises that can be done while sitting on a ball perfectly train the pelvic floor muscular system and are used to prevent prolapse of internal organs, in particular the uterus and kidneys

Exercises in which you need to lie on the ball, strengthen your back and abs. And if you lie on a fitball with your back and roll back and forth on the ball, you can get rid of back pain

Exercises that require kneeling, improve blood circulation in the uterus and placenta, and also help relieve pain during childbirth.

What should be the correct course of labor?

Often women confuse the onset of labor with false contractions, and sometimes, on the contrary, they need to go to the maternity hospital when there are no contractions at all. Three signs that occur in the vast majority of women in labor will help you understand that labor has already begun.

Signs that labor will occur in the next 24 hours

1. Contractions. There is no definite interval between false contractions; they occur randomly. For example, 30 minutes may pass between the first and second, the third will be in 10 minutes, the fourth only after 40 minutes, and so on. But if labor begins, the contractions intensify all the time, and the interval between them constantly decreases. If contractions repeat every 10 minutes, then it’s definitely time to go to the maternity hospital

2. Discharge of amniotic fluid. If the water breaks, then the woman must give birth in the next 24 hours. Sometimes the water breaks prematurely, and there are no contractions at this moment. There is no need to worry, usually the cascade mechanism starts on its own and labor begins. If your water has already broken, this also means that you should hurry to the maternity hospital.

3. Removal of the mucus plug. For most women, the mucous plug comes off on the day of birth, less often the day before. In obstetric textbooks it is written that the plug should be separated directly during the birth process, but in practice this rarely occurs.

This sign of the onset of labor is not as reliable as the first two, however, it should also be taken into account. You can determine that the plug has come off by a discharge that resembles mucus; there are bloody streaks in it, but there shouldn’t be a lot of blood. Sometimes the plug comes out completely at once, sometimes it comes out in parts

There are signs of the onset of labor that are not found in all women, these are:

  • Indigestion and vomiting. In this way, the body tries to cleanse itself and unload itself as much as possible before an important event. These symptoms occur a day or two before birth
  • Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. It also does not occur in all women and begins a day or two before the baby is born.

Technique for correct childbirth

Contractions constantly become more frequent and intensified until the cervix opens enough for the baby’s head to pass through it.

Between contractions and attempts there is a moment of calm, which lasts from 5 to 20 minutes. At this time, you should not worry or stimulate labor in any way, you just need to wait and the process will continue on its own.

During contractions, the woman feels a nagging pain, but when pushing begins, relief comes. When the baby's head drops low enough, it puts pressure on the sphincter and because of this, it feels like you need to go to the toilet, and there is also an irresistible urge to push. These are signs that the baby will be born in the next few minutes.

Exercises to dilate the cervix before childbirth

The first stage of labor, when the cervix opens, is the most painful. To reduce discomfort, you can use two methods:

  1. Stroking and rubbing the abdomen and lower back. These actions will not change the intensity of contractions. But the fact is that the human brain, if two impulses arrive at it in a split second, perceives only the last one. Therefore, subjectively the pain will seem weaker. Perhaps it is because of this that when we fall, we instinctively begin to rub the bruised area
  2. Exercises with fitball. Rocking on a ball helps relax your pelvic floor muscles. Such exercises during childbirth are more effective if the woman worked out with a fitball before giving birth and knows exactly what effect each movement gives

How to breathe correctly during childbirth?

When performing breathing techniques, the main thing is not to overdo it. Breathing too hard and too intensely will cause you to hyperventilate, make you feel dizzy and cause your blood pressure to drop.

This way you will only scare your doctor, who will not understand why you suddenly feel bad. Therefore, breathing techniques should be used at ease and as needed; instructors advise using constant repetition to bring the skills to automatism.

  • At the beginning of contractions, you can try to breathe, taking 4 short breaths and 6 exhalations. The point of this exercise is that you need to constantly count, in the end you will be able to distract yourself from painful sensations
  • Helpful during strong contractions breathe like a dog. You need to open your mouth slightly, press your tongue to the roof of your mouth and take quick breaths in and out.
  • Breathing like a locomotive also useful for opening the cervix. A quick breath is taken through the nose, and then the air is quickly exhaled through pursed lips.
  • During pushing, breathing is considered the most effective, which resembles extinguishing a candle. You should inhale through your nose and then exhale very long.

Video: How to breathe correctly during childbirth?

How to push correctly during childbirth? Video

  1. You need to start pushing on time, when the cervix is ​​already fully dilated. Before this, pushing is not useful and even harmful
  2. You need to push while exhaling. If you've already run out of air, don't continue, take another breath and try again. The push lasts up to a minute, so during one push you can make from four to six pushing movements.

Video: How to push?

How to behave correctly during childbirth?

  • During contractions, it is useful to walk and move, for example, walking down the corridor with someone on your arm or doing exercises on a ball. When pushing begins, you need to work hard, because to push the baby out you need to make a lot of effort
  • For women who are giving birth for the first time, doctors usually advise pushing as hard as possible; multiparous women are sometimes advised, on the contrary, to hold back contractions; it all depends on the characteristics of each individual birth.
  • Some women say that the pain during childbirth is no worse than during normal periods, others say that childbirth was something unbearable for them, but both agree that all unpleasant emotions disappear when breastfeeding for the first time put the baby down

Video: about pregnancy and childbirth

Video: Preparing for childbirth, lecture by an obstetrician-gynecologist

Breathing is a physiological process necessary for life. It occurs reflexively, and few people think that it can be used to control other body processes, even treat some diseases. There are situations when it is simply necessary to control your breathing, and childbirth is one of them. Proper breathing greatly facilitates the process of childbirth, relieves severe pain, helps the woman regain strength, and helps the baby to be born sooner.


Why is it necessary to breathe properly during childbirth?

Voluntary breathing during childbirth aggravates the pain and prolongs the process. With proper breathing, a woman has the opportunity to relax and give her body a rest. By using proper breathing techniques during contractions, the main goal is achieved: the diaphragm does not interfere with labor, but, on the contrary, speeds it up, significantly alleviating pain. Proper breathing during childbirth helps to avoid fetal hypoxia and saturates the blood with oxygen.

It is necessary to start practicing correct breathing long before childbirth in order to bring it to automaticity. A woman must develop a model of behavior, which will greatly facilitate the birth of a child.

Breathing technique during different periods of labor

The birth process consists of three main periods:

  • dilation of the cervix, or period of contractions;
  • expulsion, or birth of a fetus;
  • birth of the placenta, or postpartum period.

The breathing technique used in each period is different and is aimed at alleviating the woman’s condition.

Breathing during contractions

Cervical dilatation is the longest and most painful period, accompanied by contractions. Contractions are involuntary contractions of the uterus. They are necessary to open the uterine os, through which the child will pass. Thanks to them, the fetus moves.

The period of contractions consists of three phases:

  1. Latent. The contractions are not painful, in most cases they are felt as a slight stretching in the lower abdomen and lower back. Many people compare this condition with premenstrual syndrome. The latent phase lasts up to 6 hours.
  2. Active. It is characterized by rapid dilation of the cervix, intensity of contractions, pain and a shorter interval between them. Lasts 3-4 hours.
  3. Deceleration phase. Often absent in multiparous women and some primiparous women. Lasts until the cervix is ​​completely dilated, on average from half an hour to 2 hours.

Contractions are characterized by regularity and occur at certain intervals. The greater the dilation of the cervix, the more intense and longer they become, and the gap between them decreases. Proper breathing helps to significantly reduce pain during labor during labor.

Latent phase of contractions

Gentle stretching of the lower abdomen during the latent phase causes more discomfort than pain. However, at this moment the woman begins to realize that the “X-hour” is approaching, and most of them are overcome by fear. The main task during this period is to calm down and start getting ready for the maternity hospital.

Relaxing Breathing

It will help you overcome your fears and get ready for the upcoming birth. Breathing should be slow and deep. You need to inhale quickly through your nose, counting to three, exhale slowly through your mouth, counting to five. At the same time, fold your lips into a tube. As you exhale, doctors advise “singing” vowels, for example, the sound “u”. When practicing yoga, using this breathing technique, the mantra “om” is chanted.

At the initial stage of training, it is recommended to use a small mirror. It is placed to the mouth as you exhale at a distance of 15-20 cm. The mirror should not fog up immediately (this is too sharp an exhalation), but gradually, evenly. As soon as it becomes possible to exhale correctly, they do without paraphernalia.

Active phase of contractions

Characterized by constant, increasing contractions. The most important thing during this period is not to suppress pain, not to strain, not to squeeze your legs and stomach. Such actions can bring relief, but it will be temporary and unnecessary, and overexertion will only weaken the body ahead of time. In addition, strong tension prevents the proper dilation of the cervix. In such cases, doctors often anesthetize and induce labor, which is also extremely undesirable for mother and baby.

By focusing on breathing during childbirth, a woman is distracted from the pain. Oxygen is supplied to organs and tissues in the required volume. As a result, the muscles contract better, and the child does not experience hypoxia, which often occurs at the initial stage of labor.

At the beginning of an active contraction, relaxing breathing is used. We should not forget that the inhalation should be shorter than the exhalation. This technique makes it possible to relax the muscles, focus on breathing and not on pain, and calm down.

Important to remember: It is not advisable to scream during contractions. This way, breathing is held, and less oxygen reaches the fetus.

Breathing like a dog

When the contractions become longer, you need to breathe shallowly and frequently, without straining, inhaling and exhaling through your slightly open mouth. The strength of inhalation and exhalation should correspond to each other, as well as their duration. In this case, only the chest works, the stomach remains calm and relaxed.

This type of breathing during childbirth resembles that of a dog in hot weather. The technique dulls acute pain and helps you concentrate on breathing. In addition, this allows you to avoid pushing, which in the first stage of labor leads to rupture of the cervix and injury to the fetus.

Even breathing

When a contraction loses its intensity, that is, at the end of it, and until the beginning of the next one, the technique of uniform breathing is used. You need to breathe slowly and evenly, inhaling and exhaling through your nose or mouth. Each woman herself determines the duration of inhalation and exhalation; usually it is enough to count to 4. In this case, only the chest works, the stomach is not tense.

This technique allows you to calm down and relax. Some doctors, instead of uniform breathing, advise returning to relaxing breathing during this period.

Breathing while pushing

Pushing is the most important period of labor, during which muscle contraction occurs and the fetus moves directly through the birth canal. They occur when the head passes the bone ring of the pelvis and is already in the vagina.

At this moment, it is necessary to listen to the obstetrician in everything: he will give recommendations on how to behave so that the baby is born as quickly and painlessly as possible. Only he, based on the state of the woman in labor, will determine how to breathe, when to push, when it is necessary to rest.

"Breathing on a Candle"

The general principle of breathing during childbirth during pushing is to inhale as deeply as possible, but not quickly, but as calmly and slowly as possible. During prolonged exhalation, the pressure of the entire volume of air is exerted by the diaphragm on the uterus. At the same time, you must not allow the tension to go up to your head, otherwise the blood vessels on your face and in your eyes will burst. It is advisable to push three times during one contraction.

With proper breathing while pushing, the baby is born quickly. Sometimes 3-5 attempts are enough, each of which lasts no more than a minute. If the woman in labor does not have enough strength, the obstetrician allows her to take a short break between attempts to rest.

After the birth of the head, breathe freely, like a dog. This will prevent the baby's head, which has already appeared, from moving back.

Video: How to behave during pushing

Breathing during the postpartum period

Having separated from the walls of the uterus, after some time the placenta is born. This usually happens half an hour after the baby is born. The cramping pains resume, but during this period they are not intense, weak and short-lived. Here it is enough to push, using the “breathing on a candle” technique, and the so-called baby’s place will come out of the uterus. As a rule, the moment of pushing is determined by the doctor.

Proper breathing is not as simple as it may seem. It is not enough to read the theory the day before giving birth; it is important to study all the nuances, ask the gynecologist leading the pregnancy in detail, and even better, go to courses where, under the guidance of a specialist, the woman in labor will be taught all the intricacies of breathing during childbirth. He will also give recommendations on how to perform the exercises and indicate the permissible load.

You need to train every day, starting from approximately the 12th week of pregnancy, then during the process of childbirth, the woman in labor will be able to distinguish all periods, and each of the techniques will be applied in a timely manner. When performing exercises, the room should be well ventilated to ensure sufficient oxygen supply.

  1. You can perform the exercises several times a day, monitoring your well-being. If a woman feels unwell during training, then she should postpone classes and rest. However, this does not mean at all that you need to stop training; it is enough to reduce its daily duration.
  2. If dryness occurs when breathing with your mouth open, you need to touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. If necessary, moisten your lips with water and rinse your mouth.
  3. When training breathing while pushing, you should not push: this can provoke uterine tone, which leads to premature birth. It is enough to simply hold your breath, counting to 10. Later, the duration of holding your breath can be increased to 20-25.
  4. After classes, restore your breathing by breathing calmly, in the usual way.

There is a concept of hyperventilation, the symptoms of which include darkening of the eyes, dizziness, and the woman in labor may feel like she is about to lose consciousness. In this case, you need to take a shallow breath and hold your breath, or, putting your palms together, bring it to your face and breathe slowly into them.

Video: Yoga trainer on proper breathing techniques during childbirth. Exercises for pregnant women

Breathing correctly during labor can create a real miracle!

The cervix will open much faster, and the baby will not suffer from lack of oxygen, and most importantly, the pushing will be stronger.

How to breathe correctly during childbirth: why is it important

Why do you need to control your breathing during contractions? Why does a slow exhalation calm you down, but a deep breath intensifies your efforts?

The uterus is a fairly powerful muscle. At the time of labor, its contraction helps to open the cervix, expanding the canal through which the baby will pass.

When a woman in labor begins to scream, she becomes very tense, as a result of which the muscles of the perineum contract. The pain intensifies greatly, and tears form in the cervix, which will only increase during the passage of the child.

Thanks to proper breathing, the muscles will relax. The neck will be able to stretch easily and painlessly.

But even if the breathing is correct, of course it will not be possible to completely get rid of the pain. But still, if you control this process, the pain may not be so strong.

After starting to push, the pain will begin to subside, and the woman in labor will want to relax. But it will no longer be enough to use only the forces of the uterus. You'll have to resort to using your abdominals and diaphragm. If you hold your breath after a powerful inhalation, the pressure on the fetus will increase and the birth process will speed up.

How to breathe correctly during childbirth: phases of labor and their features

During each stage of labor, there should be a certain type of breathing - after all, the breathing that was at the beginning of contractions is unlikely to help you when the contractions increase. There are several phases of childbirth, each of which has its own characteristics.

The first phase is latent

The first contractions, as a rule, are very mild - many do not even notice them, and if they do pay attention, they continue to do something. During this period, you can not pay attention to breathing.

But a little later, when the cervix begins to open, contractions will become noticeable - from this moment on you need to use anesthetic breathing. The pain recurs at different intervals.

Doctors conventionally call breathing at this moment - rocking on the waves. If you feel that the contraction is approaching, take a deep breath through your nose, and then exhale long, but through your lips. Thanks to this, the body can be saturated with oxygen, and the woman in labor can feel a tingling sensation in her fingertips. Don't be scared, as this is normal.

The second phase is active

During the active phase, contractions will begin to be felt more often, pressure on the bottom will increase - all because the cervix opens, and the baby’s head begins to descend. The previous type of breathing, unfortunately, will no longer help - rapid breathing will come to the mother’s aid at the very peak of contractions. When the contraction has just begun, breathe the same way as in the first phase, after it reaches its peak - start using short breathing, otherwise “doggy style”, with your mouth open. At the end of the contraction, you need to return to deep and slow breathing.

At this stage, the role of your husband is important; he can massage your stomach and lower back, and in the intervals when there are no contractions, he will distract you. There is no need to expect new pain and to be tight; this will have a negative impact on both the baby and you.

It is very important to take the correct posture. For example, rest your hands on something and lean forward slightly, or get on all fours. The abdominal muscles will be able to unload, and the pain will subside slightly.

Most doctors are convinced that you should not scream during contractions. At the moment of screaming, breathing will most likely become difficult. But it also happens that screaming makes many women in labor feel a little better; in this case, you can remember the saying: “if you can’t, but you really want to, then you can.” Therefore, if you want, shout, but correctly - take a deep breath, and shout as you exhale.

The third phase is transitional

The transition phase occurs before pushing; by this time the head has already dropped down, but the cervix is ​​not yet fully open. It is at this moment that the contractions are strong and painful, you really want to push, but you cannot do this - a rupture of the vagina or uterus may occur.

What should you do in this case? It is important that breathing is frequent and shallow, the mouth is open, there is no need to stick out your tongue, as you may want water, but you cannot drink. This will allow you to direct all your strength to your abdominal muscles. Be sure to change your position - get on all fours and slightly lift your pelvis up. You may feel that the transition phase can be accelerated by sitting on all fours with your knees wide apart.

The fourth phase is the expulsion of the fetus

The pain will completely go away, but it depends on you how soon the baby is born, so you will have to make every effort. A common mistake most women make is that all efforts are directed to the eyes and head, but not to the perineum. Such actions will prevent the baby from being born, and blood vessels in the eyes will burst.

It is important to push correctly. Before an approaching contraction, you need to take in a lot of air, press your chin firmly to your chest, try to clasp your knees with your hands - while trying to exhale the air completely. During one fight you need to do this action three times.

As soon as the head appears, you need to switch to shallow breathing and under no circumstances push. The doctor will turn the baby so that he can be born at the next push.

After some time, the afterbirth will be born - for this you will have to push slightly.

As you can see, you can make the birth process a little easier - you just need to breathe correctly, and also remember that nature knows everything itself, and you should not resist it. Just relax and listen to your body and sensations.

How to breathe correctly during childbirth: do you need to train?

In order to breathe correctly at the time of childbirth, it is necessary to train in advance every day; it is enough to devote 15 minutes a day to this activity. Oxygen gymnastics can be done either separately or combined with physical exercise.

Remember that sudden breathing can cause dizziness; there is no need to panic. Simply cover your nose and mouth to form a mask. After this, you need to inhale and exhale several times and everything will return to normal.

During childbirth, arbitrary breathing can also aggravate everything and also prolong labor. Try to control your inhalation and exhalation, be sure to count and do not be distracted by extraneous matters. In order to learn proper breathing, you can sign up for courses for expectant mothers, they will tell you in detail about how to behave during childbirth, how to breathe or not breathe.

How to breathe correctly during childbirth: step-by-step instructions

Many pregnant women are afraid of the upcoming birth. But painless childbirth, as we know, does not exist. However, you can make them easier and faster. If you learn to breathe correctly during childbirth, the arrival of your long-awaited baby will not be so painful.

First, the woman in labor will feel a pulsation in the lower abdomen, this is the beginning of contractions. It is very important to relax and try to gain strength. In order to distract yourself from anxiety, you need to concentrate all your attention on breathing, you need to breathe deeply and slowly. You can count up to 5 while inhaling and in the opposite order as you exhale. Moreover, you need to exhale a little slower than inhale.

When the cervix has dilated by 4-5 centimeters, contractions will become more frequent and prolonged. The interval between their contractions will be about 5 minutes, and the contractions themselves will last about 20 seconds.

During this period, the woman will not be able to do any business or concentrate on anything. But you need to try to distract yourself as much as possible. Deep, slow breathing may no longer help, you need to move on to the next technique.

Breathe like a dog—inhale and exhale shallowly.

After the uterus has fully dilated and the amniotic fluid has come out, the baby will begin to move through the birth canal. The woman in labor will have a strong desire to strain, push and push the baby out. But this cannot be done, because the baby needs to go through all the birth canals, and you only need to push him at the end. The midwife will definitely tell you how to behave correctly. You must listen to her advice and follow them. If it’s not time to push yet, but you really want to do it, use the “doggy style” breathing technique. This method will allow you to endure. Once the time to push comes, you need to do the following:

1. Take a very deep breath.

2. Hold your breath and start pushing.

3. Be sure to push down, try to press the air flow on your stomach. Pushing is somewhat reminiscent of squeezing during constipation. Therefore, many midwives say that the baby should not be given birth, but rather “popped out.”

4. Under no circumstances should you tense up and start pushing with your face. The entire effect of such actions will be zero.

5. After straining strongly, exhale slowly, this way the body can relax before the next push.

After the head appears, the pushing stops. The second time you will have to push when the midwife asks, this happens at the moment the shoulders come out. If you listen carefully to the doctor and do everything correctly, the birth of the head occurs in just a few attempts.

The birth of a baby is an exciting and wonderful moment in the life of any man or woman. Nature took care of future motherhood in advance, creating a woman’s body and preparing it for the possibility of giving birth. All you need is a little help in giving birth to a little man.

Do gymnastics, learn to breathe correctly, exercise and communicate with your unborn child. This is the only way your birth will be quick and easy!

A properly organized respiratory process has a significant impact on the success of delivery. Many expectant mothers approach the final stage of pregnancy without realizing the full importance of this moment, which negatively affects the natural course of the process of expulsion of the fetus.

Does proper breathing help during childbirth and labor?

There is no doubt that the woman in labor must be completely confident in herself throughout the entire stage of the emergence of a new life. Don’t be discouraged if you still have no idea how to breathe properly during childbirth. You can master any technique without much difficulty in a short period of time. As practice shows, proper breathing during childbirth greatly accelerates the latent phase and facilitates the period of expulsion of the fetus.

This positive dynamics is explained by the fact that the expectant mother does not focus on unpleasant sensations, and during contractions and the birth itself, the woman focuses on counting her inhalations and exhalations, which helps her experience the whole process less painfully. In addition, if you breathe correctly, a woman’s body is saturated with oxygen, which contributes to more effective contraction of the muscular structures of the uterus and birth canal.

How to breathe correctly during labor and childbirth

Modern times are different in that there are countless centers for preparing for the final stage of pregnancy. Visiting these facilities will help you learn how to breathe properly during labor and childbirth. There are many developments in this area, but usually expectant mothers are offered a simpler option so as not to overload the woman’s brain with recommendations on how to do everything correctly. Breathing during labor and labor should be carried out on instinct, but within the framework of the proposed program.

Preparation specialists often advise pregnant women to read some literature on this subject. It would be appropriate to say that one of the best authors who covered the topic of natural pain relief during childbirth through breathing systems is considered to be Grantly Dick-Read. In his book, the doctor places special emphasis on suppressing feelings of anxiety in women in labor and talks about the basic principles of managing the latent and active phases.

Breathing during contractions

The preparatory stage in childbirth is characterized as a “hidden” period, during which “smoothing” of the walls of the cervix occurs. If a woman is preparing for childbirth for the first time, the “opening” can occur over a long period of time: from 8 hours to 2 days. During the second and subsequent births, the latent phase is more intense. Correct breathing during contractions can occur according to several patterns at once, so in order to understand how to breathe correctly during contractions and childbirth, you need to clearly distinguish between 3 periods of uterine contraction: beginning, peak, relaxation.

At the first of them, the woman in labor is advised to take a deep breath and exhale slowly, while uttering any vowel letter. It is very important that the sound is directed “down”. The peak moment requires some patience from the expectant mother, which is achieved by adjusting breathing from deep to rapid-shallow. When the uterine contraction “goes away,” the woman in labor should know how to properly relax. The breathing technique during childbirth helps to achieve this.

While pushing

The active phase of childbirth is a stage of real physical work involving all the forces of the body in the process. During the immediate period of expulsion of the fetus, it is very important not to miss the impending attempt. Usually, a woman in labor has only about a minute to make one attempt (that’s how long one strong contraction lasts). In this short period of time, she should fill her lungs with air and then breathe “like a dog,” gradually releasing oxygen in small portions.

It is important to know that after completing the push, you should not suddenly exhale all the air. This incorrect behavior of the mother in labor is the reason for the long birth of the baby's head. However, when this has already happened, the tactics completely change: the obstetrician notifies the woman that she should take a break and advises the woman in labor to switch to a light breathing rhythm. Usually during this time the baby manages to turn around, after which labor continues with the outcome of the rest of the baby’s body.

Birth of the placenta

The final stage of childbirth is marked by the release of the “baby place”. At this stage, the woman in labor can breathe freely, because there is no need to push hard for the placenta to come out. Obstetricians usually try to speed up the third stage of labor, but you shouldn’t force things like that. Improper delivery of the placenta can often cause postpartum hemorrhage. For this reason, before she “departs,” the woman in labor needs to rest a little and put the baby to her breast. The latter will be a signal for detachment of the “children's place”.

If the delivery of the placenta is delayed, the successful mother is advised to cough a few times and change her position, which in most cases solves the problem. The postpartum period is characterized by the presence of a wound surface inside the uterus; in order to further ensure “disinfection” of this area, it is necessary to hold short breaths. A correctly performed exercise will help to constantly oxidize the blood and release T-killers from the vascular bed, which are responsible for protecting the body from pathogenic microorganisms.