Do you need a baptismal shirt? What to look for when choosing clothes for the baptism of a child. Christening gown decoration

Probably, today it is difficult to find a person who does not know about the tragedy of the first years and centuries of Christianity, and about the reasons why in those ancient times our churches were built in caves and deep underground - in the catacombs.

For Christians, the persecution of the authorities turned into unthinkably cruel torture and terrible death, hence the secret places of religious services and rituals, the first of which is baptism.

The coldness of the dungeons is a constant companion of the first centuries of Christianity. Centuries, when its difficult history was written and the first traditions and rituals were formed, and above all - the rite of baptism, which was originally considered a new and main birth of man - spiritual.

The fact that in the early years of Christianity only adults were baptized, after making sure that a person goes to all possible trials and torments consciously, speaks of how responsibly our distant ancestors approached him. The rite of baptism of infants occurs only by the end of the 1st - the beginning of the 2nd centuries AD.

By this time, it was already proceeding according to the rigid rules that had developed in previous decades. At the same time, the history of the baptismal shirt began as an obligatory attribute of the ceremony. For adults, it was necessary for two reasons: to hide the nakedness of the baptized person even from the gaze of the clergyman and as protection from the cold of the catacombs. The baptismal shirt has already come to the rite of infant baptism as a tradition. In those distant times, in connection with the possible difficult trials that could fall to the lot of a Christian at any moment, men were baptized predominantly, therefore it is the baptismal shirt for boys that is considered, so to speak, a "classic" attribute of baptism, in Greek sounds like "anavoly" and means outerwear.

What should be a baptismal shirt

By tradition, this is a straight white shirt, always below the knees, but not "to the floor", certainly new and, of course, made of natural fabric. Its whiteness is a symbol of the spiritual purity of the newly baptized.

Royal christening shirts

From these ancient attributes of baptism to you and me, the baptismal shirt of the daughter of Henry VIII - Elizabeth I, baptized in 1533, came down to us. The shirt is long, rather simple and loose in style. But already in 1841, Queen Victoria's firstborn was baptized in an elegant silk shirt, decorated with pearls and guipure: to this day, all the crown princes and princesses of England are baptized in it.

It was from this moment that the tradition of decorating christening shirts develops - however, they are made easier for boys than for girls. For the fairer sex, they are decorated richer, often - lush and multi-layered.

The difference between the Orthodox baptismal dress and the Catholic

In the West, to this day, christening gowns for both sexes are sewn as elegant and magnificent as possible. This does not interfere with the ceremony, first of all, because in the most massive confession of the Western world - Catholicism, it differs from the Orthodox: very rarely, individual clergymen plunge a baby into a font three times. Everywhere this moment is replaced by either wetting the head for boys, or simply sprinkling the crumbs with holy water. There is no chrismation in the rite, replaced by oiling only the baby's face, there is no communion. Until now, in almost all Western confessions, babies are baptized infrequently, as a rule, this occurs at the age of 7-12 years and the ceremony is complemented by a lighted candle, which is given to the child. In other words, the original ancient rite of baptism has been shortened and in fact modified almost beyond recognition.

The tradition of christening clothes for boys and girls

In a completely different way, as close as possible to the ancient, the rite of baptism takes place among the Orthodox. Our tradition strictly distinguishes christening gowns for boys and christening gowns for girls. Although both of those, and others, the sleeves and the shirt itself should not be too long to enable the priest to perform anointing. In addition, if the boys' head should be open during baptism, for girls a mandatory addition to the baptismal dress is a cap or kerchief.

How the baptismal gown was sewn

For male babies, the cut of the shirt itself and its length - just below the knees - in Russia is as close as possible to the garment in which ancient Christian babies were baptized. The shirt should be loose, with sleeves no higher than the elbow, it can be either swing-open with soft strings on the back - or worn over the head. If only it was comfortable for the baby. If fasteners are used instead of strings, the product is made lined so as not to scratch the delicate skin of the newborn. A baptismal shirt for girls is usually sewn a little longer, often on a yoke, and if it is fastened at the same time, they try to make them not only beautiful, but also in the front, the yoke itself must be lined.

If we are talking about the first-born in the family, the shirt must certainly be new, and the fabric from which it is sewn must be natural. The christening gown of an older baby is traditionally kept in Christian families and then younger children are baptized in it. However, you can only wash it before the next baptism.

Embroidery on the boy's christening shirt

Of course, in Russia, for a long time, baptismal clothes for babies were decorated: shirts for boys were finished with national ornaments, embroidered by hand, and Christian symbols. The most important of them is, of course, the Orthodox cross, also embroidered, symbolizing the Lord Himself, his torment and devotion to the baptized Christ. In wealthy families, pearls and other precious stones were added to jewelry, embroidery was done with gold or silver threads. At the request of the parents, lace was also added, as strings were used soft ribbons to match the embroidery, in which there was often also a floral ornament with obligatory roses: a rose is also a symbol, a symbol of the Most Holy Theotokos.
A very exquisite baptismal shirt of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, sewn from natural silk and richly decorated, has survived to this day. It is kept in the museum named after him.

Christening shirt decorations for girls

Of course, christening shirts for girls were decorated more abundantly and were certainly trimmed with lace, ribbons and rhinestones: if the family was not rich - with simple stones, if wealthy - with pearls and other precious and semi-precious stones. The obligatory symbol - just like the boys - was an Orthodox cross, embroidered with a rose. In this form, the tradition of christening gowns for babies has survived to this day.

As a symbol of the baby's purity and sinlessness, the baptismal shirt is put on him after the font, as soon as the godmother or godfather receives the newborn from it in the kryzhma.

The healing power of the baptismal garment

In Orthodox families, following an ancient tradition, christening gowns must be kept. Moreover, separately from the rest of the linen, in a special bag or purse, which are included in the complete baptismal set. You can put it in a box or decorative box. It is believed that if a baby is sick, for a speedy and complete recovery, he must be dressed in a baptismal shirt and, in addition to a diaper, covered with a canopy.

There is a lot of evidence that the baptismal gown has healing powers: even adult Christian believers often apply it to a sore spot to relieve difficult feelings. This is how our distant ancestors did - this is how it is done today.

Lyudmila Danilova

  • 03.08.2012

One of the most important moments in a person's life, his second, now spiritual birth. And every year more and more young parents baptize their babies, according to their faith and native Russian traditions.

According to church tenets, it is advisable to baptize a baby on the 40th day of age, however, more and more often young families postpone the sacrament of baptism a little so that the newborn will grow a little stronger and grow up - after all, in the first weeks he is so fragile! But in any case, it is recommended to baptize babies in the first year of life.

If you want to follow all the rules, then it is better to start preparing for baptism in advance. A very responsible and serious step is to choose the right godparents for the baby. Of course, there is no point in conducting a ceremony without faith and repentance, therefore baptized and believing people should be godparents. Godparents take upon themselves the obligation to help parents in everything related to the Christian upbringing of a child, pray for him, and mentor him spiritually. In general, for a boy it is enough to invite only a godfather, and for a girl only a godmother is needed, but by tradition both are invited. Before the ceremony, godparents need to go to church for confession, repentance and communion. At least one of the parents must know by heart the Symbol of Faith prayer, it is read during the ceremony.

For young parents, it will not be superfluous to first walk through the churches, listen to their feelings, talk with the priest, novices - they will help to understand the details and tell you exactly how the ceremony is carried out in this church. Each church carries out the rite of baptism in a slightly different way - it depends on the priest and the traditions of the temple, however, in Orthodoxy there are certain rigid canons. So, christening can be conditionally divided into three parts: the conversion of the holy father to the Lord (the child at this time is alternately in the arms of godparents and blood parents), anointing the baby and washing in the font. Then - final prayers, at the end of which your child will be reliably protected by the Lord and the guardian angel.

Parents should remember that christening is not a ten-minute act, but a solemn ceremony, consisting of many rules-rituals lasting about 40 minutes. And that is why the correct "outfit" of the baby is so important: a well-chosen set for baptism will allow your baby to withstand the entire responsible procedure without tears and whims.

Usually godparents buy an outfit for the sacrament, however, if you do not want "surprises", you can still control this moment yourself. Now more and more parents are turning their attention to special baptismal sets. For example, baptismal sets of the Choupette trademark absolutely correspond to all Orthodox canons, because the brand's specialists approached this issue very responsibly and consulted with representatives of the Orthodox Church. A christening outfit for a girl is a dress, complemented by such accessories as a hood (lace cap) and, if desired, a memorable handmade sachet, in which it is convenient to put an icon, a cross, and then store the first cut curl there. For a boy, you can choose a laconic and sophisticated shirt, if you wish, complementing it with a sachet. An important point: the boy's head, unlike the girl's, remains uncovered during baptism. According to Orthodox canons, it is customary to dress girls and boys in long, toe-length clothes of traditional white or light cream shades, decorated with embroidery, lace, satin and silk ribbons.

Many parents are concerned about the following question: how elegant a baptismal set should be. There can be only one answer: an atmosphere of divinity and purity is always appropriate in the church. It is worth starting from this when choosing a set for baptism. Earlier in Russia there was a tradition - to pass baptismal clothes by inheritance to their children, so the baptismal kits looked like a real family heirloom - truly, luxurious! There was exquisite lace, and silver embroidery, and precious stones ... In the modern world, christening dresses for boys and girls are not passed down from generation to generation, however, they remain no less elegant - after all, this is such an important moment in life! In a baptismal set for a girl, embroidery, lace, satin, and silk ribbons (only in a harmonious combination) will be appropriate, but an outfit for boys should look somewhat more restrained, but no less elegant.

It is very important that the entire set fully complies with the requirements for children's clothing: it was made of 100% natural, hypoallergenic materials that do not irritate the baby's skin, without rough seams and roughness. It is important to pay attention that the clothes are easy to put on and take off, otherwise a long untie-tying can ruin the solemnity of the moment and (more importantly!) The mood of the child. Clothes that need to be worn over the head are also extremely uncomfortable for the baby. Since the baptism rite lasts quite a long time, it is better to prepare for various surprises, your favorite toy will help distract the child in time, food, pacifier, changeable diapers - everything should be ready. You should be able to quickly dry and change your baby.

After the ceremony of anointing, the font follows, which symbolizes the cleansing of the baby, this moment, by the way, is one of the most solemn and important in the rite of baptism. After bathing, the baby is dressed in a white and always new baptismal shirt or baptismal towel. This is a sign of purity in front of heaven and the sight of God. Sometimes it happens that young parents buy bright clothes or a towel for christening so that the child looks more smart, but this is not true, according to church laws, only white and its shades, for example, cream, are the only correct ones. You should also not forget about a very important thing - a cross. It is better if the cross is made of lightweight material; it is better to put off the chain for small children for later. It is safer to use a ribbon or string made of natural material instead - it will not rub the delicate skin of the baby.

This question is asked by many parents who baptize their first child. The child is still so small that it is difficult to find something comfortable and, at the same time, warm, something that can be easily removed from the baby and put back on.

Things to consider when choosing clothes

During the sacrament, the priest will cut off a small tuft of the baby's hair; you need to be able to quickly remove the cap.

If baptism is performed with full immersion, then you will need to remove all clothes from the baby, and then, having taken him into a baptismal towel, quickly put on.

After baptism, chrismation will be performed on the baby: the priest will anoint the hands, legs, chest, forehead, nose, ears, eyes of the baby with the world, so you should not wrap yourself up too much after baptism: it is not over yet. After anointing and prayer, the myrrh is washed off with a special sponge: after that, you can already close the baby.

What clothes are suitable for baptism

For christening a baby, loose clothing is suitable that does not require much time to dress: a shirt with laces, a hat or cap with ties, pants without galoshes. Jumpsuits with buttons that have become familiar to parents are not suitable: it takes a lot of time to fasten and unfasten them, and besides, it is very difficult to fasten buttons when the baby is crying. To keep your baby cool, you can wrap him up in a swaddle or blanket.

Today you can choose special clothes for baby christening - a set for christening a boy or a girl. In the store on the site, the baptismal set for a boy consists of a baby's undershirt or a long dress, a diaper, a cap, booties and sometimes panties. A baptismal set for a girl includes a dress, booties, a cap or headband, and a diaper. All the clothes in the sets are very beautiful and comfortable, easy to put on and take off, made with love from natural materials.

When to dress a child in baptismal clothes

It is best to dress the child in a baptismal kit at home; you can put on a blouse, overalls, and a warm hat if necessary. Only the baptismal set and diaper can be left in the church and the baby can be wrapped in a blanket. In extreme cases, if it is very cold in the church, you can dress the child warmly, undress only for baptism, after immersion, change him into a baptismal gown or dress before chrismation, and wrap him in a blanket. After washing away the world, you can "warm up" again.

At the sacrament of baptism, the priest will say what he will do, make the necessary explanations and wait until you dress or undress the baby, so do not worry if you do not know something.

The baptism of an adult has a number of features, both spiritual and organizational.

The most important thing is that there should be an understanding of why Baptism is being accepted. Before the Sacrament, the passage of catechumens is obligatory. Moreover, it is not so much the godparents who should listen to them, but the baptized himself.

By the way, it is not necessary for an adult to look for godparents, because he does not need to vouch for him before the Lord, he himself understands the full responsibility that the life of a Christian implies. However, if there are church-going friends who will help to take the first steps in Orthodoxy, no one will object.

An adult must necessarily prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism: observe fasting for at least three days. This means, do not eat meat, dairy foods, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke. It is necessary to make peace with those with whom you had a quarrel. Try to refrain from recreational activities, married also from marriage relationships.

The baptized person needs to know the basic prayers: "Our Father", "Symbol of Faith", "Virgin Mary". The order of the Sacrament is also desirable in order to understand the meaning of what is happening.

Christening clothes for adults

If we talk about the "outer" part of Baptism, then for an adult you will need:

  • baptismal clothes (for men it is a long white shirt, for women a long white shirt and a scarf)
  • large (if Baptism by immersion) and / or small towel (for hair or if Baptism by drench)
  • spare underwear for baptism through immersion in the font
  • slippers, clean or new
  • cross on a long string

Let us draw your attention to the fact that in different churches there are different traditions of conducting the very ceremony of Baptism. For example, there is a practice when the baptized person immerses himself in the font immediately in the baptismal clothes. Then he can wipe himself off with a towel, throw a small sheet over his shoulders. Until the end of the Sacrament, a person does not change into ordinary clothes. (Alternatively, in this case, it is allowed to take another set of baptismal clothes with you in order to take off the wet and change into dry clothes. As a result, the person keeps both baptismal gowns as a "shrine" in which he was baptized).

In other churches, the baptized person is immersed in a font in linen, it is blocked by a screen. After a person leaves the font, he wipes himself off with a towel and puts on baptismal clothes. There are parishes in which baptism takes place through head-pouring. Therefore, you need to know in advance how the Baptism will be carried out in your church.

In any case, you will need baptismal clothing. It must be white. This is a symbol of purity, coming to the Lord and faith.

A large towel will also come in handy to dry off after the hot tub. And also small. It can be used by women with long hair to put it neatly over their shoulders without getting their clothes wet.

Do not forget that during Baptism a person must have “freely available” legs so that the priest can anoint them with holy oil, so the option with slippers is very convenient.

As for the pectoral cross, you can purchase it in advance. Not necessarily in this temple. You can go to any church shop or store. The main thing is that the cross is Orthodox. If it is not consecrated, inform the priest about it before Baptism. He will be able to consecrate him before the ceremony.

And yet the most important thing in preparing for the Baptism of an adult is the understanding that the Christian life after Baptism is just beginning for you!

Christening Shirts for Women

A woman in the temple should be with her head covered and without makeup: kissing a cross with lipstick on her lips is prohibited. Clothes should be modest, clean, tidy. After the font, you will need a baptismal shirt - an ankle-length shirt with sleeves below the elbow. In many temples, the immersion itself is carried out in it, so it is important to choose products from non-translucent fabric.

The shirts presented in our online store "Baptism" and the showroom in Moscow are always available in sizes from 38 to 56. For the font, we recommend choosing models from softened blended linen, which has good density, does not shine through, is pleasant to the body, allows the skin breathe freely.

The "Lily" shirt stands out among linen products. Inserts with floral lace on the sleeves and hem. The cutout on the chest is decorated with a white-peach ornament with lilies, and on the back there is an embroidered cross with curly lily flowers. You can choose a linen headscarf with lilies embroidered in the same range for the shirt.

A budget model made of coarse calico (100% servants) - shirt "Lyudmila". The design of the shirt is completely made in white: on the chest with an equilateral cross and floral ornaments. The hem of the sleeve and hem is decorated with openwork cotton lace. The color of the embroidery can be any, except for gold and silver, which must be additionally covered with a lining. When wet, the fabric shines through, so we recommend prying on underwear or a long T-shirt.

Men's Christening Shirts

In the temple, a man should dress modestly, adhering to a calm color scheme. T-shirts, shorts, tracksuits are not allowed. Traditionally, after the holy font, a man dresses in a long, loose-fitting white baptismal shirt.

We offer models made of natural linen and coarse calico (100% cotton). Fabrics absorb moisture well, are pleasant to the body, do not irritate the skin. Shirts are presented in sizes from 46 to 56. The service of tailoring products to order is also available, according to your individual parameters.

The "Vladimir" shirt is popular among linen models. On the chest is decorated with a pattern of grapevine, on the back there is a flourishing cross-vine. Color embroidery with a smooth viscose thread looks expressive and harmonious on a white canvas. In the set you can pick up the "Prosperous Cross" terry towel.

An economical version of coarse calico - a shirt "George". At the neck, it is decorated with Orthodox embroidery with a curling vine in beige and green tones. A cross entwined with a vine is embroidered on the back. Combines with a Twisted Cross Terry Towel. You can additionally embroider the name or date of christening on the towel under the cross.

The baptism of a baby is a very important stage not only in the life of the child himself, but also of his parents. Mom and Dad choose the godparents, the temple in which the sacrament will be performed, as well as the baptismal dress. By tradition, the choice of clothes for this event can be entrusted to the godmother or father.

A baptismal set for a girl must include a long shirt, an openwork cap or kerchief and a towel in which the child is wrapped after the font.

In today's article we will tell you about the features and types of christening shirts for girls. You will learn how to choose the right shirt depending on the age of the baby, as well as how and when to wear it.


In children's clothing stores and church shops, you will come across different options for children's christening gowns. They differ mainly in style, decor and gender.

Here are the most popular types of christening gowns for girls.

Straight baptismal shirt

The simplest and most popular option - this is how the shirts traditionally looked, in which children were baptized in Russia.

Christening shirt with skirt

The model with a gathered bottom, reminiscent of a fluffy skirt, looks very cute and gentle and is suitable even for the smallest princesses.

Christening shirt with ties or buttons

Models that can be easily put on and off without disturbing the baby are ideal for newborns, because they do not like clothes over their heads.

Christening shirt with hood

This model should be chosen if you are afraid of catching a cold to your baby after the hot tub. The hood will keep cool air and drafts out of your baby.

Christening shirt with embroidery

For a long time, clothes for special occasions have been decorated with embroidery, as this was the most affordable way to decorate. Today, shirts are most often embroidered with a cross, floral ornaments or the name of the child and the date of baptism.

Christening shirt with ruffles

Models decorated with lace and ruffles are often purchased not only for girls, but also for boys. Girls' shirts are usually more luxurious, while boy models are more concise.


If the mother or the future godmother of the girl is an experienced needlewoman, then the baby has the opportunity to receive as a gift a truly unique thing that no one else in the world has. A baptismal shirt knitted with your own hands will retain the warmth and love of the one who made it.

For knitting an openwork shirt, it is better to choose a crochet hook, not knitting needles, since it can be used to create more complex shapes and subtle patterns. You can come up with a shirt style yourself, or you can find a suitable pattern in knitting magazines.

Which pattern to choose depends only on the imagination and experience of the needlewoman herself. For example, christening gowns of sirloin knitting (mesh) with thematic drawings are quite popular; these can be angels, crosses and other Christian motives.

What should be the christening gown?

There are no strict requirements for the appearance of a christening shirt for a girl, as such. Today it is not even an obligatory element of christening. But, as a tribute to tradition, most parents prefer to baptize the youngest children in special shirts.

Traditionally, a baptismal shirt should be:

  1. Condition: Necessarily new - it is customary to store the baptismal shirt with great care throughout life; she is even credited with healing powers.
  2. Color: White, milky, ivory and other light shades. White is associated with spiritual purity and cleansing from sins.
  3. Length: Like any other clothing a woman (regardless of her age) comes to church in, the baptismal shirt should be long enough - not necessarily to the floor, but such that it covers the knees.
  4. In addition, a christening shirt should have sleeves, but the presence of embroidery and other decor is at your discretion.

For girls 2-4 years old

In the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to baptize a child on the 40th day after birth, but today few people follow this rule. Many parents postpone the ordinance until a later time so that the baby can retain memories of it.

At the age from 2 to 4 years old, the girl is unlikely to be able to realize the meaning of what is happening, but this is not at all a reason to postpone baptism for several more years.

The small sizes of christening gowns are in greatest demand, as older girls are often baptized in elegant white dresses.

If a non-newborn child is baptized, a lace scarf is selected for the shirt instead of a cap.

For girls 5-8 years old

Older girls can choose their own baptismal outfit if their parents correctly explain to them the meaning and significance of the sacrament. Sometimes it is difficult to find a christening gown of the right size, as stores buy more kits for newborns and very young children.

However, companies that manufacture baptismal accessories often provide a tailor-made service - you can order a shirt of any size not only for a child, but also for an adult.

Christening dresses are produced for girls of primary school age. They differ from shirts in a more complex cut, a fitted silhouette and rich decoration. But all the traditional elements of the baptismal shirt - color, length, sleeves - are preserved in such a dress.

Christening gown decoration

Christening gowns for boys and girls differ mainly in decor. As a rule, more attention is paid to decorating girls' models. It can be not only traditional embroidery and lace trimming.

Common ways to decorate christening gowns for girls include:

  • embroidery with metallized threads;
  • embroidery with satin ribbons;
  • openwork binding of the edges with threads;
  • trim with braid and ruffles.

When decorating a baptismal gown, you must observe the measure. Decorative items shouldn't be conspicuous, so try to stick to a discreet color scheme. White, gold, silver, pale pink - these colors are usually preferred when decorating a christening shirt for a girl.


When preparing a baby for baptism, you can get by with the purchase of only shirts, or you can buy a ready-made baptismal set, which includes everything that is useful during the sacrament, as well as souvenirs.

A baptismal kit may include:

  • kryzhma - this is the name of the diaper in which the child is wrapped after he is dipped into the font;
  • headdress - for very young children this is a cap, and for older girls - a scarf or an openwork cape on the head;
  • booties are optional, they can be replaced with simple socks, but things from one set will look much more beautiful;
  • bib - needed in order to preserve the original whiteness of the baptismal dress, preventing the appearance of various spots on it;
  • diaper panties - you don't need to wear anything over the diaper, however, many parents prefer to cover it with white panties for aesthetics;
  • hair pouch - it will store the locks cut during the sacrament.