Developmental activities with a child 2. Lesson “What objects float on water?” Game to develop memory and attention

The child turned 2 years old. What new skills and abilities can be developed in a child? How can we build educational games and activities with him in a new way?

A child development plan for 2 to 3 years will help you answer these questions. It contains the most relevant games and educational activities aimed at developing logic, mathematics, drawing, creativity, motor skills, speech development, musical and physical development and much more.

Autumn has come! The bright warm sun pleases us less and less, it rains more and more often. And how nature has changed!

Let's conduct a thematic lesson with the children on the theme "Autumn" - play autumn games and consolidate new "autumn" knowledge with the baby.

The autumn lesson is divided into three parts: first part, second part, .

One frosty morning, we came up with and conducted an interesting winter activity with our daughter, during which we had fun playing in the snow, drew winter landscapes, danced and quietly reinforced some important skills. Read on to learn how this happened...


Thematic week.

On "Play and grow up!" theme week starts for children from 2 to 3 years old, dedicated spring. For several days we will explore the warm spring sun with the kids, trees, leaves, buds, flowers, animals and birds in spring.

Of course, all this will take place in a very simplified form (after all, we will be playing in the spring with little two-year-old fidgets), but it will be fun and relaxed.

We invite you on a fun space journey for children aged 2 to 3 years. Astronauts, rockets, planets - if you use a little imagination, you will get an exciting and useful game!

Do you want to conduct educational activities with your child outside? Having fun playing during a summer walk? If yes, then this simple and interesting summary of a developmental activity while walking is for you!

Theme: "Sunshine" for children from 2 to 3 years old.

Let's walk and have fun outside!

Who among us girls did not dream of becoming a princess as a child? Let's make our childhood dreams come true by playing games with our children and turn into a queen and princess one day!

How to captivate a curious one-year-old toddler? Many mothers ask themselves this question, since combining activities with the baby and household chores is quite difficult. Moreover, after a year, the baby becomes more active, but he still lacks perseverance.

We offer you a list of exciting games that will help keep a 1-2 year old child busy for a while and at the same time develop his finger motor skills, attention, and sensory skills.

It is not difficult to captivate a baby under one year old; for this you will need a regular rattle, a rotating mobile or an educational mat.

But by the first round anniversary, children begin to actively explore the space: they either crawl quickly or take their first steps. It's no surprise that parents now need to come up with new ideas for activities with their little ones.

Let's look at two options: joint games with the mother and independent activity of the baby, when a woman needs to free up a little free time for herself and at the same time keep the child occupied with something.

We offer several interesting games for children from one to two years old.

What to do with a 1-2 year old child: joint games

The best partner for one-year-old children is his beloved mother.

At this age, the child is not yet attracted to the company of his peers, since neither he himself nor other children can yet come up with ideas for entertainment.

What games can parents offer their baby?

  1. Bubble. There is probably not a baby in the world who would not love to watch how water turns into multi-colored transparent balls. Children are interested in everything in this process: where do bubbles come from, how can they be blown out, why do they burst? The little one will definitely want to create soap bubbles herself, which is why this activity sometimes drags on until the solution in the jar runs out.
  2. Drawing. A 12-month-old child already paints with finger paints with obvious pleasure; by the age of two he can already cope with gouache and watercolor painting. The most important thing is to choose safe paint and create a workspace, and then watch how the baby mixes paints and makes handprints and fingerprints. By the way, rolls of old wallpaper will come in handy in this matter. They are much more economical than expensive albums.
  3. Modeling. You can sculpt from special salted dough or ordinary soft plasticine. Just don’t buy fragrant plastic mass, because the child will definitely want to try it. Show him the simplest exercises: roll a ball, a sausage, demonstrate how to make a flat cake. Don’t expect beautiful figures; at this age children are interested in studying the properties of materials. The advantage of such an activity is undeniable - the active development of fine motor skills!
  4. Role-playing games. A one and a half year old child is already showing genuine interest in role-playing games. At this moment, he imitates the actions of his parents, which he sees every day. Usual scenes: feed the doll, do exercises with her, swaddle her, rock her in a stroller, put her to sleep. And yet we can’t do it without my mother’s help. Closer to three years, the plots of games will become more complex, because imagination will be added to direct experience.
  5. Reading books. One-year-old children cannot yet comprehend long works with a plot, so leave fairy tales for later. One or two years is the age for reading poems and jokes. Typically, classical children's literature goes off with a bang: poems by A. Barto, K. Chukovsky, etc. By the way, take these works as a basis for children's mini-performances by purchasing a finger theater or making one from ordinary gloves.
  6. "Walking" games. Options for outdoor games are limited only by mom's imagination. You can play with other children on the playground by taking a ball with you outside. Feed the pigeons a piece of old loaf, thereby developing children's motor skills and observation skills. Swing on a swing, build a snow woman in winter, and collect bright leaves in autumn. In summer, the list of entertainment expands significantly.
  7. Outdoor games at home. It’s hard to imagine a normal day with your baby without these useful activities. You can’t sit a baby down at the table for several hours and expect him to draw, sculpt, or assemble something. If the baby walks confidently, play hide and seek, tag or tag with him. If he is just taking his first steps, just roll a ball on the floor or jump on a fitball.
  8. Cubes, nesting dolls, pyramids. Let your activities with your baby be not only fun, but also useful. To do this, it is not enough to buy educational toys; adults must get involved in games and teach the child to interact with objects. For children aged 1-2 years, cubes, pyramids, insert frames, sorters, large construction sets, and musical instruments are suitable.
  9. Games with cereals. Take a large basin with semolina, place a lot of “secrets” and “treasures” in it. These can include small toys, jar lids, and shaped pasta. By the way, you can draw unusual pictures with children’s fingers on pallets or on large dark dishes.
  10. Balloons. An amazingly fun activity to do with young children. You can draw funny faces on the ball with a felt-tip pen. The balloon can be inflated and released without tying the neck - joyful screams cannot be avoided. The little researcher will be interested for a long time in how such a small rag turns into a large and light ball.
  11. Housework. Sometimes you don’t need to come up with new activities for your child; it’s enough to just let him help you with the housework. For example, give your toddler a sponge and a damp cloth and show him how to wipe off the dust. Two-year-old children can already use a floor brush and wash dishes. Place your child on a small pedestal near the sink, lather the sponge and let him wash the plastic dishes.

What can you do with a one or two year old baby: independent games

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the concept of “independent games” is quite relative, since at this age the child cannot yet occupy himself. And it’s not safe to leave such a little toddler alone.

However, no one is stopping you from keeping your baby busy for a while to do household chores or take a break. What ideas will your child like?

  1. "Miracle box" In a regular box you need to put various trinkets and small things. The contents need to be updated regularly, and the box itself should not be kept in plain sight. Let her appearance be a surprise. Inside the “wonderful” box there may be parts from construction sets, small toys, bottles, packaging for vitamins, that is, everything that your imagination tells you. Be careful - do not put small parts that the baby could swallow.
  2. Fun with paper. Both at 12 months and at two years old, children are interested in paper products - they love to rustle paper, tear it into pieces, crush it and make balls out of it. The cheapest and safest option is playing with a roll of toilet paper. But you shouldn’t give glossy magazines and newspapers. Newspaper pages get dirty with printing ink, and magazine gloss has sharp edges that can hurt small fingers.
  3. A package of clothes. In a textile bag, put things that the baby has already outgrown, or clothes that are out of season. Little fashionistas and fashionistas are usually captivated by such wardrobe games for about 20-30 minutes. They love to stand in front of the mirror and try things on themselves. By the way, this way you can teach your baby to dress independently.
  4. Water activities. Fill a basin with not too much water, hand the baby a variety of rubber toys (ducks, bear cubs, boats), and let him play. Many children enjoy the completely innocent fun of slapping their palms on the surface of the water and watching the splashes. However, you should not allow your baby to play in the bathroom without your supervision. It is better to lay an oilcloth in the room and place a basin of water on it.
  5. Cartoons and educational presentations. Of course, it’s better to watch cartoons with your child, but if you need a break for 10-15 minutes, you can turn on a good animated film or an interesting presentation. However, you should not get carried away with this method; nothing can replace a child’s communication with adults and interaction with real objects.

Classes with a child of the third year of life have their own specifics:

  • providing more independence to the child;
  • respectful attitude towards the child, recognition of his right to his own choice;
  • tactful assistance and control over the child’s actions. Accustoming to order, discipline, cleanliness, high-quality performance of any activity.
- Exercises with matryoshka dolls.

For many children of the third year of life, exercises with a nesting doll are considered difficult to complete (their activity is chaotic: they grab one or another part, throw it, try to force a large nesting doll into a smaller one, etc.)

In this case, you should return to this exercise for children of the previous age period.

Be patient and proceed gradually, starting with a matryoshka doll with one liner. (Instead of nesting dolls, you can work with any objects of various sizes that can be placed one inside the other: pots with lids, jars, boxes, etc.)

It is very important that the child masters actions with objects that differ in size; from a psychological point of view, this indicates a good development of perception, enrichment of sensory experience, visual-motor coordination, increased muscle sensitivity of fine motor skills, etc.

- Exercises with boards.
The already familiar game material in the form of boards with slots is becoming more and more complex.

For a child of the third year of life, a board with two specified sensory properties - size and shape - out of four possible (large and small circles, large and small squares) is used.

First, have your child cover one board correctly with the cut out figures. If the child easily copes with this task, invite him to do the exercise with two boards (in this case, the two boards are simply attached to each other).
If this task is successfully completed, offer your child other types of boards.

- Color discrimination exercise (if your child is color blind).

Introduce the names of colors into your child’s conversation and play, but not as pressure: “Tell me, what color is this?” It’s better to suggest: “I’m building a red tower. Find me another red cube. Like this,” and show the red cube. Or: "I think it's a green cube."
When will a child respond with interest to a question like “Where are the red blocks?” or “What color is your blouse?”, this will mean that in his mind the word denoting color has been connected with the visual image.

Use any everyday situation to once again reinforce your child’s understanding of the color characteristics of objects. Ask your child what color apple to give him - green or red, what color bow should we tie today? And

- Color discrimination exercise .

If the child has mastered the primary colors (red, blue, green, yellow), offer him an exercise with objects of eight colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, white).

If your child has difficulty distinguishing colors, introduce new colors gradually.
For example, you scatter cubes of different colors on the table and ask the child to sort these cubes by color: put all the red ones in one box, all the blue ones in another, etc.

You should not require your child to remember the names of colors, the main thing is that he correctly arranges the cubes by color.

Prompt your child if he makes a mistake: “No, this is not a red cube, but an orange one, let’s put it in another box.”

To make it easier for your child to navigate colors at first, place one cube in each box and say: “Put the same cubes as this one in this box.”

- Exercise to distinguish colors (drawing with pencils and paints of different colors).

Offer your child paper and colored pencils: “Let’s draw a tree and color in the leaves with a green pencil, color the sun with an orange pencil, the sky with blue, the car with red,” etc.

The same thing applies to paints (gouache is used).

Encourage your child to choose their own colors to paint familiar objects.

First, teach your child how to hold a pencil and brush correctly. Take your child's hand with a pencil or dry brush and make several strokes of coloring with the pencil or brush. Then dip your brush into the paint and paint something together.

If your child is having difficulty, start with easier tasks. For example, paint over only the leaves on a tree, or draw only the sun.
Allow the child to independently choose the subject of drawing according to a preliminary plan.

- Exercises with beads.

Choose colorful beads and cords. Secure one end of the cord with a knot so that the beads do not fall off.

Teach your child to string beads on a cord. Offer to make beads of the same color for the corresponding dress, blouse, bow, etc.
Ask the child: “What color is this dress, what beads will go with this dress?”

- Stringing beads of different sizes.

A set of 10 beads is used: 5 pieces with a diameter of 2 cm and 5 pieces with a diameter of 1 cm, cords or fishing line.

Invite your child to string the beads one by one: large, small, etc. Help your child string the beads, secure them, and alternate them correctly. Repeat verbally the order of alternation: “First big, then small, again big and small.”

- Stringing beads of different shapes.

Beads of different shapes (round, cubic, oval, etc.), but identical in size and color, are strung on a fishing line in different sequences, alternating in shape.
Fix the child's attention on the fact that the beads alternate: ball, cube, ball, cube.

- Stringing beads of different colors.

First, offer your child beads of the same shape, size and two colors.
Invite your child to string the beads one by one (red, green, red, green, etc.).
Next, offer beads in other color combinations.

In addition to the main focus of exercises with beads (the ability to distinguish colors, shape, size of objects, alternate them by quality), these exercises perfectly develop fine motor skills of the fingers (precision and coordination of movements), eye, perseverance, diligence, aesthetic perception and more.

- Exercise to develop correct pronunciation of sounds. The "make-believe error" method.

If, for example, a child says “t” instead of “k,” select several pictures or objects that begin with “k.” Take a doll or show it in a picture. With a smile, ask the child: “Is this a book?” and shake your head so that the child understands the game (the substitute sound should not be the one the child uses). Then reproduce the child's mistake: "Is this a tutla?" Finally ask: “Is this a doll?” At the same time, a nod and a smile will tell the baby that this sound is correct. As soon as the child grasps the idea of ​​the game, do not prompt him and watch how he independently determines the correct sound. For example, ask: “Is this a tashka? No? So, a cup? Also no? Maybe a porridge?” Wait for the answer “yes” and confirm: “Yes, it’s porridge.”

Use short poems with specially selected rhymes to develop your child’s sound pronunciation and speech in general. (An excellent book published by the speech therapist of the Health Center, L. G. Paramonova, “Poems for Speech Development.” St. Petersburg, 1998)

- Ball games to develop motor skills (dexterity, coordination, speed), eye, emotional sphere (the ability to lose, obey the rules).

Invite your child to play with the ball:

  • Throw the ball up and catch it with both hands.
  • Hit the ball on the floor so that it bounces higher.
  • Kick the ball and see who will roll the farthest.
  • Throw the ball to each other and catch it.
  • Hit the ball into the box, gradually increasing the distance (with both hands, right hand, then left).
  • Gently roll the ball forward, and the child should overtake it.
  • Roll the ball so that it hits between the legs of the chair (with two hands, right hand, left hand, legs - one, then the other).
- Exercise "Jump from a height."

Place your child on a low bench and teach him to jump onto the floor. At first, support him by saying: “Bend your legs, push off, straightening your legs, and jump down.” Praise the child: “Well done, how clever you are!”

Read the poem:

The owner abandoned the bunny,
A bunny was left in the rain.
I couldn't get off the bench,
I was completely wet.
(A. Barto)

- Jumping exercise.

Stretch a string with candies, toys or other objects strung on it so that the child can reach them by jumping on two legs and grabbing the object with his hand.

- Exercise with a rope.

Lay out the rope on the floor. Ask your child to walk exactly along this rope. First, the child walks along a straight rope, then along a winding one.

- Game "Guess who's coming."

After visiting the zoo, circus, or looking at books with pictures of animals, play a game with your child in which you need to depict the habits of animals.

For example, like this: “Here comes a bear, he walks slowly, heavily, that’s how a tambourine sounds.” Knock the tambourine slowly, and the child imitates how a bear walks.

“And this is how the sparrow jumps, quickly, quickly, just as a tambourine is about to sound.”
Quickly knock on the tambourine, and the child jumps like a sparrow.

Collect animal toys whose voices you can imitate.
Offer your child the game “Guess who came to visit you.”

Hiding, you raise your voice: “Aw-aw-aw! Guess, Mashenka, who came to you?” If the child does not name, say yourself: “This dog came to Mashenka,” show and give the dog to the child. Continue the game, change roles with the child.

- Exercises for attention and memory “What’s missing on the table?”

Place 5-6 toys on the table, ask the child to look carefully at these toys.

If the child copes with this task, increase the number of toys.
Then switch roles - now the child hides the toy, and you guess.
Play the same game with the addition of toys: “Look, Vanechka, carefully, what appeared on the table, what toy?”

Just like in the previous game, place 5-6 toys on the table. The child carefully looks at what toys are on the table and how they are located. Then, when the child turns away, change something, for example, the bunny is now sitting in the car. The child guesses what has changed, what is different from what it was.

As your child understands the meaning of this game, complicate the task.

Give your child the following task: “Look at me carefully, remember everything about my clothes, then I will leave the room, and when I enter, you must guess what has changed.”

Leave the room and, for example, put on a hat and enter the room. The child looks at you and sees that a hat has appeared that was not there before. You praise the child and the game continues.

Gradually complicate the task, change roles.

- Game "Hide the balls."

Place three containers of different sizes (with lids) on the table and place three balls of also different sizes.

Ask your child to hide a large ball in a large jar, a medium ball in a medium one, and a small ball in a small one.

Then you need to close each jar with a lid of the appropriate size.
After this, remove the balls from the jars and put the jars inside each other (hide all the jars in one large one).

- Exercises with cut pictures.

Take a picture with an object well known to the child drawn on it.
Cut this picture into two parts and ask the child to connect these parts together and guess what kind of object it is.

If the child does not succeed in this task, prepare two identical object pictures, one of which is cut into two parts.

Give the child a cut picture, show him the whole one and say: “Look at this picture, there is a ball on it; put the two parts together so that you get the same picture, with a ball.”

- Exercises for fine motor skills and creativity.

- "Drawing". Draw with your child as often as possible. Teach him to draw a house, a man, a car, a train, etc.

- “Drawing balls.”

Read a poem by V. Antonova to your child:

Balls, balls
Gave it to us!
Red, blue
Give it to the kids!
Balls raised
We're over our heads.
The balls danced -
Red, blue!

Give your child a piece of paper and colored pencils. Ask him to draw these balls and paint them in different colors. Remind your child: “The balls fly high up, in different directions.”

We paint with paints.

On a piece of paper, draw Christmas trees and grass. Give your child this drawing, let him paint strokes (traces) of fairy-tale characters, for example, from the fairy tale “The Little Goats and the Wolf.”

Tell your child this fairy tale. Show how you can depict the tracks of a wolf: “This is how a wolf walks through the forest. He is angry and hungry.”

“What song did the goat sing to her kids?” Ask the child. “When the goat saved all the kids, they were happy and began to jump merrily. Show how the kids jumped.” Help your child draw these marks.

- "Modeling."

Tear off a small piece of plasticine and show your child how to make a ball, stick, circle, etc. out of it. Try to instill in your child an interest in modeling: this is very important for his development.

Invite your child to make fungi from plasticine:
“We’ll go into the woods, we’ll find a fungus.
But there are no mushrooms. They need to be molded from plasticine." Help the child.

“Now let’s make a lot of pies and buns for the cat,” you say, reading the nursery rhyme:

The cat went to Torzhok,
The cat bought a pie
The cat went to the street,
The cat bought a bun.

Do you have it yourself?
Or demolish Anechka?
I'll bite myself
Yes, I’ll take it to Anechka too.

“The cat ate it and is thinking,” you say, “what am I going to treat the kids with? Let’s help him and bake a lot of pies and buns.”

- "Cutting out".
Buy your child small scissors with rounded ends. Show how to use scissors. Grasp your child's hand and help him cut something out. For starters, it could be just strips of paper.

- Game "Guess the word."

When you ask your child riddles, he must guess and name the missing word.

Don't be afraid - it's a goose
I myself... (I'm afraid)

I sewed a shirt for Mishka,
I'll sew him... (pants)

Who alone has a horn?
This is fat...(rhino)

My sock is missing
He was dragged away... (puppy)

Oranges and bananas
They love it very much... (monkeys)

Instead of a nose - a snout,
Instead of a tail there is a hook.
My voice is shrill and ringing,
I'm cheerful... (pig)

Tick-tweet! Don't be timid!
I'm experienced... (sparrow)

Yikes! - the child screams,
- So this is... (foal)

He purrs and sings
Did you guess it? It's a cat)

He slept in a den during the winter,
I sucked a brown paw,
And he woke up and began to cry.
And his name is... (bear)

I get up at dawn
I'll wake up everyone in the yard.
I have a comb
Who am I? .. (cockerel)

He's like a huge mountain -
Very kind,
kind... (elephant)

Did you feed the birds in winter -
Pigeons, crows, tits?
Don't waste a minute:
They winter under the bridge... (ducks)

He loves to bask in the sun,
Dress in stripes
And it tastes like sugar
And his name is... (watermelon)

Now, it turns out that the age from 2 years is next, so this article will discuss it.

In my opinion, this age is very interesting, games with a child reach a completely new level. If we talk about Taisiya, then at the age of 2 her perseverance somehow sharply increased, she became able to do more painstaking work, and also developed a huge passion for construction and creation (blocks became her favorite toy). Therefore, at this time, many new activities appeared in our “game repertoire”, which will be discussed in this article. Or rather, only the first half of the games is presented here, but here is the second:

So, what can you play with a 2-year-old child (most of these games can be made at home with your own hands):

It is useful to constantly teach your baby new skills, new movements of hands and fingers. This has a beneficial effect on the child’s speech formation, and on development in general. So, for example, earlier in our games we paid special attention to, etc. Now is the time to master another new action - winding a thread. Winder games are designed to teach your baby to better coordinate the movements of both hands.

During this game, the child learns to wrap a rope or ribbon around a stick or ball. Generally speaking, winding on a stick is much easier, so it’s better to start with it. A drumstick, pencil, or even a stick from the street will do. You need to tie a small piece of string, thick yarn or ribbon to it.

To increase the child's interest in playing, you can attach a small soft toy to the end of the tape. With each new turn, the toy will crawl closer and closer to the baby. It is very exciting!

Taisiya loved this activity very much, she could toss and toss for a long time, and this despite the fact that at first I didn’t even think of the idea of ​​tying a toy at the end. I notice such enthusiasm in my daughter every time she masters some new practical skill. As if he feels that he will need it in life

2. Making soap foam

Prepare a whisk for the game. Then, together with your child, pour water into a bowl and add a little shampoo. Show your baby how to get a rich foam by whisking vigorously. Usually kids are simply fascinated by this educational game, it’s almost like a magic trick - water turns into foam

Having played enough with the whisk, my daughter and I usually start blowing soap bubbles through a straw. Usually, for the first time, it is difficult for babies to understand that they should not drink water through a straw, but rather blow it out, so if you have never tried to create a storm in a glass before, first experiment with ordinary water and make sure that the baby does not drink the water. And only then move on to playing with soapy water. In this case, the bubbles are even more spectacular than with a whisk.

3. Playing with sensory boxes

4. Learning to organize objects, focusing on color and size at the same time

My daughter and I often included games with clothespins and tweezers in our games. So, for example, during our tea parties with toys, along with other plastic food - cakes and vegetables - we used pieces of foam rubber as cookies, and beads as candies. Naturally, we laid out food for everyone depending on everyone’s color preferences (Bear only likes red candies, and the bunny only likes blue ones, etc.).

Tweezers can be used either regular or special children's. It's bigger, they won't be able to transfer beads, but they'll fit well with it fruits from the same company. Learning Resources has other fun tools for improving fine motor skills, For example.

Needless to say, games with clothespins and tweezers wonderfully develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, and hone tool skills.

7. Finding objects in the bag by touch

Take several small objects that vary in shape and texture. For example, you can take a pine cone, a ping-pong ball, Kinder Surprise toys, a hard metal sponge, a spool of thread, etc. You can even use real fruits and vegetables! (But you shouldn’t take too many items at once! For the first time, 5-6 pieces are enough) Together with your baby, put all the items in an opaque bag, carefully examining and feeling everything. Then agree that you will guess the items in the bag without looking into it. The game options are as follows (in order of increasing difficulty):

  • we pick up the first object we come across and, without taking it out of the bag, guess what it is;
  • We show the child a similar object and ask “Find the same one in the bag”;
  • without looking, we look for a specific object in the bag (for example, a cone);
  • We give tasks like “Find something round/rough/small in the bag.”

To complicate the game, you can add geometric shapes to the bag, for example, Dienesha blocks (Ozon, KoroBoom), and try to guess them by touch.

For a variety of tactile sensations, as well as to enrich knowledge about the world around us, it is interesting to play with nuts. To do this, buy 4-5 types of nuts in shell (5 pieces of each type). We played with walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, and peanuts.

What can you do with them? Firstly, nuts can also be used in, giving toys nuts, while pronouncing and remembering their names.

Secondly, you can sort nuts by type, again repeating the names (Katya the doll loves walnuts, and Olya loves peanuts).

Thirdly, you can put the nuts in a small opaque bag and remove them from the bag by touch, as in the previous game.

9. Playing with a knocker

There are two types of knockers on sale. Knockers with balls (KoroBoom, My-shop), as a rule, do not require significant effort from the child; it is enough to hit the ball once for it to fall through. You can introduce this educational toy to your baby as early as one year of age.

Knockers with nails (Ozon, My-shop, Babadu) require much more clarity of movements, endurance, and concentration from the child, because in order to hammer a nail, you need to hit it repeatedly. And the carnations no longer move out of place as easily as the balls. Therefore, if you have not yet tried to play with such a knocker, then be sure to try it, your child will find it interesting.

Taisiya and I liked to hammer in nails in turns: one for her, one for me, etc.

10. Assemble the matryoshka doll by matching the pattern on its parts.

The usefulness of this time-tested toy can hardly be overestimated; it combines a whole range of logical and motor games: the child learns to identify parts that are suitable in size, rank them by size, learns to open and close matryoshka (Labyrinth, My-shop, Daughters & sons).

If the baby is already well accustomed to selecting halves by size, then it’s time to draw his attention to the pattern on the nesting doll outfit and explain that the pattern on the two halves does not always match. Teach your child to combine the pattern on the matryoshka doll by rotating the halves.

Naturally, depending on the design on the matryoshka doll, this task may vary in complexity. Some drawings are not too clear for a child. In addition, many nesting dolls are very difficult to turn, and in this case the task of selecting a pattern becomes beyond the capabilities of the baby. Therefore, if you do not yet have a nesting doll, consider these factors when purchasing.

11. We assemble puzzles from 4-20 parts

And, of course, don’t forget about puzzles (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop). All children develop differently, some show great interest in puzzles and can spend a long time putting together pictures from a considerable number of parts, while others don’t really want to assemble even 4 parts. Focus on the child and give him a feasible task, don’t overdo it.

As for Taisiya, at this age she collected puzzles from 4-12 parts (with my help). It must be said that by the age of 2, her interest in puzzles had faded significantly compared to the passion that she had at 1.5 years.

That's all for now. Be sure to read the continuation:

The day has passed when you and your baby blew out two candles on his birthday cake. This is no longer the helpless little lump that you saw at the moment of birth. Your child has grown, learned a lot, and has developed emotionally, psychologically and physically. What has he managed to achieve? Firstly, his vocabulary has been significantly enriched. He learned 100-200 new words. The child can communicate in simple sentences using adjectives (usually by 2.5 years and later).

The baby is emotionally balanced and usually in a good mood. It will not be difficult for him to go up or down the stairs. He runs briskly, jumps, and steps over obstacles. The child correctly folds a pyramid of 4-5 rings, begins to distinguish objects by their quality - cold, hot, heavy, soft. Can partially remove clothing, such as socks or tights, independently and can get dressed with adult support.

Child care at 2 years old

While caring for the baby, parents monitor his health, safety, develop him, and provide comfort. They continue to develop the child’s cultural and hygienic skills. He increasingly has to drink from a cup himself, eat with a spoon, and ask to go potty. By the age of two, you need to completely move away from diapers or leave them only for extreme cases - a trip to visit, a long move or a walk in the cold season.

The baby already knows that after going outside, as well as before eating, you need to wash your hands. While eating, you should explain to your child the rules for being at the table - that you cannot wave your arms, spill the contents of the plate, you need to be careful. It is still uncomfortable for him to be at a common table, so eating should take place in a special place - at a children's table or chair.

Nutrition for a 2 year old child

By the age of two, the child’s body, all its organs, including digestion, undergo a number of changes. The function of the digestive system, liver, spleen, and pancreas is improved. The intestinal microflora is stabilized, which helps decompose fiber and synthesize useful elements and vitamins. Therefore, new dishes and products are introduced into the diet - vegetable salads, carrots, beets, legumes, cabbage soup, borscht in meat broth. The child gains additional baby teeth and is now able to chew food well. Therefore, there is no need to grind it. Boil it well enough, you can mash it further with a fork. No matter how much you would like to pamper your baby, it is still too early to introduce foods such as sausage, smoked meats, chocolate, cakes, and baked goods into the diet at two years of age. You should limit yourself to caramel, marshmallows, and marshmallows.

2 year old child's daily routine

The routine of children attending nurseries and those at home may differ in their wake-up time and bedtime. Typically, children at home go to bed later and get up later. Otherwise, their daily routine is similar. The baby's daily diet is divided into four feedings, spaced at intervals of about four hours. If your child has a good appetite, you can leave him the fifth feeding in the form of a second breakfast or a night owl (meal 1-1.5 before bedtime). A child needs two walks in the fresh air and two naps during the day. Gradually, you can try to switch him to one nap during the day. If he has become lethargic, capricious, or has a decreased appetite, the baby should be returned to his usual routine. After a nap, you can introduce water procedures - pouring cool water on your feet or wiping your body with a damp towel. This will make the baby’s body more hardened and resistant to colds.

Activities with a 2 year old child

At two years old, the child masters more and more surrounding space. He is interested in absolutely everything. Be sure to talk to him, explain, don’t brush him off, answer every question he has. You can take it for a walk in the park, watch butterflies and bugs fly, birds sing, flowers grow, and show how beautiful it is. By doing this you develop aesthetic qualities in him. In the fall, pay attention to how the leaves change color and why they fall off. Little children love to collect chestnuts or acorns, so don’t deny them this pleasure.

Be sure to buy your child puzzles and a construction set with bright, large pieces, and tell him how to assemble the picture. You can purchase alphabet cubes or numbers and letters on magnets to start getting acquainted with them and gradually memorize them. Watch your child’s reaction so that he is interested himself. Usually he cannot be taken away from an exciting activity. Don't force him to do anything. If a child doesn’t want something or is capricious, it means he has not yet matured emotionally and psychologically. Better wait a couple of months for him to grow up.

At two years old, you can begin to learn to distinguish and remember colors in a playful way. It is necessary to choose toys of different colors, for example, yellow, red, green - plastic bears, bunnies, little mice. And prepare squares or rectangles of the same colors (pre-cut from paper). First, play briefly with one toy, naming its color, then with another. Then, together with the baby, try to find its own house for each toy, i.e. the same color as the toy. At first, the child will be confused, but then he will accurately identify colors and pronounce their names. When the child has completely mastered some colors, they gradually move on to familiarize themselves with others.

Kids love to listen to fairy tales; you will have to tell or reread them many times. Be patient. Fairy tales and books teach a child to be kind, brave, fair - they show this with examples accessible to his understanding. Let your baby relive the exciting moment again and again, feeling sorry for the offended bunny or mouse, or rejoicing that you managed to drive away the cunning fox or defeat the evil wolf.

So that the child does not distort words and learns to speak correctly, you can teach him and repeat simple sentences. First you need to learn them, speak them slowly, then gradually speed up the pace. You can start with the simplest ones, for example, “os-os-os - there is a coconut on the table”, “as-as-as - sweet pineapple”. Then make it a little more complicated: “Mow, mow, while there’s dew. Down with the dew and we’re home”, “The wasp doesn’t have a mustache, not a mustache, but antennae.” More complex versions contain sounds that are difficult to pronounce - “zh”, “sh”, “r”, “ch”. For example, “ro-ro-ro – there’s a bucket on the floor” or “the hedgehog needs a beetle for dinner.”

To develop auditory perception, you can play this game with your baby. Take 6 or 8 empty yellow containers from Kinder Surprises or matchboxes. Boxes can be covered with plain colored paper. Make 3 or 4 pairs, pouring an equal amount of different bulk substances into each pair so that the sound matches. For example, buckwheat, sugar, beans or beads. Give one such set (3-4 containers) to your child, and keep the other for yourself. The adult takes any box, shakes it, and the child must shake all his containers to choose the correct box that sounds similar.

Games and toys for children aged 2 years

At this age, the child not only wants to play with toys, but also take an active part in “adult” life. Therefore, he can be given a little freedom of action. Allow to rearrange chairs, rearrange books on the shelf, clean up the closet. You can even leave him alone in the room for a while. Not forgetting to ensure safety: hide all dangerous objects, matches, needles, medicines if they are located within reach.

At two years old, the child is quite assiduous. Without getting particularly tired, he can do one thing for half an hour. Therefore, he will have a lot of fun if you give him a felt-tip pen or pencil and let him draw. You can show him how to draw the simplest shapes, circles and squiggles. First, help with your hand, and then give him the opportunity to remove them on his own. Kids love finger paints; painting with them is easy and fun. But at two years old you can try giving him a brush. Let your child move it over the paper, mixing colors and enjoying the process. Gradually he will begin to draw quite meaningful “pictures”.

To entertain your baby, you can make the simplest applications. Cut out different shapes from paper. Then soak them in a basin of water and stick them on the door or tiled wall. The baby can do these activities independently, and you will have free time for your own affairs. If you are preparing lunch in the kitchen, sit your child next to him so that he is in front of you, and at the same time “on task”, without distracting you.

Medical supervision at 2 years

At two years old, the baby is already strong and does not require such close medical supervision as in the first year of life. He visits the local pediatrician as needed so that the mother can get the necessary advice during illness or before prescribing vaccinations. If the baby attends a nursery, medical observation is carried out directly on site, in the kindergarten. According to indications, examinations may be prescribed by specialized specialists - a psychologist, speech therapist, phthisiatrician, endocrinologist, etc. Once a year, children need to undergo mandatory medical examination by an otolaryngologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, neurologist and therapist. And also do the necessary vaccinations and revaccinations on time.

Two years is the age of a child when his development occurs at an accelerated pace. He changes and matures almost before our eyes. Don't miss this moment. Play with your baby, read books, talk, teach new words, let's listen to music. Do not be afraid to overload your child; at this time there is not much information for him. The main thing is that your activities with him should be a joy and a pleasure for him; present them in the form of a game. Make sure he gets enough rest and don't forget about naps during the day. You can begin to involve your child in helping with household chores that are feasible for him. For example, wipe the dust, feed the parrot or cat, collect crumbs from the table. Even if at this stage he doesn’t succeed in everything and you will have to redo a lot for him, the main thing is to instill in him a love of work and give him a little more positive emotions. After all, he loves helping adults so much, feeling like he is big. Even if he spilled or scattered something while cleaning, do not scold him, encourage him and praise him for his efforts. In general, you shouldn’t scold him if something doesn’t work out for him (in a game or training), so as not to intimidate him or discourage him.